>tfw completely lost interest in video games
W-what happened? It's been 2 years now and I can't muster a single drop of enthusiasm for a hobby I wasted years of my life on.
>tfw completely lost interest in video games
W-what happened? It's been 2 years now and I can't muster a single drop of enthusiasm for a hobby I wasted years of my life on.
Try Japanese games. They try to be fun unlike modern western games.
keeb me bosted
because most triple a tittles now are spend 60$ play for 20 hours.
Weed does that.
do you do anything positive instead ?
Old strategy games are the only way to go if you want depth. My problem with games is that they have to bang all mechanics over your head.
Because you know that every time you play them you could be doing something else more productive so subconsciously you know you're wasting time and you hate wasting time.
Games have reach "full homogenization" -- copy-pasta FPS indoctrination wares; once rewarding, synapses-firing genres, casualised the fuck Down's to indulgence baby rattles; the industry taking a acute careen down the (((money -grubber))) path; "free to play" an in-ironic euphemism for gambling 4 kiddies; gaming communities toxic and more like political tribes of gob agape, peer parroting goyim, than anything resembling the social communities they were in the arcades and early console days...
It's in line with the macrocosmic homogenization of the species: Turn everyone into dumbed-down, mindless drones who have no creative input of their own and who only parrot what ever pea-brained propaganda reënforces their inculcated prejudices and beliefs.
When A.I. does emerge, there will be no "Terminator" resistance or war -- it will suicidal lambs lurching willing to their slaughter.
We are all already dead, Ken.
>inb4 sensationalism
>inb4 cannot see the microcosmic representation vidya - today, the most ubiquitous form of entertainment - is of wider social dynamics
Also this has got to be the most detailed texture of an ass I have ever seen
>all the replies in this thread
It's called growing up, jackass.
>Try Japanese games
this, violated heroine got me hooked on nippon games
It's probably because today's games are utter shit. The golden age of gaming is long past and gone.
Because every possible enjoyable gameplay type has been done better and you're aware of that since you played for a while.
It's the same with movies. They're both made for people who have never played games or watched movies before so all the old shit is new to them.
You grew up
And the game industry is completely fucked as well
Play RPG´s
Witcher 3,Fallout 4,Skyrim etc etc
Would coast you around idk,maybe 60 €
But the Games gonna last a while
commit Jihad for real now your training is complete
it's not your fault. all new games are shit. it's all shovelware, incomplete, halfassed, beta tier, DLC if you want the rest of the game, no updates, no support, it's just take the money and run bullshit. on top of it, gaming level pc hardware has gotten out of control expensive for no reason. things should be getting cheaper and using less power, but they're getting more expensive and using more power. the game publishers are cucked into oblivion and they keep forcing nigger and sjw shit into every flagship title. it's over guys, time to go back to the NES. there is literally no reason to play games anymore.
Best game ever, I still play it - did you try Revision mod?
This. But then when I think about this my nihilism kicks in realizing nothing I do matters.
>when AI
Kek, the rest of your post is ok. This part is retarded.
because this is your average video game player
The only redeeming factor in this whole equation is the pirate bay. Don't know why anyone would pay for the utter garbage being pumped out these days.
Do not despair, this is actually a good thing.
Your mind is looking for a new hobby and you actually get to choose.
If I was you I'd try to start hitting the gym or something like that.
What's this? Like terraria / minecraft / farmbuilding type shit?
You are becoming an adult. Celebrate your maturity.
Congratulations, you grew up a bit.
Combination of you maturing and realizing other things are more worthwhile AND/OR games are shit nowadays
they are all propaganda, loot boxes and have physiological manipulation to make people spend money
you have no idea. i suddenly realized i had been creating and propagating degeneracy as a full time career. i suddenly hated what i spent my life nearly obsessed with. i stopped doing it. now i’m broke and selling house, moving to a cheaper area. it’s all i know how to do, and i am sick of it. fml
Get a Rift and a 1080, seriously. I haven't felt this sense of wonder for games since I was 10.
Playing the wrong game. Going on 14 years playing.
>Boss might take an organized team 10 tries to take down the first time
>second time it's 5 tries
>third time, mechanics and movement patterns down, 1 try
>noobs come in
>want to kill boss first time
>want to get carried
>feel entitled to rewards dispite not learning the fight
>go to forums in droves
>whine and complain
>devs cave
>boss dumbed down
>whole game dumbed down
>noobs leave game because its "sooo easy and mindlessly boring"
>repeat across every title and genre
Games used to be hard, and that was part of the fun. Now "games" exist that literally tell you a story on rails.
try tabletop gaming user
This. You either out grow the video jew or become a soybiy
Any recommendations? I bought two vives for some reason. Great experience
Because you need to get >More interactive than any vidya
>Rogue like injury system
>Exotic smells
>Level up your lifts
>Great potential for character customization
>Free Escape the Pit DLC for manlets
Just do what I do, buy Hearts of Iron and spend every night winning WW2 in creative ways as Nazi Germany
May nigga, P99 or live?
60$? Games are 79.99$ + 14.975%tx here
This is pretty damn accurate. Clash Royale and Mighty Battles have delivered the most gameplay variety in recent years. You have to dredge through mobile garbage to experience anything new.
Very little can be new and amazing anymore.
Average play time per game has fallen significantly since the 90s where you would usually sink 400+ hours and now its only about 45-50 hours average for a new game
Good lord. Why the fuck are Canadian taxes so high?
p99 for the community that is still there.
Waiting for green to drop someday and start the cycle again.
Try new genres. You might not be getting enough mental stimulation if you've been playing the same games for years.
When I'm not seal clubbing I like to play 4X games single player. Comfy asf with my psionic space empire
I go through spurts, I've been taking a break since Thanksgiving. Is Green an official thing now?
stopped playing awhile ago, only thing that could get me interested now is blizzards vanilla wow servers but they probably gonna fuck it up anyway
Aus taxes are too because we love daddy government
Congrats you grew up op.
GTA V online on PC has some red pilled community, feels like Sup Forums
learn a fucking instrument
I still play video games but I also play guitar for a living so I have a lot of free time and money. I play them with my 8 year old so I don't feel as guilty about how much of a waste of time they can be.
Have you ever played Toy Soldiers? It's one of my favorites.
>want to get back into playing my trumpet
>can’t because I guarantee my apartment neighbors would complain
Pretty much me. It is a vicious cycle.
I would guess there's a big gap forming, where most games were on average ~400 hours of enjoyment one way or another, and some replay value, now the game has formed with the majority of games being displayed in the brackets of >100 hours play once and forget about, and the >1500 hours grindfest infinite replayability multiplayer.
They both still existed back then, but they didn't make for 90% of the available titles at the time, you had a more homogeneous distribution.
I blame console standardization and AAA developers carnivorous appetite springing forth the small-team-indie-developer trend that filled the fucking early access/greenlight/kickstarter lists
I just play old RTS mostly. Only AAA I've played as of late is MGR because it was on sale. Surprisingly fun.
I just don't have time for games anymore, periodically I'll play Dark Souls for an hour on the weekend, but that's it.
Games aren't the same anymore, I just don't want to play any of the new releases.
"Once we finish velious code 100% we will talk about it " is still the official statement.
My main issue is that I really want to experience it from the start again. Daybreak is doing a great job imo and at least keeping the intellectual property alive.
I had 2 titles RUIN all other games.
>Dark Souls
>STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl
My little brother (32y/o) also took my advice on these titles. He experienced the same thing I did. There is no joy in any games any more.
New games are weak, and casual.
I had to go back to my roots, and ended up finding /vr/ here on the chans. There are so many excellent and challenging titles on the PSX & SNES that I missed out on growing up. Our household went from NES to Megadrive(genesis). Man oh man. Castlevania SOTN is WONDERFUL!
New games lack soul. They seem void of emotion, and do not draw me in.
World of Goo gets an Honorable mention. It is random and odd, but very entertaining.
Play Company of Heroes 2: Spearhead mod, faggot.
I've had ww2 zombies loaded for 2 hours but just keep refreshing pol instead of playing. Seems like work desu
45-50 hours is generous.
you could easily compelte most of todays titles in 20-30 hours if you drop the monotonous collect-athons and other repetitive filler that provides no challenge but is marketed as 'content'.
I don't recall dropping a 100% playthrough attempt because of difficulty in the last decade ever, it's always due to boredom.
Same here user. I used to love playing League of Legends but now it feels like I'm forcing myself just to pass time. Only way I can play is if I'm smoking weed as well. Nothing else really interests me and I have little to no communication with other people because I'm a NEET.
I know that feel. That last game i got hyped for was Dead State (basically thee only real Zombie RPG / SHTF similator) and Pillars of Eternity. There hasn't been any good story driven game i think.
Japanese games are beta/null male garbage when it comes down to it. I mean there are some that are actually good, like metal gears, but Japanese games supplement story with oversexualized garbage. They trick players into thinking the game is good when in actuality you're enjoyment from said game is just staring at ass all day.
I'm the same.
Now, instead of wasting my life sitting playing video games, I waste it sitting doing absolutely nothing.
You're forgetting that making new games means making profit so investing huge design and programming effort into a $60 game is a double edged sword because you will be less likely to buy their new game because this game is good enough, and it costs more to invest as much effort into one game.
>TFW the druish have all the plat from selling >ports and farming camps.
It's getting harder to find good new games, persona 5 was the best of last year for me, wither 3 and the souls series are also good.
But there are games always I go back to like red alert 2 and heroes of might and magic 3.
I enjoy civilisations too but I need to have a lot of free time for that one.
is Paragon still alive?
>tfw character design is and will keep being ass
play into a pillow or stuff some shit down the bell
or tell your neighbors to eat a dick
>Not nodded og coh
Turbofaggot. Granted spearhead is good but CoH2 doesn't let you add models yet.
I recommend indie games. You pay less and sometimes you get more out of them. I've sunk countless hours into some of my small purchases
I wish I could do that
Games are 100$ here. Normally, they'd be 200-300$ each, but since our currency has been devalued a whole lot, the amount we pay is worth less in dollar.
Play modern games, last one that came out recently that is good is Project Cars 2
*Old Games - sorry
It's from a game called Paragon, character is countess in one of her alt costumes
Doom my friend
Probably just depression. Of course there is also the novelty that may be gone after a while. You can try and compensate for your depression by trying new genres and games that claim to be different.
For example I loved Undertale for it's unusual meta-narrative. It sure was different. Some people like hard, challenging games. Because it gives them a certain type of fullfillment to beat them. Bloodborne gave me my fill for that recently.
Those are options, but dealing with your depression is eventually unavoidable.
Witcher 3* its only fun on death march though, it makes the world feel actually dangerous, making more sense why people would pay you to kill things.
But fuck all the ?'s in skellige.
also no fatties
>Japanese games are beta/null male garbage when it comes down to it. I mean there are some that are actually good, like metal gears, but Japanese games supplement story with oversexualized garbage. They trick players into thinking the game is good when in actuality you're enjoyment from said game is just staring at ass all day.
Some add sexualized imagery, but so what? If you really get mesmerized by a nice ass in a video game then you should just check out some porn now and then to get that urge out of your system.
You can also find games like the Shin Megami Tensei games or Shiren The Wanderer which can just be fun.
source please :(
>Doom my friend
I grew up on Wolfestein, Doom & Duke Nukem. I have played the SHIT out of every DOOM except the 64 version. I really know this is going to get me flamed, but I REALLY enjoyed the 32x version with the 6 button controller.
I just want to dogfight some fags with my me-163 reeee p-post steam
Sorta but it's not in a great state, lots of players have left but it's still hanging on due to being free to play.
You need to start making games nigga
The graphics are amazing
also japanese games dont sacrifice good gameplay by trying to shove some lefty political agenda bollocks like western games do
I actually never even liked Nintendo growing up but the cancerous gaming community turned me on to the switch where it's not so focused on online play and gaming "journalists" don't whine about it because most of the older games are based on apparently ancient Japanese morals that everyone else in the world had up until the Clinton administration
they put no heart into it anymore.
yeah cause they have no good gameplay to sacrifice
I suggest looking into retropie. It cost about $100 in hardware, you will learn a lot setting it up, and you can play classic video games that aren't cucked.