ahah you white nationalists better assassinate her because shes gonna win. then its defqwan won when shaniqua and trayvonne hold the nuclear codes. Yall white bois better get ready. Black female president will literally be the end of the american empire. I hope russia attacks.
Sebastian Murphy
It’s already being talked about. Breitbart already investigating. It will come back to haunt her.
Who said trump didn’t have connections to Weinstein? Trump won his battle already, the question is can Oprah do what trump has already accomplish?
Isaiah Roberts
She would end America faster than a fat Amerimutt finished off a burger
Logan Green
Breitbart is shit, nobody reads it. Oprah has the largest following of ANY TV personality.
Brandon Cruz
Cooper Nguyen
“Not read” keep lying
Julian Diaz
But Oprah never did anyth-
Anthony Cruz
Ah yes, that's reputable news source. Nobody apart from a very small pocket of people pays attention to anything they put out. Trump/Bannon made sure of that.
Cooper Nguyen
>Oprah delivers PRESIDENTIAL speech at #GoldenGlobes [Full Speech]
also don't forget oprah gave away cars to everyone .. EVERYONE in the audience on her show. imagine what she would gibs people with government money
Daniel Brown
bloated fat white middle aged women millennial white women ghetto white women soy-en of all genders and ages
Connor Perez
Then why does the media never stop talking about them?
Logan Miller
and whats she going to go for? the midwife /single mother baboon vote?
Gavin Davis
The problem with Oprah running is exactly that she's perceived as a pure nonpartisan figure. As soon as she's on the Dem ticket she's going to have to take a position that will polarize her following. Also, scandals will tarnish her pretty quickly. Trump has proven to be a mud monster--nothing sticks to him--but Oprah doesn't have the same situation.
Jacob Kelly
Not gonna lie the left can meme
Connor Rodriguez
I would vote for her but i have to hear your stances on Foreign policy and immigration before i support.
Aiden Phillips
I see they all finally jumped off the Dwayne Johnson bandwagon
Caleb Morgan
If you're a mammal with a vagina, you are biologically forced to love every word out of Oprah's mouth.
The media talks about lots of things, not all in a good light.
Grayson Gutierrez
Anthony Scott
Easton Edwards
anybody that doesnt want a senile retard like trump
Andrew Russell
*Sucks on sex offending kikes ear*
Jonathan Williams
Hungry Harpo is going to be shut down, before she even decides to run...
Oprah is part of the globalist cabal. She met several times with other billionaires like Soros, Buffet, Gates and Bloomberg on how to reduce the worlds population, beginning with third world countries.
She won't make it...ass.
Juan Long
Is she a lesbian?
Anthony Miller
yeah her OWN ch. so bad it's now majority owned by Discovery.
since only niggers watch OWN I doubt that ch. gets more views than Breitbart even though Bannon nearly drove Breitbart in the ground.
Elijah Phillips
Cooper Jones
Mason Kelly
Can someone from ShareBlue tell me how long I'm supposed to talk about this? Oprah seems like a big play for Distraction of the Week but not exactly a magic anti Trump bullet. This came out obviously prescripted as a distraction but I can't tell from what or for how long.
Did Michelle fail her auditions in front of the test audience? Aren't there other fallback black women? Did the Hispanics agree to let blacks have another one?
Samuel Lewis
>Trump can't win he has no political experie-
Nolan Thomas
I know she sold her soul to Obama because black, but do democrats even know if she's really with them?
Brayden Russell
really makes u think
Carter Sanchez
I'm planning to vote for her in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, California and Wisconsin.
Eli Johnson
of course, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch but people don't really know that.
Nolan Myers
Is it to hard to vote for an actual politician? Is america really this stupid ? Do they need idiocracy 2.0 again .....
Liam Morales
She has no discipline, she will die from a coronary on the campaign trail. Yaaaaasss
Cameron Powell
Grayson Jenkins
I guess the opioid crisis melted a lot of brains
Camden Cooper
Justin Barnes
Nice Benji get off pol
Nicholas Flores
>German lecturing American about "actual politicians" ...
So you'd have two celebrities running for president?
Forget the former senators, governors, secretaries of state etc.. just take it down to what it basically is in the end - a battle of personalities..
of course anyone not voting for Opera is automatically a white supremacist/racist/misogynistic piece of shit... (which will of course cause a decent percentage of people to virtue signal and then get into that secret voting booth and tick the box for Trump)
>Trump was the first meme president >Oprah will be the last Come on lads we can crash this shitstain OPRAH 2020
Nicholas Watson
Showing a politician from the far left to prove a point....
Yeah buddy sure vote for your celebrity's to be presidents .....
Noah Howard
>of course anyone not voting for Opera is automatically a white supremacist/racist/misogynistic piece of shit...
Now that you say it like that... Opera, Trump, firefox logo... is it some glitch in the matrix?
Aiden Morales
Bentley Garcia
Forgot the pic.
Jayden Smith
If Hillary couldn't win the women vote why would oprah
Adrian Price
Because women are stupid
Angel Watson
King 2020
Connor Thomas
Isaac Adams
not gonna be as fun as bernouts
Jose Russell
David Diaz
she knew
Noah Cruz
Kek, you really think the left made these?
Robert Taylor
I see Trumb shills are already resorting to lowly, vile (((tactics))) to discredit Oprah.
Nathaniel Lewis
Bad memes are bad. She is not the type of woman you want to run. How about Shawn king style of person?
Hunter Diaz
This is a slide thread.
Isaac Rivera
>President trump acknowledged and praised her aka bring it on, know-nothing, cunt.
Nathan Gonzalez
Most of Sup Forums is a slide thread.
Jace Cook
Oprah will never run. Way too many skeletons in that closet.
Isaiah Fisher
like 65% of the rest of the country that hates the current retard in charge
Dylan Taylor
meanwhile at the DNC
Jace Jenkins
Weren't she and Gayle King an item for a while?
Lincoln Cruz
>'i love boys.' >'i love boys.' >'i love boys.' >'i love boys.' >'i love boys.'
John Adams
sucking on earlobe gross + gross = super gross
Alexander Brooks
so oprah is the madam?
Hudson Johnson
You don't need to discredit a talk show host....all of these "celebrities " are up in their own state of mind they think they can do everything because they don't get criticism for a lot of shit
Zachary Hughes
>not Judge Judy I fudge for the Judge
Bentley Nguyen
Fat Nigger Cow for Anti-Christ 2020!
Jaxon Russell
Fucks sake, how about you put a competent political leader into the white house, when did your highest political position become a fucking meme.
Dominic Garcia
fuck your wall im getting a FREE CAR!!
Charles Hughes
>Mingy/Gary 2020
John Morris
>breitbart matters
this is what trump losers really believe lmao
Nolan Torres
Are we entering an age of celebrity/CEO presidents?
Lincoln Young
SJWs are pseudo commies, Oprah's wealth and success will automatically divide them. A true believer SJW would only elect a penniless, ugly, homeless disabled black woman with PTSD and vitiligo. Any candidate less than that ideal of peak victimhood will divide them.
Zachary Nguyen
forget Oprah........
I like politicians that haven't been raped
Colton Flores
Of course they'll plug their ears when you mention all the flights Trump took on Epstein's plane.