Should all Americans be required to take a DNA test, before they're allowed into our ethnostate?
Should all Americans be required to take a DNA test, before they're allowed into our ethnostate?
please don't let us in
They're definitely white.Can't you see?
Americans shouldn't be allowed in your ethnostate. We should have to make our own. We have plenty of space to work with .
Sure. Thank God we're not inbred Anglos like the Brits
hhhhhwithhhhhxer theeeeen u mahhuuuuumaxxxd
You are literally a shitskin spic. You can't post amerimutt memes cause you're the reason those memes exist.
>underage t_d nigger can't differentiate flags
What else is new.
The American is immunized to all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: "Whiter than you, Muhammed."
Ah muy nino, you ask me how la creatura came to be? Legends say that it all began with the mixing of the races combined with artificial and chemical-spiked food and complete disintegration of culture. Then the mutts started breeding with the mongrels, and people started losing sanity even further. Ay caramba, horrible and dark times indeed. Eventually, the even more mixed abominations started being fed meat of deceased by the corporations to cut expenses. When the time was right, Jews opened up the portal to a nether dimension by using the vigin blood sacrifices of few extremely rare blancos that they kept alive for this specific purpose. Unimaginable dark energies descended upon this realm, turning abominations into something, something not of this world ... They were finally ready, the perfected goyim ...
But then there was, the wall. It's still protecting us, even to this day. No one knows for what purpose was it built, but some say that it was used to keep our corrupted cousins that ventured north from returning. However, it is very old, and sometimes la creatura sneaks through the cracks, kidnapping children.
We don't want to be in your totalitarian country anyway.
He is Italian by the way....
Whiter than you Muhammad!
Photo of an american hating white people
He surely does
Gimme some real-life mutts.
>You can't post amerimutt memes cause you're the reason those memes exist.
Ouch. That was savage.
100%percent irish
Oh say can you shart
in the land of Wal-Mart
what so proudly we hailed
at our anuses' last leaking
I agree with this. Europe for Europeans and Americans can set up our own. I don't want to live around niggers but I would prefer to stay around Americans than go to Europe and feel like an intruder on their cultures and I'm sure a lot of them feel the same way. A new new world is what we need.
tfw whiter than must subhuman posters who make these threads.
Feelin comfy
They have an entire mutt sub-population called Melungeons. Look them up, they're fascinating.
>0.4% sub saharian african
lol nigger
>Statisical noise proven to be added by the people who do the test
Nah sorry. Nice islands btw.
Whiter than you muhammad.
La criatura tragadora de la sangre blanca
>tfw whiter than must subhuman posters who make these threads
>.4 Sub-Saharan African
One drop rule nigger.
Isn't that just albinism? I know a black lady who looks like that.
>look at my DNA test
>by the way, the results have been tampered with
>but only the parts I don't like
do you have a mutilated penis?
Daily reminder: Amerimutt threads are part of a memetic advertising campaign for (((23andme))).
The are more white Americans than the 2 largest European countries combined, just let that sink in for a minute.
That's Ali tho.
It's a Sup Forums owning Sup Forums episode
“There are”
Reminds me of this
Sure thing, Jamal Sanchez Seamus von Rosenberg.
el Monstruo....
I don't think so, he doesn't have red eyes or white hair.
no lets just keep fighting over whos whiter while ignoreing the muslim invasion and jew parasitic infection, im sure it will go well.
I know many legends about the merimutt and his variations A.K.A. La Sombra
its so true its hurts, I had a mutt gf from california; blonde blue eyes but I always saw a hobgobling in her; the meme is real boisss
Italians are the rape babies of middle easterns and north african, why do you think all prior account of italians were described as fair skinned. Also Rome has been sacked like 20 times.
This is actually burgers fault for calling everyone non-white, you had it coming
>Italians are the rape babies of middle easterns and north african, why do you think all prior account of italians were described as fair skinned. Also Rome has been sacked like 20 times.
Gonna be real easy to conquer that, cant be a lot of humans out there that legit have 100% Anglo blood.
Heh those amerimutts across the pond are so black! 56%! Am I right fellow whites?
>Post evidence you are whiter than 99% of the posters in the thread
>Sup Forums goes into full assblast mode
love it
No American should be allowed period. Tbqh, American """culture""" is what led to the erosion of Western values and white countries suddenly becoming fair game for every ooga booga with a boat.
We are the europeans now. Also most europeans don't realize their countries have been invaded and sacked by non-whites or mixed people multiple times. While the US just segregates the niggers and beaners.
la oscuridad
Funny, now show us your real results
Yeah it is, why do you say he isn't?
No, they're not, North Africa used to be split between Carthago and the Roman Empire you retarded creatura. Just because rape babies is such an apt meme for the Americas doesn't mean you should project it onto everyone else.
>>Post evidence you are whiter than 99% of the posters in the thread
>>Sup Forums goes into full assblast mode
>love it
"ethno state"
Good lord, you racist losers never fail to make me laugh. You're on the wrong side of history, get over it bigots.
Et tu Tyrone?
la mugre emanada...
>Anglo mutt wants to force DNA testing
Wew lad...You might want to put a little shine on that tea kettle.
Just don't allow them
He says as Canada is about to fall to the ethnostate of China
>germanic jawline
>negroid lips and nose
>asian cheeks
You should try visiting the real world some day. You know, leaving your house, meeting people.
WASP used to differentiate from dirty Catholics
Rh- blood used to differentiate from mixed monkey DNA Rh+
We can play this game until only people left are the inbread royal family.
What you tryna say?
el esbirro
McDonald's is my waifu. God bless Israel and my milk coffee skin.
>whiter than you, mohammad
Wow, sure amerispics are not bothered by the amerimutt meme at all!
Literally the entire alt-right...
You should try China's good boy points system for internet access some time. Good old communist fun, coming to a neighbourhood near you
el slavo judeo...
then who was phone?
you never know what sort of mongel DNA will show up in an American.
La créature des abysses...
Esto es simplemente justicia divina por tratarnos mal todos estos años. ¿Quienes son los negros ahora? Jaja.
>>Post evidence you are whiter than 99%
sure thing faggot, some picture is "evidence"
Le dévoreur de mondes...
>whiter than u moh-
Indeed it is the Americans who is the enemy of White civilization
This would be a good counter if it was actually a spic, but it's a wop so you're retarded.
Kekked and saved.