When will you guys understand that all sins are forgiven if you accept Christ into your heart? Fags, trannies...

When will you guys understand that all sins are forgiven if you accept Christ into your heart? Fags, trannies, murderers, those of different faith... They are all sins, but Jesus taught to forgive your brothers and sisters. Being a devout Christian all my life, I don't see how anyone can interpret the Bible so wrong.

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because they arent christian and hate jesus

where is the word faggot or homosexual in bible and when was the former coined? in 1880. cross dressing is in there but fully transitioning is fine. no male nor female in Christ. comparing us to murderers. how original. what it actually says was those were reptile worshippers and pagan temple prostitutes

Paganism, ftw amerifags

46 here
2 kids
130k job.

Have it all.

Empty as the exxon valdez after accident inside.

Raised Catholic but makes ZERO sense to me.

We all just die and Jesus was a narcissistic David Koresh like man. Meant well but simply a man.

It depends on who you're talking to. one of the biggest problems with this LGBT movement is that it seems like all of them denounce God. But if you are one of the few that go to church, and study his good name, you will be forgiven like all others.

Okay, so I forgive them? What now? Does your private interpretation of the Bible, one among 500 million other private interpretations give you an answer for that?

Yes, actually. You don't have to do anything else after that. Do not hate them, or ridicule them for you are only making the world a worse place. You will be accepted by God and go go heaven.

It's 2018, people!

Time to wake up and realise that (((Jesus))) wasn't even a real person

Where is the evidence for this claim?

Jesus will forgive ANYTHING as long as you keep constantly telling him over and over and over how awesome he is!


The Apostle Paul never mentions Jesus' life and, in fact, tells us everything he knows about Jesus comes from dreams

That's the only 1st-century evidence which has survived


Is it a sin if the penis is feminine?

Well, no, I still have to live. I still have to vote on policies for my government. I still have to decide who I associate with. I still have to decide what I buy, where I go on vacation. I still have to make decision about who I will pursue for marriage, and what a marriage should look like.

Simply saying: "Forgive trannies for raping and mutilating little kids" doesn't cut it. Okay, I forgive them (not me they have to worry about) but that doesn't solve the problem of them raping and mutilating children.


This is a fact.
Purposefully deceiving people is the act of the devil.

nice arguments. you fucken deceive people you freudian shit. frogger bitch

So why do no reputable scholars agree with your theory here?

It does not matter if he physically existed, it is the thought and act that counts to bring peace to the world.
While you are correct, forgive them, but do not go out of your way to cause harm to them or insult them. You will be fine

"My" theory? What do you mean, "my" theory?

I don't have any theories of my own. If the Apostle Paul says Jesus was an imaginary man, then that's good enough for me.

>Hi, I'm female, would you like to come home and reproduce with me and start family?
>Hi, I'm male, sure thing.
>both goes to same house
>"Wait," "I have to show you something"
>*takes off pants*
>*fully functioning 8 inch cock swings*
>"This is me."
>*expects "You're beautiful" while we ~~have sex~~*
It's also called Gluttony, or hedonism. Among other things. Object worship. Also sex is only for reproducing. You're a fraud and we know you are lying.

Don't atheshits realize you discredit yourselves with this absurd assertion? No serious secular historians doubt the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth. His existence is as well evidenced and attested to as any notable figure of antiquity (caesar, homer, socrates, etc)

>His existence is as well evidenced and attested to as any notable figure of antiquity (caesar, homer, socrates, etc)

Uh - dude, you know that NOTHING is known about the life of Socrates, right?

You know that Homer isn't a real person either, right?

Maybe god will forgive everyone
But that schould not hold us from sending the degenerates to him as quick as possible

>dont eat this
>calls it an apple
>woman immediately eats it and dies; covers tits; womb cursed
none of this is in heaven. eve started as a help meet and then became a wife after serpent seed happened. Christ spoke of born eunuchs. youre anachronistic and tack on modern jewry into the bible. reproduction was what caused the fall of man. God creates with His voice. marriages are fine. king david was bi. but it's a temporary and secular fix for its own corruption and you corrupted even the ceremonies. this is a frogger board for antichrists. what you previously called "homos". i said that FULLY transitioning was fine. so i dont even know where youre coming from. just typing out fantasies. adam and eve created all deaths and all sins and you made cross dressers. nobody else. it wouldnt make economic sense. we help you get gash. it's genetic. we out breed you. woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns. hagar used a turkey baster pretty much. just like ronaldo. but you still talk like a jew from 1880. the english kings who were gay or bi were killed and then immediately came the black death. Christ had nothing to do with pussies. there were lots of based and anti semitic homos in history

that's not your job faggy israel creator

But that isn't what Paul said.

You shut your goddamn mouth.

how could you even have read all that by this time. you just meme. why would you do anything else. you dont even have a face. youre a shunning sodomite right wing greedy bastard who knows nothing. just bottles his queefs all day



>Uh - dude, you know that NOTHING is known about the life of Socrates, right?
wtf are you talking about?

Tacitus, and Flavius Josephus.

I heard Jesus has a huge cock

Unlike you, I am a real woman. Not filthy whore tier trash filled to the brim with gluttony and gay diseases. What trannies do is the equivalent of murder and rape and soddomy, you will burn in hell. Get the hell off this thread, you are preventing good people from commenting with your devil worship and vialness.

get out whore youre not allowed to preach

"Everything I know about a man comes from dreams" is exactly the same as saying "this man exists only in my imagination", a

It's time to take the red pill. There probably wasn't a living Jesus and, even if there was, we know nothing of His life and teachings, and neither did the various messianic sects which gradually morphed into Christianity

Satan is a net good.

You're only living for pleasure, pervert. We know what you are, pedophile. Most of us are living to survive, not to cut off genitals, faggot.

Fuck off, Jew

>yes goy the only way to salvation is to submit your soul to YHWH in exchange for his wife's son sacrifice via blood ritual by the jews

theyre not cut off. all male mammals started as girls. i used scriptures. youre rolling around on the floor and cursing men. youre grimy. you a circumcision advocate you jewess? what's the difference. imma speak to what i know. your misapplication of homosex stuff. not the trannies you made with your original degeneracy and cowardice. bake us pies woman

>Tacitus, and Flavius Josephus.

Tacitus doesn't even mention Jesus. Have you even read him?

Josephus doesn't mention Jesus either. The two Jesus passages are missing in manuscripts before the 4th century.

Presumably you haven't read Josephus, either, or you would already know that.



Was literally baptized yesterday at church. Didn't feel anything special, was very underwhelming. In fact it was in a bathtub behind a curtain up behind the alter. It was so weird.


Jews are still jews even if they sin

I think the lesson of soddom and gomorrah is pretty clear. Rained fire on the homos. Not sure how you reinterpret that..

hi fags grab my jewvankas

pagan temple whores

Guess you weren't really saved muh nigga see you in hell.

baptism is through faith in Christ right now. apostolic doctrine vs pauline

>devout Christian

Little-known facts about God, part > 9000: God does indeed have a wife, according to the Old Testament.

It was more descriptive; then again, it is named after the Sodomites of Abraham's time, which is about 4000 years ago.




You're ready to leave pagan Catholicism and establish a relationship with the living God.

As in all things, the same way Jesus does. Forgive, forget, move on.

bullshit. that is the greatest blasphemy there is. it's called the shekinah hoax. the all seeing eye is a "divine" vagina
good thing you fucked up what that means too. ive already explained all this. many times. im here to be a good person and to help you. not to become you and get brow beaten for being your brother

Paul spent three years with the risen Christ Jesus; that's how he knew Jesus and the New Covenant better than all the other apostles combined.

>it is named after the Sodomites of Abraham's time, which is about 4000 years ago.

Abraham wasn't a real person.

And yet, Paul is with Jesus, now. Right now. In a very real way.

name one christian nation that isn't on the road to being BLACKED

I'm not sure why you think you have a basis to understand the things of God. Care to help me out?

youre on the way to hell bibi with your elitism

Paul never said that though.

No, he really isn't

Is it steamy?

You are probably right. I still have my reservations about everything, but I have made the decision that thru Christ I can improve as a person and be a better person to others. I was homeless a month ago and now I have a job and a roof over my head and even get to see my kids on the weekends. Glory to God if no one else.

because youre illiterate? tell me what confuses you, Shebrew. nice try. the rainbow is biblical. you fucked that up too. nobody ever knows what anybody like you ever says or means. do you even know what is a nephilim?

Tacitus most certainly wrote about Jesus.

“Christus, the founder of the [Christian] name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius. But the pernicious superstition, repressed for a time, broke out again, not only through Judea, where the mischief originated, by through the city of Rome also.”

We find that it confirms Jesus’ existence, that Jesus was the founder of Christianity, that there was a Roman called Pilate of whom put Jesus to death, that the Christian religion originated in Judea, and thus later spread to Rome. Thus, from Tacitus alone we can get at least six facts that back up the veracity of the New Testament epistles.

hear hear

That's because you believed that the water would do something magical.

Men are not saved, not born again, by being baptized in water.

The phrase "devout Christian" is practically an oxymoron.

Quote (((Wikipedia))) all you like, but that won't change the fact that no Josephus manuscripts before the 4th century mention Jesus at all.

Why let St. Peter have all the fun casting them into the eternal lake of fire?

You may have posted something, but you have never instructed me.

The inhospitality that the citizens of Sodom had grew to where they would rape male strangers to their city.


the earth is not a pear

You are not a real person.

yes. rape. i am not one. there is a sodomite president. what did you do about him?

Nonsense. We have Paul's own words. He wrote that he knew nothing about Jesus except what he saw in his dreams.

You'll have to stay in the Catholic church for that kind of man on man action, son.

The rainbow is a promise to never again flood the world with water.

I was 3 when I heard that, and knew the world would burn.

I also know what an angel/human hybrid is, yes.

Jesus said to sell your cloak and buy a sword so you can slay all these pedo Jew faggots.


why do you hate Christ? why can nobody see Him in dreams? only mentally ill "jews" dislike such a remarkable and perfect being and man. youre Godless. that's why

He said exactly that at Galatians 1:12. Stop denying reality, user.

And yet they do.

Peter does no such thing, nor does Peter let people into the gate of heaven.

There are 12 gates, and Peter mans none of them.

>The King of the Jews forgives you

Why would Paul, who soent years with Peter and other eye witnesses say that?

He didn't say that

Glad to hear things are on the up and up for you all assholery aside on my part.

I prayed that he would be saved, obviously. It failed, and our country paid a heavy price for his idolatry.

ok so leave me alone then. we are tending to agree but everybody always falsely and unrighteously shits on me and im sick of it. homos cant make nephilim. that's your problem. bisexual david killed one like we're supposed to

Paul wrote that he received his info from Jesus directly, and not from dreams.

When we say Jesus rose from the dead, we mean he is alive. And able to talk to people, including Paul.

Jesus is an archetype, but we should all still unite against the Jews.

I've misread at first your post

>46 Kids
>2 Wives