There are 2407 posts per hour on Sup Forums. What will you do with this information.
There are 2407 posts per hour on Sup Forums. What will you do with this information
I'm going to put it all in my anus
Too many people on Sup Forums.
>What will you do with this information.
There must be some way to fap to this.
keep it in my back pocket.
I maek poost
All me.
I'm going to read Yostubaと!
How do you know that?
Use it to make a thread on Sup Forums asking what people will do with the information.
Not "too" many
Get more 5's
What about Sup Forums? Wasn't that the fastest board?
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
Too fast.
Remove faggots.
That's missing /vg/. /dsg/ alone at its max can move it near the 1000 posts per hour. I'm sure there are other cancerous generals that will move /vg/ even further up.
I'm going to make another post!
archive stats
>Manga reader watermark
That drop during US school hours and rise for after school is utterly disgusting.
School hours are also work hours
I also don't know what you mean by "US school hours". It varies by state, county, and school.
Happens on every board
/vg/ is an anomalous case since many posters go there only for one or a few threads and stay exclusively in those threads, which doesn't often happen on other boards.
Wonder how can we still have so many shit threads.
Sometimes i hope /ag/ existed.
I miss /spa/.
You can still go there, it's just locked.
no you cant
it's cool
just relax and enjoy your time, you'll be dead soon senpai
"School hours" also happen to be work hours my friend.
Ah not anymore it seems. You still could up until a few days ago.
Or just get a Sup Forums gold account :^)
Sup Forums is the third of the Goldilocks three bears. Not too dead, not too alive, just right.
Why does it matter eitherway I thought everyone was a neet here.
You can notice Sup Forums's dropoff is somewhat smaller than other boards'.
It's animated, but I wouldn't call it "alive".
Or perhaps a better analogy would be some other, shittier board wearing Sup Forums's skin.
Because Sup Forums has many ESL, though it still feels really slow in the morning when America is still sleeping.
Given what we saw during /spa/ and how big shounen are in south america, im willing to say Sup Forums is more than 50% ESL
I already knew that senpai.
Sup Forums is pretty consistent because a lot of people here are neet patricians who do fucking nothing all day every day while those who visit other boards are mostly wagies.