The way of de devil
We must show dem da way my bruddas
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I'm still trying to decide if this is a normie meme. I think it is.
it is
meme's dead, OP. kys.
It's dat boi tier
watch dis it will show you the true way
How can it be when it's practiced on VRChat, game of weebs and lolis?
It bases on memes normies didn't fully understand so they just use 1/2 a quote of ugandas first action movie and add some nonsense about Ebola.
Like with dat boi forced out of context.
this is why we need to turn EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING into a white supremacist hate symbol
Normie faggot
Ok, I go out of pol for 12 hours and this shit is now spammed everywhere. Care to explain?
>id Sext
Send me boobs NOW
Meme for 12 year olds and redditors.
This is the habbo hotel of the next generation.
even worse, its a reddit meme
That's the the impression I got from it too.
*clicking noises*
kek, hit too close
Can't belive I have been here since the 06 raid. Fucking hell time flies so fast
The way isnt clear too me yet, but that bright light I see is more beautiful that can be imagined. Sup Forums ultimately has wasted its time. The future is bright for those who know the way.
I was honestly surprised no one posted the Ugandan knuckles thing sooner on Sup Forums
I tried on Sup Forums but it got slid to oblivion by trap and lewd loli threads
Do you have Ebola?
Its an okay meme.
More so reddit teir.
Better raids have happened but, its meh. 5/10.
The Ugandan meme came from Forsen's channel and it was already dying.
IDK I think its cute
Started in VR Chat, guy pretending to be from uganda and pretenders started following his example.
This the meme is cute
It can’t really be used in its current form