"To put that in perspective, even though former H-1B visa holders represent less than 1% of the U.S. population, they were four times more likely to have a child as a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search than were parents who were both born in the United States."
Out of 44 winners "14 had parents born in India, 11 had parents born in China"
In other words the less than 1% Indian population produce 35 % of the top science students. While whites produce only about 8%
The Indians in this country are high IQ professionals. It's not surprising that their children also have high IQs.
>t. The Bell Curve
Lincoln Ortiz
This isn't a good thing. It is a very bad thin. End all immigration now.
Isaac Stewart
Repeal affirmative action NOW
Christian Campbell
>regression to the mean
Nolan Johnson
slopes and poos cram and cheat on tests, film at 11
Evan Hughes
But muh regression to the mean
Nicholas Martin
a jewish company picked chinks and poos over better qualified whites? inconceivable!
Nathaniel Murphy
You're right. India should want these smart kids back in their country.
Jaxon Ramirez
>top public schools Kek
Jack Taylor
>a third of the worlds population >not retard median bell curve like africa >most intelligent and wealthy come to usa for jobs/education >people are surprised that their kids are smart and driven
Tyler Roberts
No wonder Amerimutts are so pissed at that le 56% maymay. They're ashamed of 56% white genes they have
Robert Roberts
And how does this justify letting in millions of low IQ Mexicans?
Justin Price
Of course this happens, because their parents only got into America in the first place because their parents were highly gifted in science. All the stupid Indians and Chinese are still back in their home countries.
The real question is: where is the white patriarchy that liberals said was keeping minorities down in America? Because if you accept the liberal narrative as fact then these kids should have had to deal with an entire system designed to stop this very thing from happening. And if you try to answer that by saying that they only succeeded by overcoming that oppression, the question remains as to why children of other races (such as blacks and latinos) aren't able to do that to.
>regression to the mean Do you even know what that term means? It's a statistical concept, it has nothing to do with genetics.
Ayden Wood
India's average IQ is 84. All of the Indians who are actually smart, moved out of India.
Christopher Kelly
>That's right goy. IQ is definitely not genetic. >Maybe Jews just do better because they're smarter
>t. Schmulevitz
There is a documented bias against Asian Americans as far as I'm aware. So it is in fact true that Asians face oppression, just not the kind liberals are thinking of.
Levi Lopez
Specifically on the subject of Indians/subcontinentals, the only racemixing that can or does occur are between very Euro-featured light skin Indian American women and white guys. An Indian man cannot get a white woman under just about any condition, even with his 200k google job.
Joseph Jenkins
Regression is to the mean of the parents' (sub)population.
Two Bangalore IT grads with IQ 125, from Brahmin families (IQ 110?) will have kids with an expected IQ of (125 + 125 + 110)/3 = 120.
Michael Cook
If we got rid of those immigrants and their children, 100% of top high school students would be the offspring of Americans.
Charles Gonzalez
>If we got rid of those immigrants and their children, 100% of top high school students would be the offspring of Americans.
Easton Martin
You sure about this? I grew up in an area with many middle/upper middle class black families and a huge amount of the kids (from very nice suburban black families) would act like complete ghetto chimps. The parents probably both belonged to a subpopulation of American blacks called the talented 10th%, but their kids are only making it through college (if that) because it is handed to them by lower requirements and public funding.
Jayden Bennett
Is there any resource that documents IQ differences between the 4 castes? I've always wondered if India's IQ problems are homogeneous to stratified.
Luke Anderson
Good for them. I wish they would go back where they came from and make those countries great. No race should be beholden to another race for talent
Anthony Adams
>Number 1 in INDOCTRINATION are Immigrants
Jaxon Martin
Yeah why compete fair and square. Just get rid of the competition. That'll make you'all real winners.
Jack Peterson
White kids are way too focused on being popular, no joke. Why would they be into science when they have Jake Paul as a role model?
Levi Rodriguez
How many of them are hispanic? Surely there must be tonnes of hispanics, because hispanics make up 90% of immigrants to America, and are 30% of the generation being born now.
Zachary Roberts
This is actually a good thing and indicates that the US is still a top destination for the best and brightest. This is another problem with the proposal of an ethno-state, a country like Leafland and Germany could start taking in the top 0.1% of intelligent shitskins and see rapid advance.
Wyatt Sullivan
Imagine if they stayed in their own countries and became scholars there, they could have helped fix their own country.
Nathan Gutierrez
Its painful how true this is. I see it with drug usage too. The reason it's so high among young whites is because they're completely unmotivated in life.
Jack Lopez
Thomas Clark
>top kids of highschool >in a self selected competition made by Intel Which basically means near nothing. What's more likely is that high IQ people from outside see greater necessity in finding a high value place so they put their children in those competitions are a far higher rate.
Jace Diaz
>so they put their children in those competitions You might be on to something. Asians parents are fucking insane. They're almost sociopathic in how far they push their kids.
Landon Ward
poo privilege is real
Brayden Moore
Tell that to my white girlfriend who sucks my dick often
Ian Nguyen
>self-selected competition >immigrants from China and India No fucking duh. If these kids didn't have smart and ambitious parents that likely demand total excellence in every facet of life, they wouldn't have made it to the US. That's the definition of brain drain. The US sucks all the best people out of India and China, so of course the children of the best out of 1 billion+ people are probably going to be smart too.
Logan Morales
Not a surprise to me at all.
I just completed an MS in computer engineering and the program was at most 20% White, American male. There were 5 White girls total, but only one of them was American-born, while the remainder were on visa from mostly Eastern Europe.
To my knowlege there were maybe 2 blacks and 1 Latino total in the program, but all three were here on visa.
The salt from this thread is delicious.
Jackson Cook
Not a big secret that asians earn more. However, it only happens in a country build by whites. Why? European Culture. Pajeets and Chinks are good at math and coding. I will give them that. Still, science is downstream from culture . White culture. Also this
Jacob Myers
Its the same in other science competitions too. Here is the one from Science Siemens winners. Its the same everywhere.
Cameron Adams
>83% Of America's Top High School Science Students Are The Children Of Immigrants Education in America has been dumbed-down so much that 83% is probably accurate.
Carter Wright
Yeah, except that's also self-selected and has the exact same sampling problems.
Regular white people who live in high value white suburbs don't see the need to use those competitions to prop up their children because they are already at the top of the social hierarchy. A high IQ brownie family knows they have to earn a high value place in US so they are not among the degenerate masses.
Ryder Walker
>even though former H-1B visa holders represent less than 1% of the U.S. population, they were four times more likely to have a child as a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search Hmmmmmm, it's almost like H-1B visas are given to the most intelligent people from around the world. And it's almost like intelligence is some sort of heritable mental trait or something.
Clearly we need to import a boat load of 65 IQ Somalis to get the same results.
Adrian King
This is because Asiatics practice breathing techniques, that makes people smarter.
Luis Ross
Isn't this proof that we shouldn't import an immigrant overclass?
Dylan Torres
Dominic Taylor
Can't find it now, but the castes do vary quite dramatically on the Aryan-Dravidian spectrum.
Jeremiah Sanders
I would have children with her, it is better ugly than with low IQ.
Michael Nelson
Probably because kids of immigrants are motivated and forced to do it by their parents to prove themselves better than whitey
Owen Lewis
Not as bad as you think though
James Butler
You can't write for shit, antioqueño marica
Owen Myers
Look, I found a snownigger that doesn't know how averages work.
"A new study from the National Foundation for American Policy found a remarkable 83% (33 of 40) of the finalists of the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search were the children of immigrants."
>33 of 40 >Intel Science Talent Search >Intel
OP is Fake and gay.
Ryder Ross
>Smart ambitious parents >Live in the states
They don't seem smart or ambitious. If they were either they would have stayed in India. Immigrants for the most part are middle class idiots, the rich just study here and go back home.
Isaiah Brown
That's because upper middle class blacks are affirmative action beneficiaries.
Parker Davis
well i mean this probably stems from their inherent worldviews, immigrants specifically from india and asian countries only care about their own success. There is no empathy, only success, this is the reason their countries are shitholes, is because they throw literally everything under the bus for monies.
Jace Mitchell
Yeah but this guyIs right, it's just one of those libfag cuck award things
Austin Fisher
>Is right, it's just one of those libfag cuck award things
It's intel being their usual shitty selves.
Jacob Harris
Are all immigrants former h1b visa recipients? Seems misleading to include that description in the beginning.
Wyatt Ross
>mfw I have no face
Mason Nguyen
Lol that fucking soyboy/lesbian.
Ethan Brooks
We should not need to compete with foreigners in our own country. We did quite well for ourselves without them. You have to go back.
Luke Carter
Pakikids don’t go out don’t have fun and are socially retarded but they have high test scores, o one cares they have zero creativity.
Angel Ramirez
>affirmative action has nothing to do with this talent search Sure thing mate.
Parker Jenkins
Intel is just a sponsor you moron. Also What about the spelling bee live on National TV. Who wins it every year? And if you have ever been to school, you would know that smart kids are often good in all subjects. So the Same kind of kids do good in Science too.
Brody Kelly
>someone smart or ambitious would stay in India so than he can get paid 10 times less and live in atrocious conditions This is your brain on nationalism.
Dylan Carter
>Intel is just a sponsor you moron.
A shitty sponcer.
This was clearly a "Lets see how diverse we can make these awards, and then tell the american public that it's a representation of the educational system as a whole", kind of bullshit.
That being said, Intel is shit.
Evan Rodriguez
>intentionally misrepresenting statistics on Sup Forums