How do I prevent my daughter from becoming like pic related?
How do I prevent my daughter from becoming like pic related?
Encourage her to be trans.
Lock her in the basement
whats the problem
love her
pro tip: you dont
Talk to her.
Or just feed her too much. Around 160lbs we all start not wanting to grab them.
Be a nigger
Your daughter will grow up to take black cocks in her holes. Being an overprotective father will just cause her to rebel against you.
Don’t be absent from her life and don’t let her pick shitty friends
oh i see it now its the big foreheads right
idk how to prevent that
Are these girls British?
Don't have daughters until all the jews and the past generation die.
Go buy androgel and put it in her lotions and creams without anyone noticing. In a couple of months she'll look like pic related, then take her to the gun range and teach it how to work on cars. It'll be the best son you've ever had.
Don't send her to a public church and don't allow her to have social media.
This world is a dark and degenerate place. As her father, you need to shield her from it, so that she doesn't become corrupted.
female bugmen
Abort her
>public church
public school*
Have a son instead.
Kill her?
>How do I prevent my daughter from becoming like pic related?
Honor kill her.
Raise her to be a Nazi officer.
>Don't send her to a public church and don't allow her to have social media.
You fags will be the worst fathers ever, overprotective and insecure.
>s-sweetie? y-you're not talking to any of the black kids at school are you?!
Hot bost more chavs
don't give her any money for the clothes, but really don't raise daughters that need attention, idk how?
help her into social circles where she doesnt interact with pic related.
stay close to the church, let her become friends with those in the church. form relationships with the parents of her friends, you will then quickly realize who she should avoid.
Lock her up a cage and hide the key until she gets married.
Raise her as a Muslim.
Tell her you won't allow anyone in your family to fuck things up.
These girls 10 years from now
you can prevent it by giving her daily cock injection, your wife will understand eventually...
p.s. it's not rape if it's within family
I break that curse in the name of Christ.
Nothing good ever came from talking to the black kids.
Have children with an intelligent woman instead of an attractive woman
I know some of these girls. They're actually rich so that's unlikely.
Literally nothing all user say.
Confidence is the keyword here. Raise her to have a HEALTHY confidence. In you, in herself and her abilities. That she know both her limits and strengths. Upon this foundation build a traditional values, from the young age. Don't force it, make it as unmovable as that the water is wet. However, those need a final step since it is a girl we are talking about. She NEEDS as every woman does, a social validation. Thus ensure she is in the correct social circle that praise her for the values you've learned her.
The girls in the OP I mean
Make her read. Wholesome people read.
Just don't make her read the bible until she's an adult, else she'll turn an atheist.
Don't give them to the state at 5 years old so they can be brainwashed. Homeschool.
Amen. And may the Lord send that leaf straight to hell and cause the earth to swallow up his degenerate nation.
Ensure her IQ is over 120.
When she reaches age 24, takes 3 IQ tests, and the average doesn't crack 120... well, get a late-term abortion and try again.
spend lots of time with her, homeschool her. DO NOT "spoil" her (transl shower with money), DO NOT *EVER* buy her affection with gifts. DO NOT be overly repressive (shit like no sex before marriage etc, those girls tend to be the biggest sluts)
basically just have sane values and teach them to your children
Don't be lower class.
make her read books
Don't send her to public school. All girls school with enforced dress code is the only solution that still includes an education and social life. Hope you have money
Show her love and affection and don't get weird about it when she grows boobs, apparently fathers tend to be much less affectionate when their daughters start puberty
It’s funny now I start to see these true slide threads. This nigger Has posted the same fucking post with the same fucking picture at least three times in the last month. Sagely nigger
Speak for yourself, I love squishy fat girls.
Tell her she can be removed from the family will at any time. This is for coal burners especially.
Homeschool or all girls school. Make her be christian. Dont give internet at young age.
1. Be present in her life
2. Be fucking assertive
3. Remember you’ll be the standard for the males she seeks
4. Don’t put her on a fucking pedestal, or raise her “girly”
5.Never call her princess.
6. Put a firearm in her hand early on
7. Put a wrench in her hand early on
8. Never watch trash TV in front of her
9. Don’t play trash music in front of her
10. Teach her a deep love of country, family, duty and honor.
Should end up just fine
Be a good dad that she respects.
having a daughter is being the ultimate cuck
you're pampering a vagina, getting it ready for big meaty cocks
>degenerate nation
Coming from the flag whos posters in this thread are saying that they won't even let their daughters watch tv, they won't let them go to public school, and are going to watch her social group closely like a creepy stalker. The average stormfag on Sup Forums is going to finally get to be an authortarian faggot, only with their own kids.
Be a straight up good person yourself; lead by example and teach well.
Never let her get a phone until shes like 20. Even then it's a stretch as as she gets one the degeneracy will slowly creep into her life.
There isn’t one answer that would work for everyone but a couple things that would put you on the right track (and may be obvious but fuck it):
Make sure she knows you love her.
Im assuming you’re the father since women dont use the chin, so you have to know that she’s going to use you as the example of what a man should be. She’s going to accept the way you treat her (and her mom if she’s still in the picture) as the baseline for how men should treat women. Use that to your advantage and set an impossible example for her. And then of she does find a man she wants to marry, odds are he’s someone you’d be proud to have as a son in law.
Relate to her as much as possible.
I’m going to also assume that this is a new child so there will be times in your lives where she will reach out to you for that connection. It might be something you like, it might be something she likes, but whatever it is grab on to it. Those opportunities may be few and far in between so it’s good to connect early. Video games, a show or a book, an outdoor activity, something, anything.
Make the dad/daughter relationship special.
Make time for just the two of you without mom or other siblings. Make sure you create opportunities for 1 on 1 conversations with her. Use your own life experiences and let her know you’re a human being. Trust me she’ll never forget those times.
It’s tough but that’s the hand you were dealt so there ya go. It’s thankless and it never ends. But the rewards are beyond worth it. Good luck.
>t. Father of two daughters
of course
save 1 and burn the rest
As a girl who ended up not being like this but surrounded by girls in my class who were, make her as socially awkward as you can, like autism levels, combined with pure ugliness. I spend my teen years (until I hit 18 and suddenly got confident) as a sad little loser who really had no friends and didn't wanna wear makeup cos it embarrassed me. Consequently, I didn't start going out at 15/16 and dressing like that. Hitting puberty late also helps, so find a wife that hit puberty at like 14/15 too
Do you even have to ask?
this is the only correct answer
Move out of New Jersey
Don't lump me with those faggots. I completely recognize the inability of any women to turn out "Okay" in today's society. Also to your hypothetic situation, what
's the alternative? Her getting abused and eventually killed by Tyrone or becoming a social media whore (even worse: failing and blowing her brains out in 21st century female fashion) ? Giving people margin to make their own mistakes and learn is fine and dandy until someone starts doing the same stupid shit other people did before them and expecting things to be different. My brother is a pathetic example of that: tried hanging out with the cool kids in Highschool, started drinking early on and partying all the while neglecting anything school related. With the amount of educational videos/examples in the entertainment industry (both real and fictional) out there, you'd think he'd known better than to act like a nigger, but I guess that is our current society to you. Same thing with condoms: stupid troglodytes earth eating niggers discussing abortion as a viable option, even though a fucking condom costs 20 cents if you really don't want a kid. It all boils down to responsibility. Some people have it, some others don't, and the media tries to make people throw it out of the window entirely so people can feels good about not being accountable for their own mistakes.
smollface is the the only doable one t b h
if those big meaty cocks are white, then what exactly is the problem? Having a daughter basically ensures your genes survive.
show bobs n vagene
Any meritard wishing death to Canada and its people is motly likely a 56%er orc, so just ignore their posts.
>let the state and people that own TV raise your daughter instead you fucking FASCIST
I'm unsure if the fags defending orwellian control of their lives are for real. If you act like a prison guard you'll be hated and they'll dicht you as much as you can, you need to control their minds by being someone respectable that they can look up to for guidance. Doing meaningful stuff with them and promoting healthy communities for her to be a part of is key. My parents always took a pretty laissez-faire approach to raising me and I rarely got into trouble and ended up full fash.
I speak to them as adults. I tell them they need to think for themselves, give small baby red pills, and have them think consequences when presented with a fun cheap thrill. I ask what do they notice about their peers and they are aware their peers are zombies with Snapchat, social media, are thots, chads and soyboys. Nothing they need to dedicate their lives during their teen years when dating and marriage should be considered in their 20s.
They think about their future without the need to find a boyfriend like their friends are all chasing right now. They work on their hobbies. I talk to them everyday, give them a hug every night and tell them to try their best. They even say they just grow up wanting a cat. I remind them that is probably for the best while they figure out their young adult lives but eventually I'd like to see grandchildren after they are married.
I show an interest in their life because if I don't keep an eye on their day to day life, I know where they can stray.
let me touch your spaget
1 and 3 can come with me, the rest can cook me up something for when I'm done
Truely all the English are pakis now
Keep her AWAY from Television
Keep her AWAY from the Internet
You have to be her moral guidance, you alone, you can't allow the media to turn her into a mindless liberal thot.
If she is playing on devices already, it might be too late. Keep her away from it, please please please.
Do you want her to be ugly and not doable ?
>if those big meaty cocks are white
bitch lasagna
If she's young, you can try teaching her practical stuff, like cooking or sewing. If she startes taking a liking to less feminine activities, make sure she gets actually good at them.
Are you crazy? I'd plug every one of those chicks.
Exposure to the smoldering wrecks of ex thots, casually mention their choices. Fat shaming works if its subtle, so does thot shaming.
Mention some women missed out on landing their dream guy when they were peak value (20-25ish) and what men look for in a wife rather than slampiece
she bitch lasange. need show bobs
Why do you want you're daughter to be slutty?
Late puberty is typically a sign of good health. The body doesn't need to rush development, so you start popping out babies before you die young.
great you turned out good, didnt know there was any portu girls that browsed this site
City life does that to people. So the solution is to live in a rural area with country bumpkins.
Remember, in America, city folks voted for Hillary. In Russia, only in St. Petersberg and Moscow do you see lots of different colored people, but in the rest of Russia people are homogenously White-looking with blonde hair.
In Europe, you will see the most number of immigrants, rape, and terrorist bombings and buses running on people in the Cities, like London and Paris.
Avoid cities. Cities are degenerate, producing degenerate people. Raise your daughter in rural communities.
Get her into anime and make her a weeb. She'll only surround herself with creepy betas but its either that or Chads.
Only men would have a spaghetto
I'd have a farfalla or a tortagliono
Learn your bloody types of spaghetti you barbarian
Marry an insecure, socially awkward woman and have insecure, socially awkward children.
Don't let her have a cell phone or a computer until she's eighteen. Don't let her hang out with vapid cum traps. Don't expose her to hollywood shit jewish "entertainment".
Do milk
Strawman, cute!
she needs a hobby she is passionate about
Tell if she acts like one and behaves like one you will disown her
If she calls you on the bluff then disown her and kick her to the streets, and make another
Street urchins belong on the streets
I was raised in a rural area
Girls turn out to be bigger whores cos the only outer world exposure theyto have is t.v. and internet (think Kardashian level), so they copy that and look horrific
I was amazed when I moved away from my rural uk village to an actual city at how much less whorish the girls dressed
Don't allow her to have a cell phone or social media until she's 16.