Debate the following statement:
>Racism is bad.
Protip: you can't
Debate the following statement:
>Racism is bad.
Protip: you can't
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there is no such thing as race
HBD - sure, genetic and cultural differences - sure
race is way too categoric and unsubstantiated with anything but stormfag sentiments
idea of race is utterly retarded and people who think their imagined "race" makes them innately better should be in mental hospital - what west achieved isnt because of innate biological advantages, but beacuse of work and effort coupled with positiv environmental and historical factors
What you put down as inherent, genetic inferiority in intelligence and behaviour is due to environmental factors that have been perpetuated as social differences by people like you
>Racism is bad
People can't have preferences?
it doesnt break the NAP
That statement can't be debated because one can
not honestly make any arguments in support of it.
Only one side to an issue is not a debate.
Racism is good.
Most "racism" is classism. Most of the black people Sup Forums hates are ghetto trash. They wouldn't hate an educated black dentist or a Arab computer programmer.
Because they tend to be normal people who want the same shit we do.
Racism is natural, there has never been a time without it.
no such thing as dog breeds
lol, niggers are actually this dumb
War is natural. There has never been a time without it. Doesn't make it good faggot
>liberal says "racism" is bad
>I explain why "racism" good
>but I thought you loved relativism? :)
>I lay out in objective terms what kind of societies my ideas and their ideas lead to
>these facts are already manifested in reality and they can't refute it
>they experience extreme cognitive dissonance because I shattered their world view
>they become a white nationalist 80% of the time, lose interest in politics 15% of the time, and quadruple down on their delusions 5% of the time
Found the nigger
Why is it bad?
If races are different protip: they are, then why isn't appropriate to expect people of those races to also be different?
Why is it bad to expect/believe in something that is true?
nigga plz, its ruff in da jungle
How is racism good? It justs creates unnecessary animosity between you and, for example, niggers which hinders communication and cooperation with them.
They aren't genetically inferior, they are just descended from individuals who couldn't benefit from the necessary environment that enables significant development like in Europe. What you claim to be genetic factors is merely perpetuated environmental factors by people who still refuse to integrate them into civilised society, simply leaving them to act like chimps. Stop being a brainlet
Fuck that, normal Arabs throw acid in people’s faces
Animosity doesn't matter if they don't participate in your society. It's also MUCH less likely to occur if you live separately. When people stop having to deal with niggers they stop hating them.
Genes aren't separate from the environment. Organisms ARE genes, pause, expressed in an environment.
The environment determines the genes, and to a some degree the genes determine the environment.
If you're legitimately ignorant on this topic start watching Ryan Faulk's videos.
They are genetically inferior BY DEFINITION because their environment was inferior for selecting good genes. Genes that ended up fit for modern criteria used to measure superiority/inferiority (of intellect, among many other things). Blacks are actually superior to whites on some IQ subtests, they just happen to be ones that don't matter much for doing all the productive things considered valuable to civilized society.
I unironically feel that racism promotes honesty in society if you're looking at the big picture. If everyone was allowed to be racist then it'd be a better starting point moving forward with everything out in the open opposed to the usual fake smiles, forced niceties, public/private stances, etc. Everyone is racist some of us are just sick of lying about it
I can by pointing out that "racism" does not exist.
each race has their place with their kind except the kikes they have no place
Racism against white farmers in Zimbabwe led to the starvation and death of niggers. Racism is great.
Race is just another word for genetic population. If you accept genetic differences between individuals, and that genes are hereditary, you accept race whether you want to call it "race" or not.