Alt-Right's Yellow Fever

Seems we've been exposed for our weakness for Asian qts, kek.

Seolhyun is Waifu

Get out

>you will never have a blue eyed blond haired wife and an asian fuck slave
why live

>choosing some asian tranny over an aryan godess like Elsa Hosk

wtf is wrong with you Sup Forumsacks?

Seolhyun is ten times more beautiful than whoever that blonde thot is

>this counts as news
The absolute state of the Jews

Asian pussy is worth it

If they all like asian women why do they give their betabux to blonde caucasian women.

Ther'e not a single American girl that can hold a candle to a properly raised Asian girl.

That's not a fair picture. Putting up a Korean celebrity against a random (although pretty) white gril.

we are racial realists, so we recognize the superior women
roasties, with their birth control mangled bodies, CAN NOT COMPETE!

Accepting the lefts term.
>not having both
Why not a Aryan Goddess, for breeding purposes of course. And a QT east asian gf, for breeding purposes.


Because there aren't any Asian women who shill for the alt-right, apart from weirdos like Tila Tequila or older women like the Japanese Trump lady.

t. 56% roastie

White roasties BTFO, we /yellowfever/ now.


asian girls are so cute :3


Forgot to add, roasties need to leave their jealousy/insecurity at the door.

>meme posting about heritage when you want to be with atilla the Huns bastard child

Yeah cause Asians (male and female) vote 80% liberal. Which proves that Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about muh destruction of the Western civilization while it shills for Asians and shits on the few minorities who do vote right

Pretty sure this is fake news

t. 56% roastie

Real Asians don't vote, retard.. Only those who live in the belly of the beast, i.e. burger asians, but those don't matter.

"I have been found out"

>t. Whitest man in Argentina

>asian americans
no one talking about asians is referring to the demonspawn who were born in the west

I would differentiate between good wife/mother material and yellow fever though. Kind of like there do exist odd cases where I find a black girl attractive but I don't imagine I'd ever want to marry one.

My wife votes what I tell her to.


Most people are just LARPing about muh white race. It's a stage they'll grow out of. Most white women are too corrupted so there's no way white nationalism was ever going to work out in the long term. Fuck, I mean just look at how mixed the entire movement has become in just a few decades.

It's 90% propagated by Amerimutt mestizo mongrels. To those mystery meta abominations breeding with a soulless gook insectoid actually benefits their genetics.

whiter than you, Jamal

> I-I know a really nice Muslim family
Anecdotal evidence sure is convin8

whiter than you, Shenyqua*


>opinion """article"""
>mobile fag

Lol no, only in your tiny, black as coal, Argentinian mind. Brazilians are bad but at least the favela monkeys can be honest with themselves.

>older women like the Japanese Trump lady
I'd still hit it.

Asian girls are literally shit tier. only redeeming qualities are their tight pussies and the way they seem to struggle during intercourse.

gas yourself

That's nice but Sup Forums fetishizes anime more than they have yellow fever.

Could you pick a more manly looking woman?

I'll take my asian gf any day

For some reason I get the impression that she's a total cunt.

Why do you even bother? We've all seen those burger Sup Forums meetups. You're brown at best, and butthurt about men preferring asian women over your triple roast beef sandwich past its expiration date. Kys roastie

post a group of white women. the average white girl in the group would be more ugly than the average asian girl in that group. i would say more than half of those girls would probably look fuckable in a bikini

they all look like they have downs syndrome you cretin.

Fuck off idiot

>Jew York Times spends a month on a weeb anime website founded by a teenaged NEET, goes past the forums for anime, origami and pokemon and finds Sup Forums
>surprised that people there like asians

These white thots look attractive but looks aren't everything. They probably have trash tier personalities and are just bitches to deal with. Asian women are and all around better deal.

If I were to choose one of the two girls from your picture, I'd choose the Asian. Sorry.

Asian girls are smarter and will produce more intelligent offspring. Less likely to be roasties if you as a man do your job and participate in educating your family about what is right about conservative living, and wrong with left wing progressive liberalism.

you're only focusing on the face. look at their bodies
with a make over they could be made to look cute

I mean some people consider me alt-right because of the people I follow and things I say and technically I'm half-Asian so really it shouldn't be a goddamn problem or really any of their business.

Also this pleb didn't even mention Jared Taylor's time in Japan?

This article is all over the place and objectively shit. If it was supposed to be about Richard Spencer then it should have been about Richard Spencer .

and the white women will look like unshapely overweight pigs.

At least they don't look like they're at 50% Body fat.


want to summon the jealous slags? just post a picture of an asian girl LEL


Yeah but they'd be happas and more likely to come out with undersized penises. Probably better off with a happa than a full asian.


> implying the autsist mongoloids visiting this website don‘t recognize themselves when looking at a picture of a slope

That’s unfair, nobody can compare with Seolhyun. She’s literally a goddess.


>also needing a "news" article to figure out that the same political wing that thinks racemixing with brown people will result in dumber kids also believes that racemixing with the highest IQ group will result in smarter kids


>Sup Forums meetups
The only 'meetup' was that cringefest with Brittany Venti in New York City.

Why is it when people look at a white man with an asian girl that it has to be yellow fever? I mean what does this say about asian women, that they are obsessed with white cocks?


The mind of the burger woman

Now guess how entitled she is based on her looks.

i would probably impregnate more than half of these given the opportunity

Honestly, it's no wonder that most of us like asian women.

Statistically more inclined to have intelligent children.
Statistically more inclined to be conservative.
These things are what (i believe) most of us crave. In a sense, we are the invaders in this way.

I guess you could say that it's the biological appeal then for a more apt mate. It's probably why black men go after white women themselves, or at least there is a push for it.

They really don't, but whatever..



What do you have to say for yourself Sup Forums?

>Tfw no mgtow flag I can use to troll tradcuck hypocrites

>3 replies in 10 seconds
Holy shit you guys got triggered the second he compared them to downies. Top kek their profiles look like monkeys you absolute 56%ers

If that's the case why do shills spam so many stuff about asian women?
I mean look at this thread, half the posts are already shills spamming pics of gooks.



this is a woman 100%

This is a way to systematically shut down white men in the dating world. First they show white women with black men. Then go down the chain on ethnicities. The next one will be asians. Then Latinos/Blacks.

In doing so it makes interracial relationships with white men as being a fetish for them. Then they'll feed more women feminism to fight "the patriarchy" by getting them to have abnormal relationships to make sure they never want a stable one again.



the beauty of the white aryan woman is incomparable.

> Statistically more inclined to be conservative
False. All Asians, male and female voted for Hillary with an overwhelming majority.

Compare and contrast Shlomo.


Nah I'm a guy. I would just feel bad if my son was both awkward and got significantly shortchanged. A big dick isn't necessary for a happy life, but it'd be a bummer to be really small.

And 1/4 asians can often pass for white and you're not asking for as much of a clash of cultures between the husband's and wife's family, so that's a more reasonable mix.

She looks better without makeup imo

>not wanting to fuck cute legal down syndrome girl out of curiosity


>admitting your standards are this low


Audrea you won the genetic lottery with those big beautiful eyes. My white cock is throbbing.

about the same as the asian group desu
also you didn't use american girls. that's probably from some conservative eastern european country
i would still go with the asian group if i choose which group to fuck

The Sup Forumsack is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a faggot, a racist, a xenophobe,a nazi, it all rubs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a race-mixing weaboo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddently shrinks back:"I've been found out."


if i had to choose*

>roastie starts spamming pics of manfaced whyte womyn
tip: roasties will be banned from the wheat fields