What do u think about cryptocurrencies Sup Forums
Is this shit really that big and going to transform world?
What do u think about cryptocurrencies Sup Forums
Is this shit really that big and going to transform world?
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If you want crypto Gains without the hassle
Canopy Growth >WEED
Aurora Cannabis> ACB
Anonymous currency? Yes. Tip, buy BAT, before it hits $1 if you can or soon after.
I wanna get in on this shit but there's so many fucking coins to choose from and I don't want to buy some dud that an asshole on /biz/ is trying to shill.
I've never done any stock trading but I've looked into this. Can you invest USD into the Canadian market or do I have to convert my assets first?
A system where the 1% can manipulate, inflate, deflate at a whim completely immune to public oversight and retaliation.
Yes, but not Litecoin.
Nor Bitcoin.
What market cap do you expect BAT to reach?
I dropped 1000$ in dgb back in july when it was worthless. It's worth 15 times that now
people would just stop using it and go to one of the other thousands of competitors wishing to be more popular
>tfw I'll never strike it rich with a shitcoin like this
Already made 81,328 dollars. Get in here, fag. Use Bittrex.
Crypto Insider Here
I can't say where I work, but I work for a new startup that just secured several million in financing from Chinese investors.
Bitcoin (and other alt coins) are not world changing per se but the blockchains and technologies behind them will transform almost every industry imaginable in the next 5 to 10 years.
Distributed ledgers are way better than the current databases companies use
ask me anything...
And by that time they are happy, made their money and moving on to the next scheme
/biz/ legit has the best memes now of all Sup Forums
How much money have you personally made, and cashed out into dollars, from crypto currency and what ones did you invest in?
Not bursting yet, normies will still enter in mass and then it will burst.
I support shilling this obvious scam only to see normie scum going bankrupt few years from now.
>muh anti-government coin
2% use it for drugs and milk-derived Pizza; 98% use it as tulip/MMM/ponzi
Cashed out a little over 40k this week and still holding for more gains. People arguing with this are missing out.
Best of luck
Im just hinting out a coming moon mission
I'm convinced that they will be a large part of the way money is moved around in the near future.
Drop money in to cryptos with prospects for real world applications and you're likely going to make a lot of money.
I'm just pumping money in to xlm and link, both of which are going to blow up this year.
A lot of the exchanges are closed to new sign ups now, and as soon as the normies get allowed everything is going to moon.
What happens to crypto in the upcoming global QE unwinding correction recession?
why isn't /biz/ renamed to crypto or /cry/ as it would be? there is no business or finance threads on there anymore
I was annoyed by this at first and then I got in to crypto and now I don't care.
>bought eth in march at 18 bucks a coin
>started trading for others in june, keep holsing eth
>make a little but eventually consolidate and pick a few choice coins
>buy 100k+ XBY when they are pennies in june
>last week XBY touches 87 cents and i start cashing out chunks
>cash out a bunch and keep half of my XBY for when it moons past a dollar
>keep holding the 5 smaller coins i have in bittrex (XLM, POWR, LSK, BAY, one other)
>keep as much as i cashed out in BTC/LTC/ETH for later gains as the market soaks up new money
You guys should really visit /biz/ for a night.
Its a high risk investment that can be stressful and its a shit ton of info to sift through.
Litecoin is a good bet then. Currently trading at below ath by a good margin, cheapest on coinbase etc.
/biz/ was started to contain all of the crypto talk that congested Sup Forums. It has alqays been a crypto board. Everyone else is a guest.
>You guys should really visit /biz/ for a night.
how would that help?
all i see is 100 different threads shilling for 100 different coins
Because once you're in the game pink wojacks become the most hillarious meme ever.
Yeah, and it gets to biz before it hits the twittersphere or normies. The game is changing in this later phase but /biz/ is forever ahead of the curve. To you it looks like 100 random coins being shilled. I can scroll through the catalog and tell you a few sentences about every coin, where it is in the market, whether i would buy any. Its so much info though that im getting sick of it which is why im taking a payout and relaxing on some good coins with the rest
It will change the world, but the change will take a decade. One example is that youtube demonitization and getting kicked off patreon has zero effect when crypto currencies take over.
It is a banking system where nobody can stop anyone from receiving money.
That said, Litecoin is not part of the future. Look at Cardano, Monero and Iota for interesting alternatives (for the the next decade) or ofc Bitcoin and Etherium for the next year or so.
The valuation for most currencies today is on bubble levels, but if the crypto economy grows to only cover drug trades it can motivate a higher price for most currencies than today.
>trade for eth or ltc
>send to coinbase and sell
Its easy m8
BTC, ETH, and LTC are the best ones to get started on. There are a TON of shitcoins out there. If you are putting money in crypto you should put it in one or all of one of these three and then just hold it for like 6 months while you get comfortable and acquainted with it.
Bullshit Coinbase did not send you 40k easy like tht
You've been brainwashed. This is one of the worst examples to compare crypto to. Tulips dry, wilt over, and have to be replaced.
Crypto currencies do not deteriorate or ever have to be replaced. You are a sheep.
Why are nocoiners always so salty
Please actually research what the fuck is happening because in 10 years this will be part of your every day life.
world will suddenly wake up and realize they're worthless
until then they will facilitate crime
Technologically speaking, the technology behind cryptos has effectively changed the world already.
Financially speaking, it's a good way to make money quick thanks to its high volatility but not recommended for long-term store of value. Some cryptos are more profitable than others by design. For example, cryptos with low monetary base tend to be more valuable with time due to deflation or cryptos like Monero who offer untraceable transactions might be more desirable because of that.
Read this shit faggot:
Trips say crypto currency will crash this spring
BCH(not BTC) is the best coin. Jews are doing everything to SHUT IT DOWN by creating gorrilions of shit coins desu.
What? Lol okay man.
>Is this shit really that big and going to transform world?
yes and if you disagree you're a moron
ETH is objectivly the best, kys bag holder
I just went all in on BAT
Falling for roger vers lie? Hes a felon who isnt allowed back in the usa. Sell your BitconCrash and grab a real coin m8
ETH is a jewish coin. they will inflate it by (((mining))) as much as they want to make shekels on dumb goyim like you lol.
i'm very skeptical about ETH
BTC and LTC are dinosaur coins that are going to die sooner or later. If you need a store of value throughout 2018 pick ETH
All my crypto money (just 25k usd total) is sitting in REQ LINK QSP and ENG and holding them till at least the end of this year. I'm taking this once in a lifetime opportunity to gamble it all on these coins to get out of the ratrace. I'm already doing fine started with only 2k in october and cashed out 7k in early december after the massive BTC run made me scared. So i'm really just gambling with my gains right now.
I don't feel pity for nocoiners on Sup Forums, they pretend to be redpilled but they have zero fucking clue what's going on. They just repeat whatever the media and the banks have spoonfed them.
It's a bubble.
Techies are blinded by the admittedly cool technology behind it and the technological possibilities. If anyone tries to talk about it to them from an economic point of view, they screech that old brokers and economists just don't understand the tech. Which would make sense if the tech wasn't trying to be currency.
Libertarians are blinded by the fact that it's decentralized and, yeah, better than government fiat currency by virtue of lacking the government violence behind it.
But it's not money. It has no real value and the market is driven entirely by greed. Too volatile to even use as currency. It's worthless.
Buy precious metals instead.
Where do I buy
cryptocurrencies are the future, but that future will take a very long time to come about
they're useful in hyperinflationary countries now
the single most important part of crypto is that they are not linked to personhood.
an artificial autonomous program can't own a bank account, but it can definitely own crypto
once ai can interact with people well enough to pay its own insurance or register its business license, then crypto will take over completely
are you talking all crypto or just bitcoin? bitcoin is definitely a bubble
Ripple here to stay?
>BTC and LTC are dinosaur coins that are going to die sooner or later
thats a funny way to spell adoption increasing
>Spent $1000, worth 15 times that now.
Congrats! Now you can almost pay your parents' property tax for 2018.
>they screech that old brokers and economists just don't understand the tech. Which would make sense if the tech wasn't trying to be currency.
ok, name a "old broker or economist" that I should be listening to?
t. pajeet
What do you think about my balls in your mother's mouth as a mouthful currency?
It's a bubble.
yes the technology is going to change the world. it may replace fiat money, as well. 4 or 5 nations are considering issuing their own
Austrians like Schiff, Block, etc. Block probably makes the most sense. If it was between crypto and fiat currency, crypto wins hands down. But it's not the new gold. And if this is between gold and crypto, gold is much more preferable. And if it wasn't competing against fiat (and we still had a gold standard), it probably wouldn't have taken off the way it did.
I'm not saying to trust these men absolutely. I am hopeful about cryptos and I think they have their place. But all these people sinking money into BTC simply because it's going up aren't doing it any favors.
I'd love to be able to use it as a currency, but for now it's just edgy teens trying to day trade. It's killing the tech. People need to stop looking at the possibilities and start assessing the reality of cryptos right now.
t. shill
it's a bubble.
I don't understand nocoiners. Even if it is a bubble, all the people in the bubble have made 1500% last year.
It's more like the fact that when bubbles burst, most people don't see it coming. And then go broke.
says who?
>all the people in the bubble have made 1500% last year.
only if they sell
Bubbles are where the money gets made.
Well it'd have to literally lose 95% of its value for people who got in last year to go back to break even. And it's just starting to get mainstream interest/adaption.
Whoever hasn't taken out at least twice their initial investment just to be safe definitely deserves to get burned.
Most people are idiots. Meanwhile, the bubbles are how the rich get rich. Stocks, real estate, dot com, crypto. You learn to play the market or get lucky and you make a lot of money.
Also you DON'T INVEST WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE. You don't go broke if you don't invest like a moron.
It's fun mining new coins and playing with zero jewbucks at stake.
Made nearly 10k off a single GPU in 2 months then tripled it by riding the coat tails of whales on smaller exchanges.
Normiebase has a sell limit now but It just started this week.
gib buttcons
I could care less if it changes the world, but it's making me a shit ton of money right now.
Buy the dips bitches.
Buy QuantStamp. It's a coin that audits smart contracts. They have their own revenue stream.
That's really my only issue with cryptos. As I said, I'm not completely anti-crypto. I think they are pref. to fiat currencies. And I am hopeful about them. And I like the idea and tech behind them.
My problem is with the greed. There are plenty of smart people in cryptos atm. But when regular, low-income millennials ask me what I think about crypto-currencies, it's worth telling them the whole truth.
Unless you know what you're doing, you can get easily sucked into the hype. You're not a day trader, you work at a department store. You're going to have to put more thought into this than throwing some savings into it and trying to find the right time to exit. There are no easy ways to make money.
And that's what is wrong with BTC now. A bunch of normies who think it's free money. I ultimately don't care about them, but I'm just saying here what I'd tell any friend I care about. Be smart about it.
What is the currency that came to stay? Which one should we invest in?
brainlet coin
it's the beginning of a one world currency, I'll be self-immolating soon enough
This nigga is 100% correct. Weed will be a multi billion dollar industry in the next few decades and you have a chance to buy in now.
Crypto right now is a bunch of bullshit that has no real value besides what speculation it is given. Besides the value being completely unstable, which makes it useless for buying goods, the other issue is that all it would take is for world governments to make that shit illegal and the whole currency is fucked.
>This nigga
Do you know where you are?
look up c20 token
thank me later