#metoo Why the hell would any man sexually harass this creature
How did this creature get harass
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That thing is fucking disgusting
someone said hi to her one time and she took that as sexual harassment.
I think she did very well commanding the fleet considering all the hurdles and challenges the Cylons presented.
Probably as a joke. Just a remark.
She was never harassed. Who would ever harass a nigress that’s twice your size that looks like they survived a shotgun blast to the face?
Niggers are delusional and shouldn’t be taken seriously anymore. They are proven liars and rely on guilt/hoaxes for survival.
inb4 KRS one jokes
>not sexually harassing high test ebony queen
Why live?
Forgot pic of this juicy blackberry
She lost weight.
Leslie Jones is based and actually quite funny. Go fuck yourself.
>leslie jones
hello plebbit
thats a gorilla
Fending off constant sexual harassers because you're a thicc black godess is a lot of exercise
im not even joking when i say that leslie jones is more attractive than whatever the fuck this is
thats a monkey
He look like a man.
Batman has a new villain. Social Justice Fem Grodd.
she probably got ran out by some poor sap branding a stick fearing for his life
Wtf did she get Dioxin poisoning like Yuschenko? Skin doesn't look like that naturally
He sniff the cum
Her face looks made from shit based clay.
Most likely raped by family members. There is native blood.
She spends a lot of time on the Nebuchadnezzar
Fuck you you fat nigger bitch.
Wasn't it Sir Francis Bacon who said something to the effect of, "nothing has been considered beautiful that did not have some strangeness to its dimensions."
She looks like a model compared to op pic
Leslie Jones isn't fat she's fucking 6 feet tall unlike your 5'6 ass, frijolero
She didn't come up with it. Alyssa Milano did.
Then this decrepit creature said she did the same things a decade ago on Myspace.
So fucking what? Neither of these people were the first to say me too in response to sexual abuse. Milano popularized it on twitter though.
Now thing cunt let's the ball drop in NYC. JUST FUCKING END US!
He could see the future
Her picture shows up next to the word Sheboon in the dictionary.
Alyssa Milano's head looked 20 when she was 8.
one side of her face is pleased to see you, the other side is suspicious of you?!
I wouldn't fuck that with Bill Clinton's gnarled diseased cock.
Bestiality fetish is a hell of a drug user
her face looks like it was pounded with a hammer and then they found some nails
Based Chet
She must’ve walked by another silverback at the zoo. He wanted sommma dat nice gray and ashy black pussy.
I want to meet the creature who sexually harassed that and pay for his crack addiction treatment.
lol fuck, that's a good doggo
It's bait by the government to find and even uglier black woman than Leslie Jones to be a representative for anti-sexual harrassment. They're trying to make us look pro-harassment.
When it was like eight years old she was playing with some neighborhood boys and one held her down and tore her shirt.
Is that a trans man or a trans woman?
Found the nigger
I would pay money to NOT have to touch her. Absolutely sick.
pound me too
Stupid an ugly. How much of a disaster can one person be?
>when you're so repulsive no one will talk to you
>when someone can't relinquish eye contact because you are so ugly
>when you claim sexual assault because you don't know what that is
What in the fuck is this?
Damn it, murica, stop producing abominations, plox.
Is her face a irl photoshop
Simple, the rape occurred in Russia. Hahahaha. Burninated.
Im pro babes. Not pro dogs.
Even photoshop can't cover up the ugliness
I posted an article earlier today that said that tards were 7x more likely to be molested than normal folk.
I suppose molest-y people are twisted and weird.
God bless you user!
She also fakes racist tweets online to drive controversy in a desperate attempt to get people to watch her films. If this thread’s still up in 6 hours when I get home, will post proof.
He said he’s fken sorry okay. Sorry all women.
Me too nigga. #MeToo
She didn't, fats always lie
user has a valid point
Ew, gross. I won't touch a tard, or even touch anything they've touched. Those things are covered in feces and boogers.
>just imagine the level of utter and all encompassing desparation you have to be in to even consider touching that
fucking christ, pictures of her always make me feel physically ill, like something deep down is wrong
She looks like fucking Buckwheat m8
Nose is wider than her mouth.
Also, that’s cist on her(?) left cheek