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Nofap v2
no direct causal proof but good enough to stop jerking the weasel
I fap everyday and i feel good.
Porn is a bigger problem. Cut down on fapping but cut out porn entirely. Porn fucks with your brain's perceptions of what you are attracted to.
I Fap and yet I am pleased.
did you accept use of their cookies?
>did you accept use of their cookies?
i was told nofap was going to stop me from masturbating to anime pictures, im so fucking pent up i got a boner while looking at a topless dude.
If you're even considering NoFap you've already gone past the point of no return for ever having a normal brain or sex life.
Bump. Check out
>tfw you fapped 3 times yesterday and called in sick for work today
I just couldn't do it lads, my constitution was too low.
Why the FUCK didn't you pot up bro?
how fucking stupid do you have to be to let porn fuck up with you
how do you fall for it
how do you become dependent
its all fake
blame your lack of discipline instead
>i got a boner while looking at a topless dude.
nigga you gay.
Im on 49 now and I couldnt last 2 days if I didnt exercise intensively at min times a week. You have to release that energy in one way or another - do you exercise?
>I just couldn't do it lads, my constitution was too low.
bullshit, see my first response, RELEASE THE ENERGY IN OTHER WAYS
I hear anal sex with a girl under the age of 18 has the same effects as 6months of nofap.
There's nothing wrong with being a porn addict if you'll never have sex.
Besides, once you've seen a woman take two dicks up her ass and fart out a prolapse into another girl's face you'll never have a normal sex life.
As the time of the wolf draws nearer the White man must watch for other degenerative influences. One that is extremely damaging, but seems innocuous, is the inducement to masturbation—and not for any religious reason. This is facilitated by pornography. Masturbation is emasculation. Take a look around. Only masturbation can account for the slouched, neutered, passive character of so many young White men. The following factors are involved:
1. Images of sexualized females in advertising (soft porn)
2. Copulating females in private media (hard porn)
3. Recourse of females into careerism and as a result removal from the mating pool
4. Psychological warfare against White male identity
5. Elevation de jure and de facto of coloreds and Jews over White males in lucrative professions
All of which invert White males: some into homosexuality, others into a “celibacy” sustained by masturbation and the “wife” of pornographic images.
Retention of sperm increases aggressiveness. George Lincoln Rockwell’s famous dictum, “A man who won’t fuck, won’t fight,” is true. We should see also that a White man who accepts sexual release anywhere but into a worthy White woman is ceding territory to Jew and colored males. One incentive for warfare was the capture of desirable women. And so it shall be again.
A picture of the nigger’s sexual nature is to be seen in the areas in which he thrives: the cities. The male nigger, having been loosed by Jews to be what he is, runs about like a hyena. To this sort of nigger, who dominates nigger areas, masturbation is what chumps (pussies) do. And fags. A buck nigger seeks release only in penetration—hence the sexual aggressiveness of niggers and their increasing success with White females as White male sexual energy retreats.
Fuck off, meme flag.
The Jew knew exactly what he was about when he caused, over decades of careful undermining, pornography to be decriminalized. Until the Jew snuck out of his ghettoes and into White civilized society, pornography and masturbation were anathema. Our White ancestors crushed pornography and counseled against masturbation—though their reasons for doing so were idiotic religious reasons, ours are for sound biological reasons. In the end, masturbation is cheap and weak. Masturbation is White male control.
You didn't present an argument either britcuck, just bringing your defeatist bullshit here
Sam is a degenerate, he also did a tranny, but I still like the guy
>Besides, once you've seen a woman take two dicks up her ass and fart out a prolapse into another girl's face you'll never have a normal sex life.
do you feel shame when you look into mirror? there is a solution to that and its not kys
i dont really exercise, i got invited to a gym but im social retard. i dont trust myself not sperging out in front of the only friends i have
>do you feel shame when you look into mirror?
Yeah, but I always have so that's nothing new.
It's true. You think if you have a partner you wont be having sex as often as you masturbate.
>Sorry, Honey, no sex tonight I'm on a streak.
>Well, I'll call Chad then.