Why is Sup Forums so unsuccessful IRL?
Why is Sup Forums so unsuccessful IRL?
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the thing is OP that not everyone defines their worth through this dumb popularity contest that liberals tend to be so obsessed with. a lot of the people on Sup Forums prize their integrity and independence first. lots of autistic people and malcontents too, like with anywhere on the internet. but in general on the right-wing of the political spectrum, we tend not to be as interested in the "popularity contest" and the "conforming to the social norms" thing as we are just focused on our families and our children and toiling away at our own problems. that's probably the biggest social / personality difference between conservatives and liberals, if I had to pick one out.
like for example almost all of the conservatives I know, myself included, would never want to go "to a party" because that doesn't appeal to us, but the liberals I know, by contrast, would actually be sad and have self-esteem issues if they didn't get invited to enough parties.
to be honest, I feel like liberals and left-wingers are very much stuck in a high school mentality, or a perpetual adolescence still.
Why is the left so disgusting?
the whole social scene, the things they define their own success by, are just things that are not important and almost don't even register in the minds of most conservatives and right wingers.
like a lot of the stuff that makes them feel like "a success" we look and say "wow I'm glad I'm not doing that stuff", but I suppose this is hard for them to understand since they tend to universalize their own experiences too.
Because their ideas are fucking idiotic and their champions use gay-ass meme flags, like assholes. Your turn, asshole.
yep, shitposter in chief seems successful
>wanting society to hold true to the core tennant of every human culture is "idiotic"
Okay bub.
far and away the most watery, flimsy psychoanalysis i've ever read. twisting social failure into virtue is absolutely laughable.
Fancy words with no substance. What is this "core tennant"? By the way, it's "tenet".
yeah well that's just a reflection of your own values and things that are important to you. you're really proving my point more than anything with this comment. if it's literally impossible for you to conceive of someone not caring about their popularity as anything other than "failure" then I would say you have totally proven my point about liberals vs conservatives and their different mentalities.
>yeah well that's just a reflection of your own values and things that are important to you.
keep telling yourself that, little man. nobody can question your anti-intellectual, paranoid BS but leftists? do you really believe this?
>if it's literally impossible for you to conceive of someone not caring about their popularity as anything other than "failure"
why are you manipulating like this? it's not so much w/e you're on about here as much as you clearly trying to make perpetual social alienation as some cosmic virtue, justified by transparent walls of "the other side being sheep unlike myself." how utterly narcissistic can you be?
*as much as it's you clearly trying to turn perpetual social alienation into some cosmic virtue
>implying i haven't made 400k sitting in my room trading internet money
Don't you have to go to bed for work soon, wagie? Somebody has to do all the hard work around here. Another white supremacist gets rich from crypto every day and you're still sitting here whining. LMAO
The left has no real reason to exist, i don't know how that isn't a meme yet
>why are you manipulating like this? it's not so much w/e you're on about here
so you literally don't even know what I'm trying to say but you are vehemently arguing about it anyway. cool.
dude how old are you? your ideas about socialization and popularity are like the ones that a high schooler would have. if you're in your 20s then at this point, frankly, you should be moved passed that, getting in with a woman, starting a family, and not being concerned about "your popularity" and "your social success" so much anymore. that's the point and from what you're saying it doesn't sound like you've done that. just saying.
thanks for calling me "little man" and all of this weird stuff though. doesn't sound like you have a rash of social and anger issues yourself or anything like that though, right?
>Jew loving ZOG puppet who licks Saudi ass
>Sup Forums
Go back
you frankly seem to me like a dude who defines everything regarding his own worth through social acceptance and success and that's pretty unhealthy. and I'm just pointing out that your mentality is actually the most common mentality among people on the left and my mentality its he most common mentality among people one the right. we are individualists, you are collectivists. I don't think that's controversial to say, obviously that would be the difference between communism and capitalism for example.
but your attitudes on this topic regarding me and what I'm saying are 100% the product of your perceptions and your own obsession with social status or whatever it is you're into and talking about though. those aren't universal drives or priorities in human beings. not everyone is that obsessed with them or even cares at all about them. if you have a hard time believing that, then tough, that's your loss.
Shut up Jew
This is a stupid post. No one cares if you have money or where it came from. You're patting yourself on the back for something no one cares about. This whole post was written just to brag to anons - the last people on earth who respond positively to respond positively to braggotry.
I dunno bro, to be honest with you his post seems very relevant in the context of the discussion. I dunno what your problem with it is. did it make you feel insecure or something?
I'm sorry, but I thought the topic was 'Why is Sup Forums so unsuccessful?'. I'm just pointing out that a lot of Sup Forumstards are getting rich off of this bubble, and in the future we will use our wealth to fund movements.
no i totally get what you're saying. you're using anecdotal evidence to paint this picture of, again, "the other side" being mindless sheep because your equally narcissistic friends agree with you, and here you are trying to desperately paint a picture of myself (as evidenced by your post here where you incorrectly assume my political beliefs alongside who i am IRL, as well as the entire second line of the post i'm replying to now)
>doesn't sound like you have a rash of social and anger issues yourself or anything like that though, right?
CLEAR unwarranted projection.
>but your attitudes on this topic regarding me and what I'm saying are 100% the product of your perceptions and your own obsession with social status or whatever it is you're into and talking about though. those aren't universal drives or priorities in human beings. not everyone is that obsessed with them or even cares at all about them. if you have a hard time believing that, then tough, that's your loss.
once again you can't seem to wrap your head around the notion of someone outside your frame of opposition disagreeing with you and questioning you. why are you determined to hold on your self-made script? is it all you have or something? you speak of virtue and traditionalism but i can tell you're an utter loser just by the way you speak. hysterical.
yeah I agree you're totally relevant and what you're saying is spot on the money too.
threads like these are magnets for people who define themselves through their social success and in relation to others. look at this guy for example . you can't reason with people. all they see is social hierarchy and other peoples perceptions of them. they're insecure and they wouldn't understand the first thing about autonomy or independence if their life depended on it.
*to hold on to your self-made script
oh spare me. the fucking irony of this kid. you can't imagine your self-created opposition calling you out and somehow i'm insecure? you're a loon, buddy.
dude you are proving my point and you are clearly massively triggered by the implication that liberals and leftists are more collectivist than right-wingers and conservatives, even though that's clearly obviously indisputably true and obviously that is going to have manifestations in peoples social lives and in how much value they put on other peoples opinions of them.
face it dude, conservatives focus on themselves and their families, and liberals / leftists go out and focus on trendiness and fashion and how popular they are and trying to find respect from other people. just the fact of life. like you can sit here and write all of these angry posts about it all you want lmfao everyone knows it's true. it's a pretty hard thing to deny.
I'm really sorry if you're one of those people and this post triggered you. it really sounds like you are one of those people.
*anyone outside of your self-created opposition
your angry, emotionally driven responses to me are nothing but a source of laughter and amusement to me, just so you know.
why does what I say upset you so much? I imagine you as someone who is desperately in need of personal affection from others and probably very emotionally needy.
They're losers who were rejected from society and turned to the internet. They were losers before they became Nazis, and couldn't change it even if they tried- but that won't stop them trying to argue that they prefer it this way and CHOSE to be virgins.
My understanding is that he asked why Sup Forums was unsuccessful at being Sup Forums on the outside, like why isn't pol able to spread their ideas into mainstream popularity, not why is everyone on Sup Forums monetarily poor.
you sure you got it right this time? maybe you need to correct yourself again? maybe if you calmed down you wouldn't make so many grammatical mistakes.
in truth, if you weren't such an absurdly socially minded person, you would realize that nobody really cares about your grammar, and this is all the result of your social neuroticism that you are putting on clear display here in this thread.
I can't imagine being so dependent on other peoples positive feelings and thoughts towards me that I have to go back and correct all of my grammar on an anonymous message board post because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me or something. maybe you gotta get some help or something bro you know? not even saying this to be mean to you, but you just seem desperate and unstable to me.
Is this what they mean when they say, the left can't meme?
But he's not a Sup Forumstard
>dude you are proving my point
>I'm really sorry if you're one of those people and this post triggered you. it really sounds like you are one of those people.
i see you're still determined to hold on your script. classic narcissist.
>face it dude, conservatives focus on themselves and their families, and liberals / leftists go out and focus on trendiness and fashion and how popular they are and trying to find respect from other people. just the fact of life. like you can sit here and write all of these angry posts about it all you want lmfao everyone knows it's true. it's a pretty hard thing to deny.
>all these generalizations about people with political beliefs rooted in nothing more than unfamiliarity with social dynamics and flimsy anecdotal evidence
prove it then. you've yet to do so, you know.
i'm calling you out simply because you're disingenuous.
>i imagine
yeah you seem to do a lot of imagining
this, pretty much
he's gotta be. he was behind the birther thing. he is, bare minimum, the TYPE of person that comes on here. he was all into conspiracies theories and everything and very popular on conspiracy websites before he announced his run for president. that's how I first warmed to him.
it's simply for the sake of clarity. we aren't the only ones in this thread, you know.
We're pretty restrained and hold back tremendously even when people screw us over.
Ultimately, it makes no difference whether we succeed or fail to you, you're just too angered because we don't care about what you think of us. We'll move on and you won't.
Why does the most low effort b8 get the most replies on Sup Forums?
This guy probably killed more blacks than the entire KKK lads
This is actually very insightful and it really triggered that other user kek
Nah his ego is too high to come here regularly. He doesn't like seeing randos shit talking him
it's honestly REALLY hard to even understand what you are trying to say. your anger and emotion are clouding your ability to communicate rationally. just an FYI.
thankfully I don't really care all that much what you think because I AM a right-winger and I am an independent and autonomous person and others peoples opinions of me are kind of just jokes, or at worst nuisances that I might once in a while have to pay attention to. aside from anyone close to me of course like my fiancé.
you should go be a hipster dude, you know? that's usually what ends up happening to people like you. that's how you get society to drool over you and fulfill whatever bizarre emotional need you have developed in your soul.
>Sup Forums is one person
>We'll move on and you won't.
We'll all be dead real soon and none of this matters. Don't lump me into either side. Your concerns are pathetic and so are theirs.
Politics is literally a big scale popularity contest tho. Trump won against a hella unlikeable candidate
so you know him personally or something? lol.
>not shitposting
this fucking board kek
Yeah he's not exactly hard to read
>w-we just have different values
Values like being a NEET shut in with no friends tend to be adopted after failing at life not before, hence proving the causation.
Trump lost the popular vote dumfuck.
I can totally relate to this. I work all week at my job- the last thing I'd want to do is go get drunk at some fucking party. I'd rather spend time with my wife and children, work on projects around the house. Your analysis is spot on.
wait you mean yeah you do know him? lmfao oh ok cool guy. well tell him I said hi, i'm a fan of his.
>Ultimately, it makes no difference whether we succeed or fail to you, you're just too angered because we don't care about what you think of us. We'll move on and you won't.
1. speak for yourself and nobody else
2. you don't even know what i stand for or believe insofar as politics are concerned. looks like we got another winner obsessed with his script.
it's hilarious to me. you guys are supposed to be the self-aware outsiders, and you just simply aren't.
>it's honestly REALLY hard to even understand what you are trying to say. your anger and emotion are clouding your ability to communicate rationally. just an FYI.
i love how you're resorting to transparent gaslighting and other manipulative techniques because you know you've lost the argument and have nothing to retort. i also love how you accuse me of being unstable and spouting drivel, and no less within the next two lines you type up this boogeyman garbage:
>thankfully I don't really care all that much what you think because I AM a right-winger and I am an independent and autonomous person and others peoples opinions of me are kind of just jokes, or at worst nuisances that I might once in a while have to pay attention to. aside from anyone close to me of course like my fiancé.
>you should go be a hipster dude, you know? that's usually what ends up happening to people like you. that's how you get society to drool over you and fulfill whatever bizarre emotional need you have developed in your soul.
you aren't as smart, self-aware or superior as you think you are, as you've demonstrated throughout this entire conversation. you're more like a delusional narcissist, and your case is unfortunately rampant on this board.
so you know me personally? how would you know whether i'm a leftist or not? how disingenuous can you be?
Because we don't lie in an attempt to make our ideals like progressives do. We're blunt, and not a lot of people dig hearing that information.
I have no concern because bad issues are inevitable. What matters the most in life is picking yourself from those issues ASAP and not letting the minor ones impact you, not letting every single one drag you down.
This looks shopped.
>and not a lot of people dig hearing that information.
can't help but cringe hard here. yeah you're a real stand-up guy, user. get over yourself lmfao
>Politics is literally a big scale popularity contest tho
That's correct but we aren't politicians
If you got the "I'm better than everyone" vibe from "I don't care about parties or what others think, just about my own personal issues", then it's an issue with yourself, not with them.
cute impotent rage, little man (to reiterate)
you can't imagine anyone outside of your paranoiac framework to disagree with you, and that is why i have an extremely hard time trusting your credibility. i think you KNOW your beliefs are flimsy and rooted in failure.
swing and a miss in that case, lol.
>projecting this hard
I bet you can't function without generalizing everyone who disagrees with you. Why is it the people on here who try so hard to appear popular and social always have the most manic personalities? It makes it hard to believe people, aside from doctors, actually want to be around you.
He still scraped by and got a lot more votes than expected. Enough to secure a win. With the propaganda machine turned full blast for Hillary she should have sailed through, but her personality doomed her
Wow, you sure showed me. It's so cringy to say "people don't like bluntness because they think it's rude".
I've always been torn on Sup Forums. I love that this unedited exchange of ideas is available, but if you read any of it and consider it objectively, most of it promotes an us-and-them mentality. That perspective doesn't lead to change, just strife. If Sup Forums had any true sway and leadership, their ideas would be presented differently. The right spin doctor could even make aspects of holohoax seem worthy of debate, but instead, Sup Forums is now and will forever be a place where radical ideas live and die. It's like a private club, but not because it's private, but because it only matters to the members, and no one else pays attention.
yes bro, I am so mad and clearly that was an ANGRY and RAGEFUL post! obviously! the parts where I wished you a good life and wished you happiness with whatever your issues are were CLEARLY MANIFESTATIONS OF IMPOTENT RAGE
lmfao look bro whatever you say. I have no idea what you are going on about in this thread is the truth. it has given me a good laugh and some good insight into the personality of people like yourself but beyond that there's just not much I can say to you, you know man?
shut up crybully go bully somewhere else sjw
anyway guy I actually gotta get going. I got stuff to do. I actually wasn't joking when I said good luck with whatever issues you're dealing with. I'm not trying to be mean but it honestly does seem like you might be dealing with a truckload of them. I dunno what else to say. goodnite though man.
>we don't care about what you think
really gotcha, right m8?
Trying to twist social failure into virtue is cringe, but also using social success as a benchmark is also pretty pathetic. You have to be pretty spineless to rely on peer approval to feel like you're worth something.
i don't mind bluntless, where are you getting that idea? it was just a stupid, frankly unbelievable thing to say. simple as that.
>! the parts where I wished you a good life and wished you happiness with whatever your issues are were CLEARLY MANIFESTATIONS OF IMPOTENT RAGE
yea that's kind of how passive-aggressive sarcasm works. you are clearly very uneducated.
not to mention extremely disingenuous.
>you must have problems in life to disagree with and question me! it's all about ME!
you guys give the right-wing an absolutely horrendous name. this is why people don't take our side seriously, because of delusional narcissists like these two cats.
Not all of us, user... ill try to have fun and fuck as many qts as i can for you guys.
>Trying to twist social failure into virtue is cringe, but also using social success as a benchmark is also pretty pathetic
i agree, but that's as far as it goes with me.
You're mad bc its true snowflake
>arguing with holes
um... sure.
speak for yourself
You're pretty much right for the most part. I'd to add that their death depends on their opposition. Trump would be forgotten about after his term ends because no one would be fighting him anymore. Adolf Hitler though? He's still relevant because he's living in the minds of others rent-free, so you would get a lot of people trying to fight it here.
>i don't mind bluntless, where are you getting that idea? it was just a stupid, frankly unbelievable thing to say. simple as that.
I never accused you of it. I'll give a hypothetical example to make it clear. If you're in a discussion about racial oppression, but state that minorities are responsible for locking themselves up in prison, people don't like it. An actual example of it happening was Jon Tron stating that they caused criminal activity.
I run a business I built from scratch, I didn't even take out a loan. How is the business you built doing? Now that Trump kicked those faggot congressmen in the ass and got that tax cut passed I am feeling some weird sensation I don't recognize...I think it may be...excitement?
Are these threads just data mining projects to get people to reveal their occupation?
I'm not talking about everyone who disagrees with me, just a certain group. And I even said tend to, not always. Now do you agree that I am right, that altists are just attempting to pretend their social failure was their own choice?
>There's never been a sister fucking conservative
Holy shit dude. Just stop. You literally proved his point about your immaturity. The way you keep responding after he tore you apart is fucking pathetic, see a shrink
Being redpilled is a heavy burden, an awful reality to bear.. But it is real. Most people would rather live in ignorance and idiocy. I both envy them, and pity them, never able to make the choices and sacrifices necessary to expand their mind and see the truth. Tis a lonely task, but surely a noble one.
>after he tore you apart
lol yeah okay. i think i'll leave that to someone who isn't biased.
Salty AF
Probably the most embarrassing exchange for a leftist I have ever seen on here desu
just another shareblue earning his $0.02
Sup Forums is mostly liberal in praxis, which means they just let the world subsidize their antisocial degeneracy with 0 self awareness
Seriously dude, you have some deep seated mental health issues. Are you taking your meds?
>for a leftist
looks like we got another winner who can't imagine anyone outside of their framework disagreeing with and questioning them!
News to me, OP, I've run the most successful business in my niche industry for 20 years and have the awards on my wall to prove it.
But please, clue me in how I'm failing. I'm curious to know.
>impotent gaslighting in the place of an actual argument
>the left can't meme
I'm betting this user is on suicide watch tonight
I'm laffin here. You got torn apart and proceeded to show all of us how fucking insane you are. Do you fucking know you are crazy af? Do you take meds? Not even kidding