How do we get females to start dressing modestly again?
How do we get females to start dressing modestly again?
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rape them
White Sharia
Fpbp, dna tests were a mistake
Get out of here Herodotus.
You have to gas the kikes so that they have better role models for fashion. They might not realize that modest clothing can be very pretty and alluring as well, and think they have to take 20 cocks an evening to fit in.
Cunts shouldn't dress at all. Clothes are for people, cunts aren't people. They most they should ever wear is a collar. I never let the cunts I own wear clothes.
Tradculture has to become the hip new thing. That means massive slut shaming/rejection and a widespread traditionalist cultural movement.
We don't.
>not wanting to see qt feet like that everywhere you go
Daily beating, begone thots, and
It's weird how y'all hate middle east Muslims but talk just like 'em.
What are you, gay?
>How do we get females to start dressing modestly again?
Have them get raped by niggers until they are no longer alive. That should do it.
Women show skin when they are unhappy with their relationship and are looking for sexual satisfaction.
Until they learned that relationships are far more than a good sex, they would forever be slaves to material pleasures
>Until they learn...
These are women we are talking about.
Knowing all those actresses are sluts, seeing them dressed modestly just makes me think they are Victorian prostitutes.
>looking without touching
Women show skin because they crave positive male attention. Retarded modern men now give it to them instead of the beating they deserve
Ban Birth Control and Abortion.
As soon as sex=pregnancy=nine months of not being able to do shit+painful childbirth+lifetime of responsibility then the sexual signalling will stop.
You can't ban birth control at this point, they'll just get it from a drug dealer. Would help though
we take over the fashion industry. It's literally the only way.
You don't. Genie is out of the bottle now. All we can do is hope that anti-fertility pills, condoms, and STD treatment goes away before demographics tilt too far.
But with culture the way it is we'll likely just have a load of slags throwing their babies over bridges.
Easy. Give them more attention when they wear more.
I wish we had actual mad scientists in this world, why is no-one out there making a drug that when taken with Birth Control causes a massive skin rash and then putting that in the water supply?
The earlier post is right. Women are much more susceptible to peer pressure etc than men. If you take over the fashion industry, opportunistic (((merchants))) will move in with slutty stuff and muscle you aside, because the women won't have changed their minds. But if they can be persuaded to change their minds - that what is attractive is modesty - then the industry will naturally change.
We don't. Leggings are God's gift to men. I love all the ass I see in public now
Not gonna happen.
Bicycle shorts with short shorts on top are better. Plenty to look at but still plenty of room for the imagination.
You'll never do it, society will have to rip it out of people's hands either through economic impossibility to supply it or a civic shit against sexual proclivity (unwanted because we know where that would come from).
People will also do anything to keep their hedonistic lifestyles, even marching and rioting to keep it while doing nothing about far more important social and societal freedoms, the right to get bladdered and fuck some slag/get fucked by Deano is more important. Mostly because they live totally hollow and meaningless lives, and without this they'll realise it.
>being a puritan
Put /cgl/ in charge on the fashion industry. I always wanted more women to give lolita a chance. I always adored the relatively tame styles classic. the louder styles like sweet are usually a bit much for me.
This gives me hope that some Victorian modesty will sneak into women's fashion in the future.
This. They hate Muslims because they don't believe in the same god.
Cut off their clits. I'm serious. Female circumcision is redpilled. It would fix everything. Get rid of the female orgasm and you get rid of the degeneracy.
If you don't, either by society or by nature, have limits on sexuality then you end up selecting for nigger characteristics. White people becoming Africans is always only a few generations of bad selection away, remember that.
The water supply already has birth control pill waste in it.
The fuck is going on here, are they drunk?
Top picture: "Well, look who finally decided to come out of his room!"
Sharia and lower age of marriage to 13 years
Yes. Insanely so.
Why give them what they want?
Changes starts at home. Stop watching TV and stop worshipping false idles.
>now that's what I call edgy.jpg
This. Alternatively Mormon fundamentalism which is essentially Islam with less pouring acid into women's faces.
Great idea..... until you have a daughter of your own
Men need to open dialogues with women.
We need to talk about the same things we talk about with our guy friends and on Sup Forums with women. Women have no idea what men want, they get all their information about what men want from the media which sells them smut. You can see it in all the horrible fashion trends women put on in order to attract men but that all men revile. In the past we had a monolithic culutural structure that strictly governed all male/female interactions. You had a clearly marked path showing you how to interact with the opposite sex with the goal of forming a union. Outside of that men and women lived in separate worlds. That cultural structure has long since been demolished and we were born in it's rubble. To create a new gender dynamic and restore harmony to the white race we actually have to talk to women not online.
Women aren't so terrible. Even the SJW ones are just confused people with a distorted world view. Women will give you a lot if you just tell them it's what you want and need. Stop trying to meet their every need and tell them what you want.
Islam will rule the west in 20-30 years. You can bet they'll be dressed modestly then.
>Put /cgl/ in charge on the fashion industry.
This could actually work as a fashion style. Anyone approaching landwhale status always looks bad in cosplay stuff, unless it's literally modest historical clothing, which means fat-shaming will work on them. Just look at any con where these people congregate.
Pic related.
op I know you're gay, because the only people who like those kinds of clothes are women that are *really* into fashion, and crossdressers. And their great-grandmothers.
Pedo detected!!
I've found IRL girls to be largely as receptive to Sup Forums type thinking as IRL guys under the right conditions. It's really the talmudvision and social media and stuff that tends to ruin both sexes, and those kinds are harder to do something about until they come around on their own.
Beat them into submission and strip them of their rights.
It is really up to men to change the situation. Do you let your gf dress like a whore? Do you let your daughter dress like a whore? Do you let your wife dress like a whore?
If you don't lay down the rules women will always dress like whores to attract male attention.
Sweep the leg of the entire Freemason network, take over corporate control of commerce industry through Fascism, put members of NatSoc party as CEO's of all major clothing commerce, use Fascist control to condition the youth to admiring modest clothing and not wanting to dress like nigger animals.
The only reason women dress like this is because men reward that behavior with attention. Simple solution, don't interact with/have sex with sluts. Once men start doing this en masse then women will conform.
Yore a smart man.
I ended up clean shaven after reading your edgy post, thanks.
you're right, I have no idea what to do about social media. I don't think it's ever going away but there's no way I can see to subvert it into being something useful and healthy. It's too toxic.
I think that men and women have been turned against each other on a fundamental level, that as a societal force, there's no way to heal. They have an intense mistrust of each other the moment they begin to relate or view the other as their sex rather than as an economic or sexual accessory.
I only look at sluts when they don't see me.
As soon as they think I might notice them. I deliberately ignore them. It pisses them off. Because whores just want attention.
Import more muslims.
Getting our people away from any form of mass media has to be our goal.
In other words it's weak faggits that need a beard and like homosexual sex that encourage women to dress like sluts?
If you consider the massive popularity increase of Sup Forums or even just how the content here has shifted over the years, I think you'd conclude that changes are already happening.
I didn't believe that it really was when I started looking for mentors in ~2007, but within a few years I realized they weren't kidding that things were changing faster than they'd seen before in their lifetimes.
All females? You can't really.
Your wife? You can.
*Abolish on-demand abortions.
*Abolish no fault divorce.
*Repeal the 19th amendment.
*Stop hiring women over men.
*Stop treating them like precious children.
*Begin promoting Marriage and motherhood as positive things again.
*Start treating women as women, and men as men again.
That ought'a do it, OP.
The issue is that while we still have a society of mass sexualization, and a lack of public shaming of it, you'll just have women competing for a pool of fewer and fewer men. If you think the 80/20 rule is bad now wait until you get men checking out of it.
It's like training a dog, don't reward bad behavior.
It really is cancer.
Oprah 2020 (I reeeealy appreciate the lies of the media now, more than ever)
0bama 2008
Fucking cancer
You can't just replace the manipulator though. We need to somehow change society away from any kind of mass-media that is entertaining or releases dopamine through participation.
I've started thinking that we need to form "communities" like the feminists and hippies advocate for. I love Sup Forums but social media has become too powerful, and AI is just going to make it exponentially more capable of controlling thought. We need to form strong communities based on face to face interactions or our race will die.
Women love the "community" meme, so if we push that as a selling point for ditiching the media they may come around.
I want to lick that seat
Yeah mass sexualization is the problem. That's why I jerk off to little girls in chokers. Society is the reason I'm addicted to porn and can't get laid.
If you don't reply to this post everyone will ignore it. Don't worry.
I was talking about lolita fashion, not cosplay.something about it makes it easy for even an average looking girl to look very elegant. I've seen some fat fem Anons showing chords and it didn't look that bad on them either. Maybe it's because the bell-shaped silhouette agrees with her rounded body shape.
it's a shame normies react the way they do to it. Feels thread threads on /sgl/ are full of stories of people making bad jokes about Little Bo Peep, Halloween and accusing them of age play.
Exactly. It's also why so many non-whites seem so powerful. Their community is shockingly cohesive. Just one phone call and all of Ahmed's cousins, brothers, his father, his father's friends, and every man they can get come strutting around the corner.
Our future lies not in organisations and political parties, but in genuine communities and long-lasting human connections.
World War 3.
The genie is out of the bottle. Nothing short of a hard reset will change that fact.
Well I don't think (You)s help much in that regard. This place is pretty highly addictive even if the content and interaction is better.
Pretty much. Men and women need to change together, and decide how they'll change together, for our race to survive the new era. Neither sex is the problem. Demonizing women in toxic and unproductive because they are the mothers of our race. Men aren't perfect, it is the union of man and woman which is the foundation on which civilization was built.
still jacking it to little girls huh freedomfag? LOL
>(Oh Brother)
What a fag.
I wouldn't even say dress modestly. Western women are wearing sweat pants and tank tops in public.
Wear properly fitting clothes, yes I would prefer dresses but good fitting pants without holes are fine and a blouse.
>Just anything that shows self respect.
As a man I never leave the house without a collared shirt and good fitting pants. I also wear leather shoes, not basketball or skater shoes, they make you look like you're still 13.
Ah. Yeah, I'm just a little wary of lolita fashion, given it blurs the line (and deliberately so) between women and girls.
(You)s are the upvote of Sup Forums. To be honest I'm going to be leaving the web in general since I've been really getting into Usenet and really liking the ability to push and pull new posts, meaning you can go on the web, pull down all new posts since the last visit and push up all the posts you made (which are saved) in one go.
Really gets you to stop gazing at screens once you know there's likely nothing else to do for a day.
As I said, men are women's relationship to one another AS men and women has (in the case of the white man and the white woman) been broken to such a degree that I don't think there's ever been anything like it.
Do the same fag.
Not sure how pic is related unless you propose banning yoga and other forms of exercise where "modest clothing" would get in the way
I never knew how hawt traditional dresses were until a co-worker started wearing them for a while. Nice looking tasteful clothes are underrated.
>they make you look like you're still 13.
A lot of "adult" fashion looks like big children's clothes. I've never understood adults wearing t-shirts with designs and funny slogans on.
So never then?
The Islamification of the west will force white women to be less whore like.
These are exercise clothes though and are not supposed to be worn all fucking day. My wife runs and goes to the gym but she wouldn't be seen dead in her gym clothes in town. She also dresses modestly without her tits hanging out unlike most "women" these days who dress like pre-teens.
The solution is to remind women that they look far better well dressed than when they dress like sluts.
That's good thinking actually. Back in the day it absolutely was a case of pulling a few groups seeing what was up over breakfast or whatever, and then unplugging from the interbutt.
I didn't know it was still in much popular usage, but I guess it makes sense that it would probably still be popular with more of an enthusiast crowd or something.
They dont care what you think, its a natural instinct for women to mindlessly show skin as much as possible.
There’s a big difference between posts on Sup Forums and real life actions and laws.
That wasn't me. I will admit I have a collection of images of lolita chords. I like to think all the girls in that folder legal but quite a few of them are Japanese models so some of them are probably younger than I'd like to admit. I'm also a fan of "prince" lolita so that probably means I'm gay as well as a pedophile to you.
I mean it is a little odd I collect images of young women in cute clothes but is it really that unusual considering I'm on Sup Forums everyday?
It's actually getting more popular because of enthusiasts finding something to do with their useless Raspberry Pis. alt.politics.nationalism.white is getting pretty busy now, even if it's full of people that make Sup Forums look moderate.
Not only that but the gopher protocol (look it up, it's great) is starting to see more life as more people get annoyed at the weight and pervasiveness of web 2.0 (or 3.0 by now).
If you get on the gmane server you'll likely bump into Moldbug.
maybe if the m*slims didnt cut off womens clitorises, marry children, and fuck goats we might be a bit more amicable
>gopher is coming back
lol what a trip. Now that's unexpected.
attn: anyone who isn't freedom fighter itt, want me to blow your motherfuckin' mind?
He made a thread a couple days ago about why we should beat and rape women. You'll notice a lot of the same posts there, "WE NEED TO RAPE THEM," along with the replies to these posts saying, "Hmm, Muslims are just like conservatives!" (desire to conflate Islam with traditional Christianity) But the funniest red flag was probably pic related. You can see he got his proxies mixed up again. Also, you can see his favourite insult "kill yourself"
Conclusively, we can say he's in this thread because of an idiosyncrasy he has when replying to posts where he leaves a space between the post number and his reply. See the posts ITT that do that
Freedomfag has a female circumcision fetish too. Search the archive.
He's probably other people in this thread too. The "lolita" fetish, obviously, clues us into this thread being a freedomfag thread because he's a well known pedophile from Doublechin (see the collage I posted earlier)
t.someone who exposes proxyfags on the regular. I'm responsible for bringing down Kagari and the Samus-ass poster. My proxyfag hunting skills are bar-none the greatest of all time.
>How do we get females to start dressing modestly again?