What does pol think about this?
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Fake. News.
Totes legit because the media says so
Jesus, drumpf is an idiot, at least there are still some sane people left in the white house, even if they are bigoted assholes
Strike doesn't necessarily mean nukes, he probably wants to bomb their nuke production faculties.
OP, reportedly your Mom sucked my dick last night. Any comments?
always that word...
By whom?
They are his two main foreign policy guys and they are advising him not to strike North Korea
Why is this considered news that’s what their fucking jobs are for
probably leaked by trump himself to make little kim shit his pants
media are morons
Lol, gonna go suck off your fellow Muslim neighbor after berating the most powerful person on the planet?
Racist redneck white trash alt right trump dickrider detected
kim is bro tier, cause massive butthurt fuck asian bitches and pisses chinese chink.
what is there to not love?
technically true, but not real.
Something has got to give!
This is one reason I voted for him.
Frump is a doofus. He can’t keep getting away with this.
5D chess. Leak that the most powerful man on earth is looking to nuke your country to Hell and that just a few people are holding him back...barely. Makes Trump look unhinged and scares Jong-Un to the negotiation table. It's called diplomacy, you stupid faggots.
What if Trump is really a Mad Man, but.instrad of theory it's time to put it into practice.
Obviously my stamina. I can only masterbate for so long.
When is your shift over?
I'll believe it when I hear him rant about Precious Bodily Fluids being sapped.
If true, Trump is indeed a fucking idiot.
Please, nuke them
Fuck these faggot “news” stations. They report fake dog shit like this to actually push us into war and then blame it on Trump. “Reportedly” my ass, terroristic liberal journalists need to be systematically executed.
the supreme leader already won
a military invasion is no longer economically feasible
a preemtive strike is no longer feasable
the only that its left its to starve the regime
>like if kims care
friedman gave an analisis about why it was crusial for the us to do something, and the us didnt
this whole thing will turn out to be like david vs goliath
You're a fucking disgrace mate, take a stroll in London and tell me how our oh so tolerant police force and government have shaped our country
If nk has nukes and seeks peace with sk, why do we need to strike?
More FEAR! Spread more FEAR! That's how our world works now with a FEAR-based economy. Fear!!! More FEAR! Terror!! Anxiety!!! Stresss!!!!!
kim reads this and is confused
Because they, as of right now, are not doing enough to seek peace with the south.
yeah, george friedman is very smart
Shut up nigger it's been over 70 years since that buttons been pressed, think of the memes!
California might even get a counterstrike
Except it's the South Koreans who are going to suffer the most, but winning would be easy. Idk if Trump would take that risk
I wonder though...maybe the Norks actually had ICBMs all along during the Obama administration but finally started to show them off because they were scared of Trump
Idiot why? Trump calls for the nuclear football. Opens it up and tells the guy who operates it "put in the nuke codes" SCRAM message to a USA Michigan, Target North Korea, Two Missiles, GPS coordinates for targets to be hit.
The left reaction to the North Korea question being answered
I live in California, mudslime
Pyongyang will be your Grozny if you invade North Korea, go ahead and do it.
Then you know it needs a nuke Pedro
Who said anything about invading NK?
He's the same guy that was openly anti-war during the primaries and debates, and got booed up and down for it.
He's not going to launch a wreckless war, even if they try to goad him into it like they did with that Syrian "chemical attack"
This is just trump’s strategy to scare his enemies
Excellent intimidation tactics.
Psyops to get Kim to cave.
I don't have a problem with Trump striking North Korea as long as he uses overwhelming force. Nukes would qualify.
Psyops at its finest
It's not an option lad, that's why Kim is such a cheeky cunt.
The fallout would destroy SK, it would have to be a MOAB sort of deal and China might kick up a fuss
>alt right
No such thing exists. dum dum believes LARPs
Fallout is actually not as bad as they make it seem. The problem with fallout is if you detonate it near the ground throwing up a bunch of irradiated debris into the atmosphere.
Sounds like a planted Trump leak to make it sound like when some tough guy is like "Hold me back!!!" as he jumps into his friends.
Definitely 5d chess.
so, 3d chess?
Yep, China will totally not nuke the shit out of you once they detect nukes flying in their direction.
>being such a brain-dead leftist you actually think that Trump will nuke anybody
The fact that you're still breathing and not dead from your mental disability by now is truly astounding, OP.
>R E P O R T E D L Y
Let me guess, its another "anonymous insider" that told the media this.
Exactly this, he's acting like the crazy guy at the bar with his friends holding him back, he knows what he's doing. NK just opened talks to SK man, good shit is going on. They ARE scared of him, the man has balls and doesn't back down, it's nice having a man as president for once, been too long.
Have you ever even been to the States? Just like a limey to stick his nose where it don't belong. Churchill is the reason you're full up on sandniggers
>doing anything
Funny thing about a sub is you can get real close to the target you want and position your self so the missiles don't fly toward China
>Bay of Korea
>100 km off NK coast
China isn't doing shit. They are already know what is coming, that is why they preparing for millions of brainwashed NorK refugees.
Mattis would love NOTHING more than to nuke those cocksucker's! It would make his job A LOT easier!
This just in, Sup Forums Sup Forums posters try to imitate ME while posting on their geek loser board! SAD!
>have you been to the states
I have, when I was a kid going to disneyland in the 90's it was nice.
I went to Mammoth Mountain a year or so ago and drove from LAX and back, absolutely disgusting. Gangbanging niggers and spics flying colours, fucked up housing, dirty streets and police sirens constantly.
From what I hear the ''white'' people there aren't much better either, in the shape of liberal enablers and quite a few of chicks at the ski lodge were purple haired pierced up bulldykes.
Good for you boys, go ahead and keep thinking that.
name one time in history china has done anything other then genocide their own people, or get btfo'd by a small island to their east
or by a few horse mongos to their north
or a few rice farmers to their west
Give one good reason china would take a hit that large on their economy and the debt they've purchased from the US for literal shithole that provides them less resources than the US can, just for having a communist state in the area when china doesn't operate as communist.
I will wait.
What flag is this lads?
montenigger i thunk
Hubris, I like that.
You'll be caught completely off guard.
You sound more american than the spic from cali
bugmen are weak and cowardly, they cant win a war even with 100 to 1 odds in their favour, never have. SAD!
1 post by this id
>What does pol think about this?
effective propaganda.
Now two, so what.
NK is /ourguy/
gas the pedo kikes
Daily reminder that Comey said under oath it is illegal to give out real classified info, but it is not illegal to call news stations and give them false classified info
I turned on CNN for this
And what do I get
two shifty pundits and one says
>The American people elected an idiot
and the other retard on the other side smiling & giving a thumbs up saying
>I agree
Give me happening already. Modern videogames suck, women are gold digging whores, weather is ass in Moscow. The only good thing that cheers me up is a bottle of "Hibiki" and pol. Give me fucking happening. I posted rare pepes for months to help elect Trump. And for what?
Yeah, that's it...Sure! You really nailed it, Ausfag! Keep up the good shilling. BTW, my captcha was "BASE parking".
came here to say this
I might have something for you
Can't vouch for validity but check this shit Vlad
I think he should push the button. Fuck it.
I thought we elected trump to stop the happenings and improve the world
NK isn't real. It's all an act in a show. You are the dumb audience
Technically trump does not need anyone permission because legally we are still at war with North Korea, we left but we never formally ended it. So trump can attack them he does not have to ask congress a damn thing
oh my god this is far more pathetic than I ever could have imagined.
why are you so desperate for all your political enemies to be fucking and killing children?
I would love to see trump wait till his last day in office and that last day straight nuke North Korea's or whan if the sand people and let the next nigger deal with it
>NK isn't real
They just agreed to have some very rare talks with the South. The olympics are there in the south soon.
It would be very odd to strike any time soon
BTW, I think Trump and Un have spoken and they like each other
citation? Dont forget the international deep state runs that god forsaken place. They might exist to breed children for the satanists to eat and rape
>kim nukes US preemptively due to media story
>hits Cali
I hear you man
>What is a potato?
>What are potatoes used for?
>Why is that relevant?
>Can you have sex with a potato?
>Who in the whitehouse likes to have sex?
>Why is it relevant?
I don't know, but was preeeeeetty spoopy. Worth a post at least.
I have no idea what you're talking about
THIS is exactly the kind of news TRUMP WANTS OUT THERE.
Madman theory 100%.