It doesn't matter who you are;

It doesn't matter who you are;
Dem or Rep
Lib or Con
Black or white
Male or female
Rich or poor
Straight or gay

It really doesn't matter who you are, what you think or what you do.

If you believe this man, or follow this man
You're a fucking idiot.
ESPECIALLY if you believe in his rhetoric.
He has proven time and time again that even for the things he says he's in favor of, he's ineffectual at best and actively destructive at worst.
There is zero excuse for this man's continued support, and if you think there is, you're a goddamn imbecile

trying to find your argument

That's not an argument, that's a thesis statement.

He's doing exactly what we elected him to do.

Which is?


He is doing what the said he would do just because liberals don't like like everybody should be mad?

Read the picture, scientist.


Zero promises broken. Dude your literally infected by the leftist media. Stay down in the mental shithole of yours while Trump will win 2nd time and could've been elected for the 3rd time if it were in Canada.

Improve economy
Kill TPP
Nominate conservative judges
Slash immigration
Cut taxes
Made libshits cry in anguish

Last one on your list was the best one.

It's one of my personal favorites as well.

That really u canada?!


Bro. Watching YouTube videos of sjw's destroyed is a porno

Which presidents have you trusted?

Probably Bill Clinton

So trustworthy.
>that depends on what youre definition if the word is, is.

He has done literally none of those things. In fact, he's done the exact opposite of a lot of them.

That's a new level of retarded. Get your ass off MSM and look at the fucking facts. In what world do you live in? He literally brought tax cuts and appointed a conservative job. How did he do the exact opposite of that? Oh yeah, there also is record low illegal immigration, gang violence, and unemployment. 86 new records in the stock market, ISIS is almost completely crushed, and a lot more. This is why your party has no credibility anymore.

>He literally brought tax cuts
For corporations. 85% of the american public will see tax increases.

>and appointed a conservative [judge]
TRIED to appoint a judge. A judge who could not answer basic fucking questions about the judicial system.

>there also is record low illegal immigration, gang violence, and unemployment.
Most of that stuff has been on the decline for the last decade anyway.
And even if it wasn't, can you point to the exact actions he took to make them fall? Bet you can't. Because he didn't.

>86 new records in the stock market, ISIS is almost completely crushed
Point to the actions Trump performed to make that happen.

>and a lot more.
You mean "I hope there's a lot more, but I can't think of anything"

Still a tax cut


Still record lows

Still record highs and isis is gone

Later chump.

>85% of the american public will see tax increases
Pretty sure you leftists were screaming about the tax cuts. But suddenly it isn't one? Also, please source the 85% number.

>tried to appoint a judge
Then who is Neil Gorsuch? I'm pretty sure that wasn't a failed attempt. You must be pretty delusional.

>he didn't contribute at all to lower illegal immigration, gang violence, and unemployment
So just disregard his entire idea and all his policies. Ignore the increasing strictness among ICE, the support of the police, and his de-regulations that literally fucking bring jobs back to America. Ignore how industries were brought back because of this.

>the stock market crashes and ISIS losing has nothing to do with Trump!
Right, it definitely wasn't caused by a more aggressive stance, appointment of Mattis, and his de-regulating policies that attract investors.

Keep crying, kiddo. Your logic goes in circles and all you say is that "I don't know it so it must be false!"

Meant booms insteads of crashes

Lastly, it's also really funny how when something good happens under Obama, it must be his doing, but when something bad happens, it's not his fault.
For Trump on the underhand, nothing good apparently is caused by him, but whenever something bad happens, you rip your hairs and cry to your mommies about "scary fascist Nazi Drumpf and his fellow hacker Putin." This is why your party lost all fucking credibility in the last election and lost. Keep this up, and you will continue to lose 2020.

Go on calling everyone you don't agree with a moron, or a deplorable human being... seemed to work out at election time. I love how whiney you leftists are. You wouldn't be bitching unless you were scared of him. I love it!!! Enjoy it buddy and watch the illegal voters get deported before next election :):):):):):)

>Pretty sure you leftists were screaming about the tax cuts.
Because it's tax CUTS for the mega-rich, and tax INCREASES for literally everyone else.

>and his de-regulations that literally fucking bring jobs back to America. Ignore how industries were brought back because of this.
Oh yes! Industries like fucking COAL.
Because we need more of that shit!
We can't actually invest in industries with a future, it's gotta be something boomers will relate to, as far removed from reality as possible.

>appointment of Mattis, and his de-regulating policies that attract investors.
Regulations specifically put in place to avoid another recession like 2008. More short term benefits for medium term losses.

Also, I want you to focus in on something; your use of the term "Policies".
Policies aren't legislation. It ultimately doesn't matter how trump feels on a subject, he has to ACT. Talk is cheap.

>Lastly, it's also really funny how
Oh fuck off.
This was almost a decent discussion and then you had to go and ruin it with your whataboutism. Fuck off with that shit. Obama and his administration wasn't perfect, but you can't use that as evidence that Trump is better ad-hoc.

shit guess my taxes are going up
only CNN knows the truth

Forget about that homo, bro. He's just going to keep moving goalposts like the mushmouthed kike he is.

> trump didnt do any of that
> ok, he did all of it, but not in a way I like; also, it happened on his watch, and he promised he'd do it, but I only credit presidents for good things happening on their watch (when they promised to do it) if they are a half black Democrat.

>ineffectual at best and actively destructive at worst

I'll choose the best people for my administration.
I would use the greatest minds...I know the best negotiators.
I know the ones that are no good that people think are good.
I know people that you’ve never heard of that are better than all of them.

Someone is mad today.

I only voted for him to severely trigger people like OP, not a day goes by that I'm disappointed.

>tells me to fuck off when I point out hypocrisy
Okay kiddo. Nice way of arguing. Your gender studies professor must be proud. I never said Trump was any better, but I just pointed out your double standards.

>Trump is only talk
So what about those 56 executive orders? Some of them didn't get carried out, but a lot of them did. Does that sound like only talk?

>Trump raised taxes!
That's some serious delusion. Pretty sure the Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation stated that every income group would pay less in taxes.

>brings back an industry and whines about how it's coal
Then why are you and your party so scared of nuclear? And now it's bad to create more jobs? I'm sorry, but wind turbines and solar panels don't create more jobs than those. And they won't be able to keep a country like the US running.

Your party hates coal and nuclear. One is easy to obtain and is fast for making energy. The other is the cleanest and most efficient source ever. Why does your party scream about nuclear so much then? Pretty sure that is advanced and better for the climate. But no, we have to build tons of wind and solar farms. Just keep wasting money on sources with less efficiency.

>We can't actually invest in industries with a future

Translation: Our taxes should prop up failed industries that can't survive on the market because they don't provide a service anyone wants or needs.

> Haha look at me, I'm so edgy and not PC xD #MAGA #Fucklibtards

>it doesn't matter who you are
skipped down to point

>if you believe this man you're a fucking idiot
stopped reading, opinion discarded


>when I point out hypocrisy
What hypocrisy? You mentioned Obama, not me. I never mentioned my party affiliation either, I just said Trump is a less-than-ideal presidential character, and you extrapolated based on no other evidence.
You're literally attacking a strawman. Way to go.

>Trump is only talk
So what about those 56 executive orders?
Literally talk. Like, that's the actual, political definition of an executive order. The president writes something down, signs it, and passes it on. That's it. It's not a fucking King's Decree.

>Then why are you and your party so scared of nuclear?
I didn't mention nuclear. Why are you mentioning nuclear? That's some pretty hardcore whataboutism.
But if you WANT to talk about nuclear, we can talk about how Nuclear and Coal aren't an apt comparison to make, because the problem with coal isn't cleanliness, it's long-term viability. Coal has been on the decline for decades because we are literally running out of coal. In order to bring coal back, you'd need more coal, and that's just something Trump can't do.

No, it's an unhinged accusation based on absolutely nothing.

It's also a glowing example of why nobody should ever take you seriously, and clear evidence that you are a 'second hander' when it comes to Trump or politics in general.

By the shit quality of your bait, I figured that this would just be a 1 post, but I was gleefully delighted to find that you put your autism on full display for all of /us/ to play with.

>an unhinged accusation based on absolutely nothing.

Okay, no, but seriously. Does this look like the words of a canny man to you?

Here's the problem. You think we're stuck in
>My president can beat up your president

We are not. We're way fucking past shit flinging.

Right now, we're at
>Our president is actively and blatantly antagonizing a nuclear power while engaging in activity that can be too easily described as 'mentally unsound', why is that okay?
