>that greek that really hates gay people
>that spaniard that use to start communist generals
>that white hispanic who gets butthurt over the use of term 'hispanic'
Sup Forums users you recognize
Other urls found in this thread:
>that white hispanic who gets butthurt over the use of term 'hispanic'
That is literally half of the board and they aren't white.
How is this related to politics? Saged and reported.
>malaysian mike
>greek deadtrans poster
>that dutch that always says the rural retards stuff/shariablue
>that kraut that posts antarctica nazi threads (hey john)
>that black sun cult faggot/bodhi dharma
>that 29y/o strayan that wants to become a superhero and is balls deep into hinduism
>that indian that posts hindu stuff
>that >tfw nip guy
The moldova guy who lives in a town were rapist communities are allowed.
That retarded American
>the one unironic BLM flag
Which one?
>That Russian on a Finnish VPN.
where has obamaleaf been lately?
The roach with a germany flag that says hes greek and calls everyone "subhuman albanians"
the dude with the pregnant Anne Frank fetish, unless that's a /pol collective meme thing that I missed.
>That fag that keeps making these threads
>that chink who thinks he's an australian
butthurt Hispanic replied to me once
>tfw no town rapist.
>that brasil monarchist guy
>the strayan chink that went back to china but his grandparents btfo him and post his face in every thread
Albanian Bavarian Russian
>the german who created the eternal anglo meme
>finngolian who defends Lauren Southern
I heard there was a Finnish guy who whiteknights Lauren Southern
>the euro memeflagger who dumps his mutt folder
> the Sup Forums hypnotist
That insane guy who thinks being white and albino is the same thing.
fuck off ben
dat monkey that speaks broken engrish
That Estonian brushposter (I miss him)
roach who posts pics of dead us soldiers and types "wh*tes"
It's subtle e-celeb shilling. And to think another thread died for this faggot's post.
its our inner child
>faggots don’t understand that Hispanic isn’t a race
I’m not even Hispanic I just happen to live in be southwest
You fags play into a collectivist meme to try to turn “hipanics” into a racial voting block like gays when they are not
I wonder how much of this stuff she sees. I could see her being a secret pol autist. Also please no 0
Lmao this is a hilarious thread
That greek guy that shares "greeks are master race" that all europeans are jealous of and calls germans subhumans and wants them to die
That Albanian that has a Russian flag and really hates Terroni
that self hating leaf bro that posts exerpts fron hi live on vancoulver at times.
That country that shitposts in every Hungary thread.
>Malasian drawfag
>Antention-hungry Dutch guy
>Canadian guy who always spams "rural and suburban retards"
What happened to that roach? Hardly see him around anymore when just a few months ago he was constantly spamming threads.
She went on a trip to Narva to see a friend and we never heard from her again. Think she was kidnapped and sold into the Russian sex trade.
I literally will close a tab as soon as I see him start spamming his cherrypicked drivel.
sauce on this, please
The Ukranian who really hates Trump. The Serbian leftist who dispises anything right of center.
Please roast me coins!!
He posts on /balk/ related threads. Usually attacks Albanians and Slavs.
Gay isn't a race either
That boomerfag that won't stop fucking posting
> mexican natsoc larper/faggot
> canadian natsoc downie
Yeah, I used to practice my Estonian with her. :(
>that guy from botswana
>that guy who posts the join the marines threads
ikibey even posts his own threads about either germany/greece or cyprus. He even posts pics with turkish file names which gives himself away but what can you expect from a turk
That finngolian who shills for lauren
>greek deadtrans poster
is he still around?
he's back
>that stroppy Latvian that tries to shill hard on how great Latvia is
What's up with Dat Face
Polish cook
That new age schizoid who is always shilling for his YouTube channel which is 100% stolen content.
He was so obnoxious, mods banned everyone from using his namefag
He ruins every single alternative history thread.
>Forgets to mention the most important man here
>That finn who is a Lauren Southern Fan
>Norweigan archive master
>Catalan larping with nazi flag and spaming memes about a catalonian race
>tfw PK hasn't appeared in a long time
our savior
>recognizing pol users
So glad I'm not a meme.
We are all The Meme.
every /ptg/ poster ever
He appears from time to time.
>the Catalan nazi
Don’t forget his American friend who thought he was a Catalan because he was a barça fan
>aland poster
>dominican poster
>aruba poster
>unknown flag poster
>el salvador poster-salvadorians are good boys
>Bong poster who started posting the new mutt memes far before anyone else. Spammed threads for 2 weeks 2.5 months ago.
It's more of a /his/ meme but yeah.
>That one retarded journalist who makes dumb bait threads with screencaps from their twitter feed and leave.
>A trans person who insults Adam and Eve in Christian threads
your dad
But I'm glad I'm so good at being a chameleon on this site, I thought I stick out like a sore thumb, but I've never been recognized in one of these threads.
Let´s go!
The Latvian who makes those ancap ball memes with bad grammar.
this and obamaleaf are the only ones worthy of mentioning and theyre both faggots
>That finn who is a Lauren Southern Fan
that guy killed himself when news broke out that southern was a coal burning kikess
Unless you are the "Italians are not white" or the "North Italians aren't really Italian but german dogs" dudes then I don't know anyone else with the pizza flag.
Rollin for number 2
mfugga muh dickkk
I hate that cunt
A certain must!
>tfw your not important enough to be remembered
t. obamaleaf
why not
whiter than you mohammed.
roll for 0
i remember you, you posted a robot just like that in the asian thread full of angry roasties
He’s a good guy
Norway's Lauren Southern beta-beta orbiter. Just call her a jew plant, and he shows up to white knight.
sorry but no im the try hard wannabe POL celeb
$6.66 for autographed pictures pls make line