Is this person considered white?
Is this person considered white?
Is THIS person considered white?
Not a person
No pile of ashes have been found
These kind of Ashkenazim are literally larping as jews
>Is this person considered white?
Does this person consider themselves white?
Is he on our "team" looking out for our interests, or does he think he's part of some separate group with their own interests that may run counter to other white people?
Is there some sort separate society within our society that feels no remorse when .... say for example ... assaulting our women and then hiring "The Black Cube" (another group of people in this separate society) to cover up their sexual assaults.
Le 56% Amerikike. Not white.
>meme comment
What makes him non-white appearance wise?
only if he's circumcised!!!!!!!
this is what is meant by shape shifter
Reminder that most ashkenazi jews are just whites larping as Jews it doesn’t matter how bad they wish they were actual Jews they they never will be
This is what Jesus looked like
Only by other Jews.
Phenotype wise, what makes him non-European?
Race is determined by dna. Ashkenazi jews are still 70% middle eastern
I don't know. throw a penny and see if he chases after it.
Again, phenotype wise what makes him non-European? What about his appearance makes you think he has 30% middle eastern blood?
I don't care if he looks european. His dna says he isn't
You haven’t seen his DNA though faggot
OPs picture is obviously a Eastern European convert Jew.
>His dna
That is just what khazar geneticists claim. Their liars.
Judging by that get-up, probably not. Jews are very different from whites, namely in that they are ultra-degenerate and lying, convening sacks of shit. Some are better than the rest, but you should never ever trust one.
Have you seen his dna? I am basing my judgement on the group he belongs to. Ashkenazi jews are still 70% middle eastern. So they are not white.
If you base race on phenotype then you end up with passing jews, arabs, iranians and mixed race mongrels counting as white
They don't cluster with arabs genetically though.
Please show me arabs who look ilke this. You can always tell if someone has some arab in him
If he does a bad thing: white.
If he does a good thing: jewish.
t. media
They actually cluster closely to Greeks and Italians
Someone post the phenotype map
Is the pope marxist?
LOL just noticed you wrote 70% middle eastern, and not 30% as i previously thought. Wow, you're a retard
Again. I don't care about passing. If you can show me the dna test of a jew who is fully european then he is white. If he has too much middle eastern dna then he isn't.
My sister has a friend with a white mother and an egyptian father. She passes as white but i still consider her a sand nigger.
Yeah that guy is a fucking retard. Ashkenazis are obviously not arab.
Not all middle easternes are your typical gulf arabs. Jews are basically levant arabs. They cluster closely with syrians and lebanese. Some of them can pass as white, especially ones with european admixture
OK, so you don't know if he's white until you see his DNA test, got it
Well yes because there are non whites that can pass as white. The fact that jews pass is why they were able to infiltrate our governments
A lot of ashkenazis are physically indistinguishable from the whitest Europeans. I can imagine blonde Amy Schumer in a lederhosen serving german beer