Why is the average millennial working in retail or at Starbucks when they graduated from college?
Why is the average millennial working in retail or at Starbucks when they graduated from college?
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>Why is the average millennial working in retail or at Starbucks when they graduated from college?
Because no one wants to pay money for someone who is only qualified to complain about "Privilege"
Globalists have imported millions of foreigners to decompress wages and improve their share dividends.
Any stats to back that up? In every single one I've seen, college grads have lower unemployment and higher salaries than those who don't have a degree.
they turn into un-hirable mentally ill freakjobs.
In general they're simply not competitive.
>Work for a fortune 500 company
>I'm a contractor
>Everyone around me is a contractor
>Everything that requires an ounce of seniority or experience goes to an H1B or an internal FTE
So, to actually get hired requires a long time as a contractor in an environment you would be stupid to stay in. Even then, if you apply outright for an entry position you're competing with Pajeet 15 years experience Phd t.Mumbai university.
The big problem is that the issues with doing things like this don't show up until years down the line.
>I'm nearly finished with my contract
>I don't want to work for this company anymore
>Someone they just trained for a year is leaving
>All their H1Bs are leaving to work for other companies using their pay at my company to negotiate salary
>All their older employees are retiring while their retirement accounts are still liquid
Because they studied Psychology, Gender Studies and Social Media Marketing instead of Bio Chemicals or Computer Science.
Who is this chick you keep posting
>Why is the average millennial working in retail or at Starbucks when they graduated from college?
Because their woman's studies degree won't get them a real job.
I graduated with a 4.0 in my STEM major. I currently work in retail.
Because turns out STEM jobs suck. You spend well over 40 hours a week working on shit that's so abstract that you slowly lose your ability to socialize and enjoy simple things. On top of that, you work with smelly poo-in-loos and maladjusted fedoras.
>But muh 6-figure salary
So what? I work part time, have everything I want (including a girlfriend), and am still saving just a bit under 10k a year. Why would I give away more of my time for money I don't need?
>But muh debt!
Lol, don't go in debt to go to college. I worked two years before college and then graduated in three years while working. I did have a little bit of debt, but I paid it off within a year of graduating. I only wish I hadn't wasted the three years of tuition. Would have a fucking nice nest egg now if I hadn't.
Retail jobs actually lend themselves to a higher quality of life than STEM jobs in the USA.
3 years to graduate in STEM while working. What was your degree, some pleb teir IT shit?
Dunno But I bet it's the boomers fault somehow.
I think she might be a millennial
Why are there so many pictures of this obviously self-absorbed cunt?
Inflation. Literally any retard can get a degree in something, rendering the document superfluous.
Im sick of seeing these fucking threads everyday can you just post lewds of this girl or kindly fuck off. Thank you.
>lower unemployment
>higher salaries
>lifetime of debt
>have to work in the city
>landlord takes all your income
>live like a slave
you totally sold me chaim. where do I sign up?
This might be the biggest load of shit I've read on Sup Forums and that's saying something. Retail is terrible.
Best I got.
no thanks, all zoe has going for her is her eyes
Because they graduate with a garbage gender studies degree that will land them no where in the real world, fucking millenials should kill themselves
Brother In-Law has a masters degree in like video game theory or some shit like that. Graduated 4 years ago works at Starbucks.
Applied mathematics at a top state university. TBF, I was not offered six figure starting, but I did work a high-five figure before moving to retail.
I mean, don't work at big chains. Progressives like these over-priced, locally-owned things. I don't agree with their ideology, but I'm happy to take their money.
Because they are lazy and would rather live the decadent life of a degenerate as they did in college
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Haven't you heard? Black females are the #1 group of college students.
Purely coincidental
(User was disappeared for this post)
Glad to have you back redpillanon
They flooded the unskilled and trade skill markets with third world turds so nobody can compete for those jobs.
Then they made it so you have to go to college to get any of the other jobs available
Make college fuck-easy to get into, make sure everyone gets loans which blows up tuitions and saddles students with debts
College degree now devalued since any retard can get one
Boom - instant eternal underclass.
Permanent Democrat voting base, just like they wanted.
why strive when they can park their ass at a 9-5 and never challenge themselves for the rest of their dull lives