Fuck everything you know
Its almost like men put themselves in harms way to protect their wives during a crisis or something, wtf
tfw you get paid to write about literally any bullshit you can think of with your asshole.
Sure, they a stronger, faster, taller, heavier and have bigger dicks.
Nice going women! #powerful
Idk what's worse, the UK Jew or the US Jew
its almost like males nowdays are genetically enginered to suck or something.
So men are forced to fight in cases of crisis, left without food in case of famines and fight to the death if tried to enslave. GIRL POWER.
The comments on the site already BTFO that article
A fucking insult to everyone not functionally retarded.
>study (((suggests)))
Damn, I guess one thousand year of olympics mean nothing.
And women are more likely to, you know, whore themselves out to survive.
>can't kill a cockroach
She buddy
So who pushes shit like this and action grrls in the electric jew? Like, actual rapist and muggers?
Who benefits from women having this inflated sense that they can take down a guy twice her size?
Fuck me I see a merchant.
See Sup Forums, that why women dominate every sport... oh wait... they don't.
They're not stronger. But they are more likely to open up and seek help from other people, which, combined with the fact that people feel more empathy for women than men, gives them the support system to get by.
Yes mistress! Men are biologically inferior and women have always been the superior sex! Please put me in my chastity cage so I do not contaminate the world with my inferior genes!
>Woman are more likely to not starve due man keep feeding them just so they can fuck them
Who would have thought that.
So you are agreeing there are innate biological differences between men and women?
Oy vey
Fundamentally the same Jew.
What is archive faggots
And remember, 'The Telegraph' is a cuckservative newspaper.
>more likely to survive a life-threatening crisis
that's because you get the lifeboats you cunt
Sometimes I think about shitposting this garbage for income instead of being a NEET
I just skimmed the article, and it basically amounts to women having longer lifespans and greater survival rates during famine.
Almost like women don't need as much food to survive
as a guy who is single and probably will remain for his life i can tell you that men affect this too
men just dont bitch around about it because of social expectations
someone wanna post the thing about the show that got scrapped because women spent all their time on a simulated survival island sunbathing and drinking
while the men had a fully functional camp within a few days?
Women live longer than men on average. This has always been proven in every study. This is old science repacked as new pseudoscience. They didn't even make a good faith attempt to look for confounding variables, they just assumed it was genetic.
I dunno, could it be that men were more likely to let themselves starve to death than to let their wives and daughters go hungry during famines? Could it be that working men were more likely to be exposed to diseases during epidemics? No, women are just genetically stronger. Oprah said so.
Good dammit. What has this website done to me. A fucking line make me feel deep hatred for Jews.
"biologically" stronger aka they have more fatty reserves combined with having to burn through less calories makes them better in a situation where food is scarce
other than that, men are "biologically" stronger both physically and mentally
>Prof Max Headley, Professor of Physiology at the University of Bristol, added: “It's well-known that women tend to have more subcutaneous fat and a lower metabolic rate. So their stores of energy are likely to last longer under conditions of famine. Whether there's anything else more sophisticated to it than that, eg immune system differences, I've no idea.”
Just love how that is shuffled off to the last two paragraphs of the article. I'm surprised the author included it at all, but I suppose they knew that most people wouldn't read much further than the headline.
>Women and children to the life boats first
>More likely to survive a life-threatening crisis
What do you see now?
> a woman can beat my raw deadlift
pfft yeah right
I could fuken destroy a pack of bitches with my bare hands anyday
All it takes to debunk this is to look at the historical Olympic Games results.
It's like women don't even score into the top 10 of men scores for most events :thinking:
Technically true, considering biological males of every species live shorter lifespans than their female counterparts.
However, females are only more likely to survive a life-threatening crisis because males have put "women and children first".
Das riteeee
Not even do they get the lifeboats,they get offered the lifeboats since they couldn't compete for them if it went down to strength nor would they know in many cases to fucking operate them since most of the crew are men.
Member when (((studies))) """suggested""" women were smarter than men? Yeah I laughed at that horsrshit too.
Shouldn't have any fucking problem making me a sandwich then.
Strength is a social construct. KEK
> Research proves the disposability of men and female privilege
> Conclude women are just superior
I don't even get mad at feminism anymore.
Life-boats are a genetic trait.
Rhat musically doesn't make sense
Fuck me this one is just TOO abstract. Needs another 2 lines.
And yet...I still see it. what has this place done to me
Whoever wrote this clearly hasn't seen Beast master on nf, also you guys should see it for the great bantz and off hand good natured racism between all the hosts, its pretty refreshing to see
Stupid, misleading picture.
That is not 4/4.
>(((study suggests)))
i'm 18 and i'd date them
If the genders were reversed this article would be talking about social biases against women and how there's more support for men in times of trouble.
Meanwhile here in the real world the obvious social bias towards women's health and well-being isn't even brought up.
>“There is an iconic event in American folklore when a wagon train of pioneers got stranded in the Rockies during the winter on its way to California. The young men died like flies, and the old grannies stuck it out to survive until they were rescued the following spring.”
Yeah, because the young men were the ones sent out to scout and hunt through the harsh terrain, and all the grannies had to do was sit there and get taken care of.
I fucking hate this world sometimes. I don't know what infuriates me more - the fact that my life is valued less, or the fact that everyone else pretends not to see it even when the evidence is right there in front of them.
>tfw you will never wrestle with her
>tfw she will never win and pin you to the ground
i just want a cute strong girl to rape me, bros
Yeah at 18 you would lack the wisdom to avoid these kinds of women.
Advice time from an old man. Don't.
single for a reason.
That's probably true but I might have a thing for older women.
Do it. Then ruin it with Sup Forums humor worthy articles.
Don't let your dreams be memes.
Those comments warmed my heart. Fuck your archive, redpill the masses.
>men are biologically hardwired to be protective of women and self-sacrifice
>women end up having a higher survival rate when shit gets tough and sacrifices has to be made
>then use this to bash on men when they're already down
robowaifus really can't come soon enough
The world according to Sup Forums:
>nonwhites can't have any good traits that whites might lack in certain ways
>women can't have any characteristics that make them better than men in some aspects
>a considerable portion of jews aren't actually intelligent, they just stole da work of da wayt man
>Hitler couldn't possibly be an evil person despite killing millions of people
>da wayt man can do no wrong, even when he does, because we're le superior to everyone in every single aspect
Imagine how deluded with white supremacy you need to be, in order to lie yourself this much, it requires at least as much mental gymnastics as SJW ideology
You've been here too long.
UK jew
Is that actually a guy? I retract my statement then.
They'll do the same shit to "strength" that they did to "intelligence".
>There's many different types of strength, user, and they're all equally important to physical strength! There's emotional strength, psychological strength, creative strength...
>generalizing this much
ok shill, good try now fuck off
>When you use artistic strength instead of functional strength
Thx for posting now show bobs
heres a (((you)) and thank you for staying in mexico.
She is biological woman... that probably takes so much steroids that her clit is starting to look like a feminine penis.
I see it.
>pretending to be new
These are consensuses that you see often whenever the topics come up
For instance, there are people here confirming what I've said about what Sup Forums thinks about women in general
Etc. All these people are dismissing the evidence just because they can't wrap around their head around the concept of women possessing certain traits that make them superior to women.
>muh Sup Forums isn't a single person meme
Check above
The meaning of words are as narrow or as broad as they need them to be at any given moment. That's how progressives argue.
Make them superior to men*
Don't proofread
We're laughing at it because it's patently absurd. It runs contrary to every shred of evidence we have on the topic. The only way they can make such a claim is by changing the definition of strength like a slimy kike.
>tfw no strong woman to support
Men are starting to realise they're the weaker sex in the modern setting and women are realising they are stronger, yet women still don't want weak men. When will society adjust and turn into a proper matriarchy that will make us all happier and stronger?
This is technically true in some ways. Women can survive freezing longer than men, Mengele discovered that one.
Women also store fat more efficiently, it takes longer for them to burn through it. Men store most of it in their belly, but can drop it faster. Presumably, sudden periods of starvation meant men needed to go out and hunt again while women stayed back and survived with the babies.
kys faglord
>9 people represent all of Sup Forums
nice autism, hombre
> tfw you'll never wrestle her
> tfw you'll never be only be a little stronger than her
> tfw she'll never finally submit
> tfw you'll never have rough angry sex afterwards
Feels fucking bad.
>Loss in the filename
You have to at least not make the abstract ones obvious.
This is broadly true of most animals. Males burn out faster, take more risks etc. The benefits of cheap reproduction. Yay sperm.
Women don't even like being home alone
anyone else see a afterimage merchant???
like that weird retina thing that happens when you star at a bright light and then close your eyelids.
who did the study buzzfeed university?
The Great Millennial Roastie Suicide Wave starts in less than a decade.
And to think I decided to not become a mortuary apprentice... dumb past me.
Is there anything more attractive than being lovingly dominated by a women?
The article isn't talking about physical strength, as in, the strength used to move objects. It's talking about the biological strength to survive under harsh conditions.
Stop being a white nigger and accept that women have some good traits dumb edgelord contrarians
I only quoted a few people, there were more posts like those below.
Nice autism faggot
i don't get it?
So all that death in childbirth, prior to modern medicine was all bullshit then.