How do I even make friends? Where do I find friends?
Library is the best place to get girls and friends
Friends are made in causal and periodic conversation
find just talk to people at places where you usualy go
t.old lonely cunt
fuck meant
>in casual and regular conversation
To be honest... your rarely ever make friends outside of the core group you grew up with. Sadly tho, those friendships dissolve as peoples egos grow, they betray, they believe differently then you and then you end up compensating by making friends at work and that is basically it.
OR you are like me and you have zero friends and you sleep with your gun hoping you will blow your head off while your sleepwalking.
If your healthy... you dont need friends. Go to the gym, join a racquet ball club, join a co ed adult soccer league, etc and make friends via common interests, you will need that common ground otherwise it wont work out.
If you are unhealthy like me... you go on Sup Forums and see how shitty things are and then you contrast that to your personal life where you are alone... and then you see no reason to keep going.
This is the blackest of all blackpills... realizing how alone you are and how most people just use you for their gain, use you as a accessory to their life and your estranged relationship with your family or your non existent relationship with your dad ends up with you having psychosis which you try to deny, but realize is all too real.
You think there's no hope?
Friends are a meme. You're more friends with random people on here than you'll be in real life.
You have to increase your daily people meeting quotient, which I assume is 0 like most NEET scum. Maybe 1 in 100 people are worth talking to. Maybe 1 in 1000 people you meet might be a friend.
Same thing with finding a woman. You need to make more contacts, every single day, and know most won't pan out to anything at all.
depends on if your healthy and can be get motivated to create your own life without anyone in it and be patient until those people arrive(which they will.... a gf included).
But if you try to force it... you will just have negative experiences pushing you deeper into solitude but with negative feelings about even trying(aka R9k people)
Church. You'll know every red pilled male in your area. Through regular brief interactions you'll figure out peoples interests. As a single male it might take a bit longer to be accepted, but just try to get to know the males only, don't awkwardly hit on married women or stuff. You'll get to know every business owner eventually, probably get a good job.
When I became homeless i actually gained dozens of friends
You dont have any friends?
Church sounds good.
I thought I was broken when I realised I haven't been happy for years, then realised that everyone else is just as bad, they just get drunk more often.
Youre on Sup Forums, join a political group.
Joined a couple Libertarian and Identitarian groups where I live, full of guys like us. Usually always looking for new members, so everyone is super nice.
Another nice perk is meeting some e-celebs. Millenial Woes and Jared Taylor came to Ireland once. Brittany Pettibone, Tara McCarthy, and Martin Sellner also talk with us.
How did you join? How do i find a group?
no i have none. I have very bad health issues and everyone moved on with their live( which I get). I have my old best friend who calls me when he visits to watch college football or holidays, but it just is so formality ridden and his gf is there, so it not like what it once was.
Every day I come home from work and just go on Sup Forums, i spend my entire weekends alone at home struggling with my health and 4channing and watching sports to disassociate. But it doesnt work.
If you create a heavy schedule of you working on yourself( studying interests, working out, learning more about your trade, hobby like archery, gun range or photography... you wont mind being alone.
Photography is single handly the best thing to do to meet people. And it can be really fun... just start photographing nature, architecture, bands, etc... people will come to you to ask for photos, take them and email them to them... if you get good, you can make good side money. Dont be a creep and shoot girls tho, none of that underwear shoots, run from those if you get it offered.
alcohol is really nasty.. you see the worst parts of people slowly come out and you see things that change your opinion of them forever.
Alcohol just makes everyones ego swell and you also see them act like animals when they get trashed.
Identitarian groups are secret service honeypots. I hope you didn't give them any information.
>Alcohol just makes everyones ego swell and you also see them act like animals when they get trashed.
Yeah, but there's nothing else for the modern Brit to look forward to other than getting plastered, high on drugs, then fucking some grot in a bush.
Generation Identity can arrange to meet you somewhere in your local city, check to see if your not a journalist or a troublemaker. You can message one of their pages on facebook and say youre interested in joining. Identity Evropa is probably the closest thing you have in the U.S.
Anything that is Libertarian is pretty open to people just coming along to one of their events they advertise on facebook and the like
There's a difference between getting trashed and people who loosen or liven up after a drink or few.
Thanks for advice.
People over here are basically big children and lack any kind of restraint and will fuck themselves up something rotten.
Secret services also use them as ways to get as many people on to lists as possible.
We're advised to give fake names. A few months ago I went to G.I. meet up in London. Sellner and Pettibone were there. Thing was infiltrated by three journalists. One got outed right away, another shortly afterwards but had been with G.I. UK for a few months. Third one, we only found out about recently.
That's too bad. Tons of really heavy drinkers here and people who never grow out of some kind of college phase of getting fucked up three nights every week, but a bit of social drinking can be a great lubricant.
I find that you don't make friends consciously. If you try too hard you'll come off awkward and needy.
Let it happen naturally, you just have to find people who click with you and that you can relate to somehow. One or more shared interests is a great place to start.
Pretty much anyone from Britain is about 50/50 chance of being a spy from either the government or Hope not Hate (basically a government proxy at this point). I'd advise you to stay FAR away from this island, and the others to do the same.
t. someone who was literally the only non-reporter in a gathering.
Lot of teenage tier advice in this thread.
I'll drop some real shit here though.
You don't "Work" on getting friends, you don't "work" on getting a girlfriend.
All social function is a interaction between self and other. These interactions happen by necessity in our society. If you have a job or do anything, you will interact with other humans.
How they react to you is a function of how they view you. Everyone subconsciously builds an estimation of people in their memory. They review you actions, how you talk, etc etc and compare it with what they find good or bad.
Think of your life like a movie. You are the star by default. You must constantly review and re-assess how you are viewed by others and alter your behaviour to play on what they like. If you do this for long enough (5+ years or so depending on how perceptive you are) you can actually begin to play other people with your actions. And not play in the way of getting a reaction at all, I mean play in that you can get people to do exactly what you want, simply by acting in a precise way based on their cues and your own knowledge of who they are.
Now you know how to outmaneuver 90% of people.
Go forth and conquer. Well, at least the ones who aren't already doing this.
Lucky I live in Ireland. No deepstate here.
It depends upon your personality type and interests. These two things will determine to a large degree who you will enjoy spending time with.
I for example am an introvert who likes mathematics and science a lot. I enjoy talking about philosophy and psychology with people if they are inclined towards thinking abstractly like I am.
To get a good gauge of your personality type, take the MBTI and Big Five Traits personality test. Examining your results on those tests should feel like a light-bulb moment to you, as you realize why it is you connect with certain people and not with others.
Find people with similar interests and ways of thinking.
friends just hold u back. get a wife and keep in contact with ur parents every now and then. maybe have a conversation with your coworkers
Three fucking journalists deep undercover just to cover a piss warm identity movement? Holy shit niggers and they say investigative journos are gone.
Of course somehow there's zero money spent on investigating any of a dozen marxist groups just in my town alone. They put up fliers to come celebrate the "great revolutionary" Che Guevara's birthday here.
Imagine a GI flier to celebrate the great warhero Rommel. Absolute cunts.
Yeah youre right. I'll probably stay away from any events in the UK from now on. That ITV documentary literally came from the last event I was at.
pull your dick out
>You don't "Work" on getting friends, you don't "work" on getting a girlfriend.
>These interactions happen by necessity in our society. If you have a job or do anything, you will interact with other humans.
Look at this laughable cunt who thinks hanging out with people from work is natural. If you're on Sup Forums what the fuck work do you do that you can relate even slightly to them? If you're in STEM or working for the government fucking forget it, every workplace is POZZED.
>Think of your life like a movie. You are the star by default.
Oh I see, you're a delusional narcissist too.
It's insane over here. There was a funny case with the BNP where literally everyone, even the speakers, were all spooks and spies.
Yet they don't have anyone hanging around in any of the extremist mosques. I guess they know who their real enemies are, huh?
That was actually a rather poor showing from HNH really.
>There was a funny case with the BNP where literally everyone, even the speakers, were all spooks and spies.
Literally the state of fed infiltration of WN in the US. Ruby Ridge happened because feds were desperate to find more people to sting, so they goaded the guy into buying a gun you need a license for.
He didn't really want anything to do with the WN compound, they were just close and they were all remote.
Led to a discussion about the morality of having entire leadership hierarchies full of deep cover feds part of the groups recruiting people and talking them into committing crimes so they can bust them.
> Yet they don't have anyone hanging around in any of the extremist mosques.
It's pure coincidence of course.
Thank. I'm going to
Kill myself now. Bye.
Do you live in a city or a small town, Sven?
I've been seeing anarchist and commie slogans spray painted on walls around my town for the past year or so, and I live in a middle of nowhere, 5.000> pop. town.
Just takes the one cunt to start spraypainting up a small town really, but the interesting part is that society would react quickly to remove anything fashy and the "visit redcommunistyouth" recruitment slogan has been in a heavily trafficked underpass for years now.
Communism is just whitewashed completely.
Same over here. Every Labour party rally has open Stalinists and Maoists, not even Trots but actual "gulags have a bad reputation" types.
It's insane, yet people have a gut reaction rejection of more right-wing than the Tories.
I always thought it odd how the guy in charge of Identity Europa being a "former" marine is so glossed over by Americans. I mean, fucking come on!
>periodic conversation
Periodical conversation in the this why I have no frens?
>who thinks hanging out with people from work is natural.
Are you mentally challenged?
I said interactions happen naturally, not hanging out with people from work you absolute fucking imbecile.
>If you're on Sup Forums what the fuck work do you do that you can relate even slightly to them?
This is a mainstream site idiot.
And yeah, I've been using Sup Forums for near a decade, but unlike most of the users it seems, I don't swallow every resurgence of defeated ideology that gets pushed here.
I have a wife, I work full time in a social occupation, and I post on imageboards sometimes.
Stop basing your perception on what amounts to cultural bullshit.
>you're a delusional narcissist too.
Is there another way to see it?
You are you. You are the only character in your life whose actions are directed by you.
You missed the whole fucking point of the post: if you are dissatisfied by your social interactions, then change how you act and you can improve or shape them.
Have fun
>I've been using Sup Forums for near a decade
LARP discarded.