Are we being invaded by leftists?
Are we being invaded by leftists?
they've been trying for years, most end up falling in line with the rest of us
I saw a thread talking about how Obama was smart, has this website fallen that far? A few months ago Id imagine that would be blasphemy to consider a black man to be on equal intelligence with us white brothers.
Yes, but their arguments fail them. They have their surges and then they go away and lick their wounds.
Yes, hence why pol was looking for more janitors.
Who cares, they have nothing to say.
We hear their stupid brainwashed tripe every day anyway and when it comes from a poster is just gives a bit of perspective of what the mental state of the arrogant cunts that think they're on ''the right side of history''
How fucking new are you?
For every 10 that come, we convert 5.
Severe influx really. This isn't the pol I used to know.
Poll: Who here thinks pic related is white and who thinks she's asian?
>seig heil
At least you admit it
You can tell she's Asian by the shape of her legs
Thatms called shitposting vro, that’s always been a thing
yes i notice there tends to be rise and fall of leftist garbage on this board. I hope to god Sup Forums isnt so contrarian that they move further left as the right wing gains power. leftism holds nothing for you. just bleak empty despair and self hatred
If you would stop replying to meme flags then that would deal with half the problems
As long as the left is the home of the sjws and the yard apes they will always our natural enemies
she’s white tho.
That's what happens when we attract the media's attention
Now we either make this board unhospitable for normies or see it being overrun by cockroaches
Leftypol tries to subvert us all the time with shitty threads, or some stormfag says we don't hate Jews in the right way or some shit. In the leftypol threads it is recommended to post refill material, especially holocost related. There is so much hard evidence against the official story that it is a very easy redpill to swallow. Stuff like that in the lefty threads is how the seed of doubt is sown in the shills' minds that will inevitably lead them to become one of us
For about a year now.
First two waves got converted to our cause, so they are now working with imbeciles, that are safe from being redpilled, because they can barely understand written words.
we need more nigger hate threads
a little dab will do ya.
That'll be a warm welcome to normies for sure
We should also try to attract them into redpills
Who cares. They always end up getting too triggered and leaving, or red pilled and joining us. It's like when Tumblr tried to raid Sup Forums. Just let them waste their resources.
sure kiddo
I don't know user...
The fact this board is like europe where we do nothing to raid their boards and don't even ban their bait while we never fuck up their boards does seem to be a good enough reason.
You can pay them a visit,since 8 chunk is de listed from jewgle just use
And look for leftypol
Who cares, anyone who comes here with an agenda finds that their initiative is lost in the rest of the nonsense, and that no political movement truly existed here in the first place. Anons are simply acting as individuals stating their peace on a website that encourages unfiltered communication. Nothing actually gets done, however Sup Forums is still seen as some sort of threat. Independent thought a threat.. who would've thunk?
Thought. You double nigger
Fuck Drumppfff
BTW friendly reminder you can apply for janitor if you want to better prevent leftypoltards
From spamming with nigger cock