Where were you when THIS happened?
Was this the best night of the decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a glorious night slide thread dude.
What am I sliding? The 2000th edition of /ptg/?
i have this whole series of catalog screens
fact is, it was historic and unbelievable to be there in real-time. i voted with my chick in a hopeless blue state and on my mothers life i cried when we were driving home
i drank the whole time and looped that fucking song all night like an asshole and i'm an older guy
please, as much of a beating he deserves now, just know that this happened and this will be talked about for centuries
here's one from earlier than that one
it was incredible
I guarantee everyone who sees this message that what the future holds will be leaps and bounds more entertaining than election night.
The salt mines are soon going to be open. Kek mit uns.
It was pretty fun, but you sound like such a faggot
one more
look at this shit
Lost track how many times I've watched this: youtu.be
like i give a fuck
i am bigger and stronger than you. i am also more handsome and fuck better looking women. i make more money than you
get lost
i knew some faggot would pipe up here based on what i said
The Hillary vs Trump days were fun
9th of november 2016
good work, man
these were moving so fast
I don't remember when exactly Florida got called, between 2 and 3 AM I think, but that was when I realised he had more than a chance, and when PA got called I knew it was over. I didn't sleep that night, or the next, for that matter, I was riding high on a tidal wave of joy, smugness and the ability to send everyone who ever told me I was an idiot for thinking he had a chance a smiley, just so they could get retagged into the conversation and remember that they were told this was possible, and they dismissed it. That they could see the hatred and vitriol they mindlessly spouted in the face of common sense and logic :^)
I was here. And not 30 mins ago I was driving in my car remembering how glorious it was. Best night ever.
somebody's gonna get hurt
I watched the entire thing live from my home, the moment Florida was called was almost surreal, I was grinning wide for a week
I was in a bar with a coupld friends taking shots every time Trump took a state/group of states
We were hammered. We were happy. Everyone around looked at us like they wanted to stab us. (Los Angeles)
So Sup Forums is just reddit cucks now
one more for now
but look
this board didn't make it happen, but what we have here had an impact. and that alone is enough
so when some fucking guy wants to call me a pussy for keeping mementos or for getting emotional about this? you need death. you need faggot aids you need any disease. there was a momentum going into this, an effort, that you won't ever understand. it will be in history books 500 years from now
blow me you fucking faggot
My liberal best friend got hammered drunk and threw up all over my bathroom floor and my liberal girlfriend cried.
I did a gay little dance.
At a bar laughing at a liberal who was crying. Greatest night of my life.
She hit me and said "fuck you" because I was so happy Trump won. I turned around and said "Fuck you bitch, I don't have to listen to you anymore." She ran away and I continued to drink. I'll never forget that night as long as I live.
Walking around my apartment parking lot nervous as fuck, then some fat girl hit on me but I kept walking.
The best one was the picture of the rest belt titled "saviors of Western Civilization"
I analyzed the voting records of each county and compared the numbers who voted in this primary compared to others. Realized trump won almost immediately, smoked a cigar, and spent the night watching all the news stations and twitter go through all Sven stages of grief
it was a roller coaster of emotions. It wenrt from accepting Trumps defeat to nervously watching him secure the election.
It's truly surreal how we got folks all over the WORLD supporting and closely observing the US election as if they were Americans themselves! To have people from all over the world cheering for trump really shows how special of a candidate he was.
Way to push the stereotype
Staring at my monitor with bloodshot eyes. I wasn't going to sleep until I knew I wasn't waking up to President Hillary though
Smirking as the libtards near me cried. It was glorious.
Kissing my tv while watching Alex Jones
I was drunk and on acid browsing Sup Forums and watching the news on tv
what song user, what song? i need to hear it
In my recliner, at 330 am, with a tear in my eye luaghing hysterically, saying "he did it, the madman did it"
I remember deciding to try tonignore the coverage at the beginning of the day, worried as shit about the election fraud already popping up in the Eastern states. Got home from work and poked my head in to see the slide beginning, made some burgers and the girlfriend and I had dinner, cuddled up on the couch. At some point moments after a real good blowjob I checked my phone and started cackling like a fucking madman as the likelihood went to 90% for trump.
Sat there with my girl sharing a beer laughing our heads off and unable to deal knowing the bitch lost and there was some good left in the world after all.
Next day at work the little group of people who weren't retarded stood around making jokes the whole day, blasted the standard songs off my laptop on the dock the whole day.
Fucking amazing time.
Good lad
it's the one with trump dancing
it was looped here all day post-election
never something
Here folks
Sitting and laughing with Sup Forums, happily telling my half-awake father that Trump won, allowing him a peaceful and jovial nights rest.
At a bar in my super-liberal city. I drunkenly and loudly celebrated by pumping my fist in the air and shouting as I literally skipped/danced out the back door to a chorus of jeers and mean looks. I'll never forget it.
that's the one
god damn guys
do not lose this feeling. trump will come and go
Yes, I was in Canada with liberal family cheering him on.
Dog you don't lose Ohio and Florid and win the presidency. Hasn't happened in how long?
I knew when like 90% of the votes were in for Florida and she had a 2% gap to cover. The news station delayed calling Florida so long because they knew that was the nail in the coffin.
A girl cried in front of me.
Thread theme:
Bonus points if you heil whenever he says trump
>That 24 hour grace period where all the shills completely evaporated and were 100% absent from Sup Forums as they either cried into their pillows or waited in shock to receive the next marching orders from their equally-stricken masters.
fuck off leaf the subversion is so obvious
the theme is what the guy above posted
again, really don't think a lot of you guys realize what his election stopped. at least for a while. trump is a bandaid fix but god damn is he ever
Someone post hopeful wojak with maga hat and sunrise in background
Trump isnt the guy to finish the job, he is the guy to get the public started in a different direction
I was the one Trump supporter in a crowd of Hillary voters. I was wearing my maga hat, and I just slowly got happier and happier throughout the night. When Pennsylvania flipped I started laughing like a madman, saying things like “THIS IS IT! ITS HAPPENING!”
that maga feel
Chilling on my desktop, red bull in hand, watching Livestreams while talking with friends on Discord.
In my libtard university dorm hearing my foreign faggot dorm mate bitch at me and my other 2 dorm mates for fucking up. I was so relieved to know the Land of the Free dodged a self inflicted shot.
I'll never forget the look on the libtards' faces when I went to work the next day. Stupid smug fucks, thinking that thing was going to win.
Living in New Mexico I figured Trump was toast. Boy was I brainswashed by these dirty mexicans. Went to bed early as I had already voted days before.
>mfw I woke up at 6am for an exam I had that day and saw the election map bright red
Praise KEK
Fuck you, bitch, he doesn't have to listen to you anymore.
God damn I stayed up till 4 to watch the election.
The whole morning at uni I had the fattest grin on my face and a spring in my step while all the lefties (most the uni) looked like they wanted to jump off a bridge.
This image I remember being on a thread with the words: WE FICKING DID IT POL. I'll never forget it
The o-o-only way to fly...
Stayed up all night watching the TV to hear him be declared president of the USA
>there was a momentum going into this, an effort, that you won't ever understand. it will be in history books 500 years from now
when hillary dies the truth will be known.
it was like 1 am in texas i believe. i laughed so hard my stomach hurt. i had a job interview that morning but didnt shower. i was too busy watching states being called. gave 0 fucks, trump will ensure i get a better job anyway. the economy will improve... just wish i could say the same about Sup Forums. it turned into r/le_donald overnight. you cant have a nigger hate/woman hate/muslim hate thread anymore. youre either discussing donald (positively) or youre called a shill. fuck i hate reddit so much
lol, I bet you're the type of newfag who doesn't even call out the kikes because you're a little pussy nigger
>Tuesday night
>bowling league
>get drunk, ride home with a friend who is pretty down the middle politically
>"yeah dude hes got no chance" both of us say
>come home, get on Sup Forums expecting to just watch our last chance go up in flames
>mfw Pennsylvania turns red
Only better feeling than that with Sup Forums was a tie between Zimmerman and Darren Wilson both getting let off.
I was still a leftist - my band was playing a show that night and on our drive we just got more and more discouraged and nihilistic. By the time we got to the place we were staying we were all shit-hammered talking about the end of the world. Then the next day our fucking car got broken into lol. What a journey this year has been though.
ideos from the Clinton headquarters exists... but WHERE THE FUCK ARE ONES FROM TRUMP HEADQUARTERS??
have the red hatted version too
Thanks bro, about half the threads the next day had this image.
the song was great i played it all night.
>Where were you when THIS happened?
Here, shitposting and selling my soul to an ancient Egyptian god of Chaos.
It's good to take a day every once in a while and watch all the old videos from before the election, the anti-blm videos, the song videos, the hitler videos etc. it's anti-brainwashing and good for you to cleanse all the garbage you see on a daily basis.
Scotland, coincidentally.
I had rough sex with a really hot girl who had broken up with me a few weeks prior.
I miss her.
He is the undisputed, lineal and legitimate heavyweight champion of the world
>mfw all election night long
It's kind of indescribable how I felt scrolling through Sup Forums and all the liberal forums just soaking it in, drunk as fuck with my friend, never come down blasting in the background. It was the ultimate natural high.
>when drumbpf is confirmed president and the liberal go in fetal position crying
LMFAO what a great night.
t. Eurocuck
It was the best sleep I had in years after he was declared winner. I literally fell asleep within a minute of hitting the bed, with a great big smile on my face.
That song will never be associated with ANY THING other then that epic night.
>Where were you when THIS happened?
Logging in to betfair to check my winnings
This song is the alarm that wakes me up in the morning.
i was at a gay bar and i was wearing a red hat (nothing written on it). uppity fags tried confronting me about it but i just made them realize how retarded they were for being offended by a blank hat then they got all bitchy then yup eyefucking me and trying to fuck me and you bet your ass i let them all suck my dick in the bathroom
t. alpha gay
We watched it in our classroom all the muslims cried like little children it was glorious
>Natural high
pick one
incredible night on pol. wont ever forget
I just went to sleep (early sleeper and riser)
I woke up at like 4am mostly to just see how Hillary won.
I turned on the TV all bleary eyed and saw some early ass financial report that had a headline like "WORLD REACTS TO TRUMP VICTORY".
At first, it didn't register but they kept talking about Trump and not Hillary. Like 10 seconds later, I sat back and switched to regular news and got more of the blow-by-blow.
Took a shower and caught the start of Morning Joe before work.
I live in a townhouse and when I left for work, some black neighbors were leaving too. They always say hi to me, but once they saw me that morning, they turned their heads and totally ignored me when I said hi.
BTW I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary
I was at the DNC election night party in Seattle because I couldn't make it out to the Republican party in another city. The salt was fucking real but would have been better if the DNC had just admitted defeat properly after Wisconsin was called.
I was going back and forth from pol to tv, and back. Like a madman. Flipping, fox, cnn, msnbc, back to pol. It was frantic and beautiful.
No, It was his speech tonight for the farmers.
More 4D chess and the libs didn't understand...
Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride...
yeah ok faggot
you dont know anything about me
ive been out here for a very long time. i am also jacked and tanned and i deeply hate when some fucking faggot nerd tries to call me out like this
honestly this board would not be as good as it is if not for me, and that's 100% the truth
I wonder if the guy from Sup Forums anhero`d
doubt it
check this shit out. this is from earlier
The living room sat in front of the BBC, got up at 3AM to cheer him on and watch the results come in
why was there a naked black man in your living room?
Drinking at pic related.
>sitting in ICU on election day
>sent in vote by mail earlier
>don't bother keeping tabs all day
>feeling bad whole time
>finally check at midnight expecting more disappointment on top of a shitty day
>he won
I'm pretty sure my YES woke a few people up in that ward.
You sound like a fag.. no offense bro...