How do neo-pagans justify human sacrifice? Druids became completely irrelevant the second Christianity came to the Celts, because people were tired of having their daughters and fathers and their people being burned alive to appease the rain god.
How do neo-pagans justify human sacrifice...
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Druids were political advisors and were a threat to Roman rule. So they invented lies to justify their murder. Like the US with terrorists
Druids were political advisors and were a threat to Roman rule. So they invented lies to justify their murder. Like the US with terrorists
How do christians explain bhrning at the stake?
What is there to justify?
The Druids were so shitty that even the pagan Romans were disgusted by them, so disgusted that they outright killed all them all.
The way they justify it, is that they just pretend paganism wasn't utter shit.
There are no accounts of human sacrifice other than the romans
What reason do you have not to believe them? It's not like human sacrifice didn't happen during that time around the world. Even the norse did it sometimes.
It's the better system we know
because no one else knew how to write dickhead
Moses comes down from the mountain, explicitly tells the caananites and pagans that burning babies for Molech is wrong.
> not killing fathers and daughters for the rain god
They did not realize it was wrong before I guess.
There no accounts other than Roman accounts
>What reason do you have not to believe them?
So that they were justified in conquering them and "freeing" the land from druids
Everytime i see one of your kind i sense the stupidity from here.
Why didnt the Greeks say anything about human sacrifice?
This, various cultures have practiced human sacrifice.
Other then roman accounts
Human sacrifice might have happened in canaan because humqn bodies were found.
But i heard it happened only when people consented
Yeah thx
So the Canaanites were Druids? Are you really that stupid? Why even mention it in response to a post about Druids?
>The texts frequently allude to human sacrifice. Temple wells in which people were sacrificially drowned are mentioned in Adam of Bremen's account of Uppsala[198] and in Icelandic sagas, where they are called blótkelda or blótgrǫf,[199] and Adam of Bremen also states that human victims were included among those hanging in the trees at Uppsala.[200] In Gautreks saga, people sacrifice themselves during a famine by jumping off cliffs,[201] and both the Historia Norwegiæ and Heimskringla refer to the willing death of King Dómaldi as a sacrifice after bad harvests.[202] Mentions of people being "sentenced to sacrifice" and of the "wrath of the gods" against criminals suggest a sacral meaning for the death penalty;[203] in Landnamabók the method of execution is given as having the back broken on a rock.[201] It is possible that some of the bog bodies recovered from peat bogs in northern Germany and Denmark and dated to the Iron Age were human sacrifices.[204] Such a practice may have been connected to the execution of criminals or of prisoners of war;[205] on the other hand, some textual mentions of a person being "offered" to a deity, such as a king offering his son, may refer to a non-sacrificial "dedication".[206]
>Archaeological evidence supports Ibn Fadlan's report of funerary human sacrifice: in various cases, the burial of someone who died of natural causes is accompanied by another who died a violent death.[196][207] For example, at Birka a decapitated young man was placed atop an older man buried with weapons, and at Gerdrup, near Roskilde, a woman was buried alongside a man whose neck had been broken.[208] Many of the details of Ibn Fadlan's account are borne out by archaeology;[209][210][211] and it is possible that those elements which are not visible in the archaeological evidence—such as the sexual encounters—are also accurate.[210]
because the greeks practiced human sacrifice, here's real flag
oh and also greeks didn't come into contact with brits
>Julius Caesar lied
Absolute cuck tier
The only source for the wicker man sacrificial ritual is Julius fucking Caesar. He just made it up, there is no other source of evidence to it
Making the overwhelmingly common death penalty into a religious ceremony seems reasonable enough.
The Latin and Greek words for "sacrificial victim" are "sacrificial victim", the word for criminal or anything like that are not used when discussing sacrifice
How do christians justify eating Jewsus flesh and blood?
neo-pagans don't have to justify anything because neo-paganism is about the preservation of fire, not the worship of ashes.
Druids didnt sacrifice anyone. Thats just Roman propaganda.
By not doing it. It's not like Christianity hasn't changed a bazillion times over two millenia.
lol druids got massacred by the Romans, the Romans hated them and it is one of the religious they actively try to annihilate
google it
>supporting a tyrant who got fucked by(((money lenders)))
>He doesn't like Crassus
What a goy