Why is the Ukraine so fucking poor?
Hardmode: don't mention Communism
Why is the Ukraine so fucking poor?
Hardmode: don't mention Communism
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Because they're a dead, broken people. You can see it in their eyes.Those... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites ya and those black eyes roll over white. And then, ah then you hear that terrible high pitch screamin' and the ocean turns red and spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in and rip you to pieces.
Sage this thread
Why? This is a legit question. Communism is not an explanation, other post-soviet and eastern bloc countries are doing better.
Rampant corruption
it isn't part of some historical trade area like the blue banana. there's nothing in that area, no wealthy neighboring countries, no densely populated area.
Then why did the GDP fell?
There should have been something in that area if their GDP was twice as high 30 years ago
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>elect corrupt kleptocrat politicians
>gee, why are we poor?
Seriously, what president of a shitpot poor, recovering from Communism country should have a living room like this?
But why Ukraine?
Aren't other slav countries corrupt too? Why aren't they as poor as these poor faggots?
The same reason ethiopia or zimbabwe is poor
ukrainians are basically pale niggers
This is a good example why the strictly racist logic doesnt always work.
Ukraine's GDP per capita (see ) is smaller than Nigeria's, yet the population of the Ukraine is undeniably white
Literally communism you dumbfuck. Also not having the EU foot your bills like Poland's and not sitting on a shitton of natural resources like Russia
Remember that most racists don't consider Slavs to be white for whatever reason.
Becuse it's so very rich.
That land is rich of water, wood, cernozem, sunny hours, animals in the wild, fish, etc.,
That land is in a very important geopolitical position, at the meeting point of the slavs, the muslim and the west...
It is so simple that it worths the cost of conquer and colonisation
>Literally cannot look at the OP pic.
Are you Ukrainian (retarded?
> Why is the Ukraine so fucking poor?
They killed white farmers.
Ukrainian land is the trash pile of eastern Europe. I has been inhabited by mongrels, outcasts and savages throughout history. Their current state is the natural outcome.
But Russians aren't white....
> population of the Ukraine is undeniably white
Majority is white (Russians), but they live in apartheid conditions.
60% of nothing is still nothing. Ukraine has always been the shitpit of Russia and will always be the shitpit of Russia.
Socialism, because communism has never been tried and your flag represents nothing
The soviets systematically slaughtered their entire educated and profitable class. The entire race was brought down after these millions were killed and then the remaining people with any expertise or ambition fled the country during and after communism. Lot of good Ukrainians in the US, Portugal, Germany.
Whiter than you, muhammad.
Look at the graph in the OP already
Then why was their GDP in 1991 still twice as big as it is now?
Shouldn't it have dropped back in 1930-s when the Soviets slaughtered their higher class?
Ukraine did not existed before 1917. As well as ukrainians.
OP is a dumb faggot
You have to go back...
Bolsheviks where slaughtering MaloRussians and Cossacks - branches of Russian nation.
Cossacks - with direct help from anglo. (see: massacre in Lienz)
Ukrainian = anti-Russian soviet minority, created and carefully brought up by their apartheid politics, that started with korenization and continued with Leningrad affair and is not ended by now.
Even wiki page on korenization clearly states, that Russians where deprived from ever being in rule over anything. And the "end" of korenization is declared, just because Russian language was returned to local schools. How the fuck studying language of the enslaved majority ends the apartheid?
You also should not call bolsheviks "soviets". Bolsheviks destroyed soviets (counsils) system of direct worker democracy in 1918. It existed since 1904 and was supported in Empire as useful tool to be in touch with the working class. As well as majority-socialist "parliament" duma and constitutional assembly.
But OP, I can't do hardmode. Ukraine is fucking poor because they abandoned communism. If the Ukraine was still communist, they would be at least a regional power. Only retarded Sup Forums cucks would disagree
It's Communism.
the ukraine is a horrible land of subhumans, please nuke us
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It did drop back then. It massively dropped and there was a mass famine and genocide. Then the GDP dropped again when communism imploded and anyone with an advanced degree fled.