Why does the right wing try so hard to be edgy and cool? just accept it, you are out-memed by leftypol.
The right can't imageboard.
Lefty memes, commie dreams
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that an army of Communists couldn't take down a farmer with a Sniper Rifle
Commies don't have souls.
But they did. He didn't die but half his face was blown off and he was taken out of combat.
He took an explosive bullet to the face and still didn't die
That's bullshit, capitalists can't fight.
And vasily zaytsev was injured in a mortar attack and didn't die, what's your point?
sage and bored
get some real memes
amerifats, not even once
3 hours paint
133 miliseconds gimp
Leftypol: I feel bad for your memes
Nazipol: I don't think about you at all
>nazbol is just a meme
nazbol is just a meme
>Literally bragging that an army of his follow communiggers was needed to stop one farmer.
You misunderstood him, user
Just like your ideology you need fantasy theoretical furry girls instead of waifus.
Your ideology and waifus are laughable.
Fucking Disgusting Furries. You're that faggot from the leftypol server I doxxed. Fucking almost 30 larping as a 15 year y/o commie drawing ice faggots and shit. I'm going to send all of it to your boss at walmart fuck it.
Your memes are laughable
I agree, nazbolcomrade
Do it
look even the jews admit the nazis were the best dressed in WW2. its the only reason we use them from time to time in pop culture because its a damn nice uniform
nazis are cool. thats why canada and even the baltics go crazy for nazis and do what ever some larping cia nigger tells them to do. there all "yea really i can be part of your faggy club?!?!? sure i will kills some brown people of course" ~ canada 2011
If you think that each according to their abilities and each according to their needs is a good idea then you're just a useless piece of shit that has no abilities and the only thing you need is a bullet to the skull. Prove me wrong faggots
Your cosplayer are trannies.
Do you call them cos players or crossplayers?
Cat alunya
>"Our movement is entirely predicated on the aesthetics and mental vomit of an ugly, fat, bitter old man that was afraid of working, but claimed camaraderie with working class people"
We don't even need memes, since the TRUTH is on our side. The memes are just for fun.
Let me help you out, comrade. Pic related is an example of a NON-retarded anti-capitalist
>half his face was blown off and he was taken out of combat.
Yeah, for a couple weeks till he got right back into it
>when user mentions a communists but you think he should get gulag'd
creates one mem boosts victory. go home your to stupid to share oxygen with other people.
As long as you dont cuck to the coonlaks and the jewgeoisie you’re OK with me leftypal
mfw capitalistfags
BTW che wasn't a real communist
I have an old style commie friend,economy retardation on his side apart we agree on 99%of subjects as we are both for the working class,hate niggers etc etc,unfortunately your movement has long since lost its usefulness for the kikes and now you're being used as a retard bandwagon for identity politics.
He is for the most part abandoned communism and started to train weapons with me he knows the shitskins won't fight for any commie revolution they are just in for the gib me dats,he know the muzzies won't fight any evolution they only care for Islam,
You'll soon find out you're alone by your globalist ideas when everyone just looks for his own.
Join you fellow huwhite user.
Or go back to israel already
You are so fucked that you need to come here with weak bait and shitposts
The left itself has no real reson to exist, also you Board owner is a tranny that SUCKS REAL CIRCUMCISED JEWISH COCK
the left can't meme because they don't have the passion for it. they only got interested once they saw the right make it work for them.
it's the same story as always. someone makes a thing for whatever reason, works at it for years and it finally bears fruit - then along comes the parasitic communist, who has no appreciation for the hard work and nuance behind the creation of this thing. he just sees it as an asset that he wants to control, so he can control the people who have come to rely on it.
in conclusion: get in the fucking helicopter
Nucommies are amok with contradictions.
>Imperialism is bad
Sexual liberation skrrt
LOL yeah Left can’t meme, watch this:
Here we go...
Isn't that the tranny mod or board owner that sucks nigger dick?
Sucks jewish dick
check this video for his live action
death to idpol