The Seattle Sugary drink tax seems to be gong over well
The Seattle Sugary drink tax seems to be gong over well
there's literally nothing wrong with sugar-free soft drinks, pic related is superior to most sugar drinks anyway. The only exception would be a glass bottle regular coke if I was dining out.
Good. Maybe people will stop guzzling down this piss and start drinking water. Tried of every woman being a lardass
Guess they forgot to make an exception. Sin taxes are such bullshit.
mmm i can feel the aspartame rotting my brain
oxygen rots your brain. not an argument
If I have to put up with a sin tax for my camel menthols then obese poor people and niggers with grape soda addictions can deal with it too. Or get rid of sin taxes and we can all pay less for our degenerate vices together.
Who fucking cares? Sugary drinks are shit. Literally diabetes juice.
I agree as long as my taxes are taken out to pay for niggers and their 20 children. After that, live free or die.
This is how Seattle is going to finally tax Gaben.
Sin taxes are the one form of tax I don't ever have a problem with.
This is going to prevent diabeetus
You can begin the cheering
diet drinks are included in the sugary beverage tax in philly. best part is, all the white people live close enough to the city border to go to the suburbs to get their drinks while all the niggers are stuck in the inner city and have no way to avoid it.
Haven lives in Bellevue
>city adopts sugary tax
>welfare recipients are exempt from tax
Electrolytes BTFO!!!
Gaterade isn't that bad it's soda that's shit
>Seattle wages war on the sugary jew
>proven in studies to accelerate Corpora arenacea in children and kick-starting alzheimers and dementia
good, start going after the corn syrup jew next
This fact is what pretty much killed it in Chicago. Democrat niggers always overplay their hand, but I guess Seattle cucks love it more than Chicongo.
wow! thats almost as much as a 12 pack of beer costs
I hope they tax bread, corn, peas, beans, cakes, rolls, cereal, pizza, juice, frozen meals, and baby food just as much since those ALL HAVE EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF SUGAR ADDED.
Thats the thing that pissed people off in chicago welfare recipients dont fucking eat healthy to begin with so fucking sin taxing doesnt do jackshit to "prevent diabetes" as they claim
>an increase of about two thirds is "nearly doubles"
american maths education
Sugary drink tax should ONLY apply to welfare niggers, not the otger way around
Wow. Its not everyday you see someone born without tastebuds.
liberals are autistic with economics. They should drown themselves in the Pacific.
That shit and diet coke is garbage. The new Zero Sugar Coke is the shit though.
who the fuck is getting DIABETES? i know 0 people who have ever gotten diabetes (i know 1 person born with type 1)
literal degenerate obese niggers are the only ones getting it. and pic related.
>Ireland maths education
at least /sip/ isnt affected.
>buy tea brewing machine
>make sweet tea
>put in fridge
The true redpilled sugary drink.
It has to be high to be effective. And just stop drinking so much fizz if this is a problem for you.
Yes it is you fucking nog
Processed sugar has only been in the himan diet for less than 1% of himan existance. Sugar is what is driving obeisity and heart disease and cancer.
I like diet pop as well, particularly Diet Pepsi. The stuff with sugar makes me feel really dehydrated
What the fuck is a "tea brewing machine"? These dumb fucking Americans I swear...
How much does this affect the cost of a drink? I can't fucking tell from that pic
diet pop tastes nothing like the regular shit, don't fucking kid yourself
just drink water if you're worried about calories/sugar
Ughhh fuck I didn't even think about that. Alaska has the highest sin taxes for booze and cigarettes in the country because of the stupid Tundrawookies and it never deters anyone from buying whatever's taxed it just makes people more resentful and pissed off all day.
You realize those with food stamps (WIC, SNAP, etc) aren't subject to the tax.
Is it 65%?
Sin taxes are great
Fucking degenerate soyboys drinking their estrogen infused liquids
Why do lefties love being taxed so much?
is artie still alive?
~66% tax
Idiocracy BTFO
it just pours hot water and steeps them for you.... Americans dont usually make jsut one cup of tea at a time they make a pitcher. stop being an uncultured nitwit
gotta pay for the gibs to get the nigger votes
As if you need a machine for that you fucking retards. Jesus christ.
What's to stop people from going to neighboring cities for Gatorade or other sugary stuff?
>having to pay a huge fucking tax because some members of the community want to punish you for living the life you want while not affecting anyone else
A twelve pack cost nearly 30 for you?
Holy fuck what a shithole, i can grab a 12 pack for 12 bucks
>there is anything wrong with rising the price of gatorade
Now that you mention it I don't know a single person with the beetus either. I don't make friends with fat people though.
And we save an additional 2% on the sales tax by doing so as well. Pa state sales tax is 6%, (temporary) Philly tax is an additional 2%.
Glad I live four blocks from the border.
Literal fear mongering. But sure, fatten yourselves up and feel smart while you're at it, if that's what you want.
naw, 15 pack for about 26
Seattle user here. Only fat sacks of shit drink sugar drinks. Who cares.
>drinking liquids other than water and hard liquor
Niqqa if you really needed Gatorade it would be paid for by sponsorship of your sports team.
hahaha you think those fat diabetes fucks are going to make the effort to do that?
A person that smokes, drinks and only eats at Mcdonalds will be lucky to reach 65. The government don't have to pay for a pension, a hip replacement and the 20 pills that every 80 year old takes every day.
The government would be bankrupt if we were all healthy.
Nothing. Many people are apparently doing just that as Seattle has many suburbs close by.
Literally costs people jobs. A grocery chain or a restaurant is more likely to move into suburban Seattle to avoid the discouraging tax. If you were a shopper or restaurant goer you'd travel to a store out of the tax zone....leading to more businesses going out of business
The way i see it, we say "wow, how could people 30 years ago not understand that smokeing causes cancer? What tards, putting something so manufactured into your body is obviously bad"
Sugar substitutes, like pills, are not organic. This doesnt necessarily mean they are bad for you, but it could very well be in 30 years people will be calling us tards for takeing so many pills and other manufactured shit.
You actually nearly made me cry
I still pick up 30's for about 20
naw, it won't.
What a dumb fucking analogy. Tobacco is a product as natural as they come. Your fear of the "artificial" and adoration for these supposed natural compounds (like refined sugar lmao) doesn't even match your own shitty post.
Yeah, people with a 30 minute lunch break are going to brave 60 minutes of traffic each way just to save a buck on their latte and french fries. Restaurants will totally pack up and miss out on the lunch time profits.
My god, you are a fucking idiot.
Do you know how much a single ct scan costs? How about a single blood test kit. Health care, by far, is one of the biggest burdens the gov faces. If it can even put a dent in the amount of heart bypasses or transplants that get put on the govs dime it would save a massive amount of money.
yep i just go across the border and get 30 packs for 15 USD. then nigger border charges 14 in tax so comes to like 30$ for 30 which is still 15$ cheaper than here
With medical socialized its just a matter of time before your diet is "for the greater good"
>Do you know how much a single ct scan costs?
I don't but I also doubt it's actually the number on the bill they send you in Freedomland.
Are they taxing sugar? If so, what's the punishment for slinging 8 balls of rock candy and a gram of Kool-Aid?
No, im saying both are bad, and that in decades time it could very well be that artificial sweatners are even worse than sugar
Noone knows the long term affects of eating literal processed chemicals. So yes, if being a little cautious about putting new and untested substances into my body every day is being a retard, than i must be one right?
Have you ever been to a hospital ward? It's 80% over 70s.
I'm surprised that it's only sugary drinks. You would think Liberals would want a tax on everything with added sugar. For how much the Left loves to bring up science, they're ignoring that sugary drink aren't the only think that make people fat.
Price fluctuates between 50 and 89 cents per bottle here. 32 oz, I believe.
But cakes, cookies, Ice cream and Twinkies are perfectly fine and never eat in abundance by Americans..
I wasn't talking about restaurants for the lunch crowd.
I has done just this in philadelphia. over 100 people lost jobs in the distribution industry and many grocery stores went out of business because this is America and people have cars and will just drive 10 minutes to the suburbs to pay less. You can look this up yourself
People are clueless as to how much sugar they are consuming every day. Just look at things that shouldn't even be that high in sugar, look at ketchup or marinara sauce sometime.
For fun look at candy. I looked at skittles yesterday. They are 75% sugar by weight.
Drinking a can of mountain dew? That is just shy of half a cup of sugar.
Sugar out the ass. It's disgusting.
Upwards of 10k, not including paying the radiologist
Healthcare is regulated to the point where they have to switch out a 10 million machine every 5 years. Thats the problem.
Preventative care is always cheaper than treating the actual problem.
>sugar-free soft drinks
They taste like piss.
These artificial sweeteners are one of the most rigorously tested food additives and they keep coming up with basically nothing. So while we can never truly know (anything really) we do know what sugar does and that it's real bad (in the sugary drink amounts). So do you choose really bad or most likely nothing? Personally I don't drink fizz and would recommend people to do like me, but if you are to drink it regularly like so many people do, you better pick sugar free.
Soda isn't the only product causing diabetes, obesity, and other health problems.
> (You)
>I has done just this in philadelphia. over 100 people lost jobs in the distribution industry and many grocery stores went out of business because this is America and people have cars and will just drive 10 minutes to the suburbs to pay less. You can look this up yourself
Seattle has traffic issues, there is no driving 10 minutes to get anywhere. Honestly this only affects fat slobs, white trash and the stupid.
Not all healthcare cost the same you dolt.
Coming in because you had chest pains is not bearly as costly as having to do a tripple bypass.
There is a reason the gov promotes preventative care rather than hospital visits, because its always cheaper to stop it before it gets too bad.
What will black people drink? Now fruit will be criminalizes LOL.
>glass bottle regular coke if I was dining out.
Please use the right name for it: american champagne.
Obamagate coming!!!
He is gonna hang for what he did to the Black Community.
Found the nigger
They are tested in the inmediate, not long term, which worries me
If you were exposed to a little lead, you wouldnt notice, and it would seem benign, but after 30 years, you are fucked.
OY VEY the blacks have diabetes because they eat too much fruit! THEY ARE LITERALLY TOO HEALTHY
I say this is a good thing
Uh, it happened in Chicago, where traffic is WORSE. They'll just wait a bit, go out of the tax zone when they get the chance, and be done with it.
People will just go to the suburbs on the weekends, stock up on what they want to avoid the taxes, and not get those products locally any longer. If it can happen in Chicago, it'll happen in Seattle, too.
Im not saying it is, sugar is bad regardles of its form, its just that personally, i think that this is a good first step.
Good. Enjoy it you stupid fucks. I hope Kim nukes you guys and that faggot Lenin statue.