>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump returns to DC 1/7/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/GOP presser @Camp David 1/6/18
>Pres Trump leaving for Camp David 1/5/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Iran 1/5/18
>SoS T-Rex on CNN 1/5/18
>This Week @State 1/5/18
>StateDep Video: Protests in Iran 1/5/18
>VP Pence on VOA w/Greta 1/3/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Senate GOP 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Pres Trump/Sarah) 1/4/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/4/18
>Mooch on F&F 1/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/3/18
>VP Pence convenes Senate &Swears in new dems 1/3/18
>UN Amb Haley Press Brief 1/2/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/2/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Happy New Year (lara) 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Tony Shaffer - Natl Sec Strategy 1/2/18
>TrumpTV Merry Christmas 2017 12/24/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #22 (Lara) 12/22/17
>WH Vid: President Trump - Year One 1/1/18
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When is football game? I want to see reactions if there's kneelers. Also will Melania be there? I want to see kiss cam
WH spox welcomes O run.
You piece of shit
Get fucked, Joe.
I don't know how to make gifs
Can one of youz guys make one of the first 6 seconds of this video for me?
That fat fool just watch TV all day and shitpost on fucking Twitter
re-posting as after new thread was linked...
Rs could benefit from talking about the need and importance for respect for property as an extension for respect for other people: if you do not respect other people's property you don't respect the person, either. This also grounds e.g. walls, fences and borders: trespassing on others is wrong and betrays contempt for them.
big if true
This is a good one
>if you can frame it to appeal more to the female mind, you may have something.
Well yeah, but what do they want?
What would make a woman avoid something like they plague?
What would make a woman embrace something?
Whatever those are, we have to use it to have them look at leftism in the same way they view guys without confidence or whatever else disgusts them
whatever it is that makes them embrace something, we have to use it for them to embrace far right views.
How much money do you think is spent on contraception and abortion caused pollution?
Demand disclosure!
How the fuck do we save this presidency? He's crashing and burning.
Say what you want, but his love for Hillary is honest and real.
how that nigger cop didnt get sued is unbelievably. Thats clearly not the first time hes used excessive force.
Nunes needs to take that FISA request straight to Trump to declassify it and broadcast it everywhere so he can be vindicated.
Is Oprah really running or is this just the next boondoggle from the "hurry Mueller!" crowd?
Coverage starts in about 23 minutes on Extremely Semitic Programming Network.
You'll get Lori'd, slut.
Fuck off with your dumb eceleb mutt shit, you troglodyte monkeyfucker cunt.
in 2024 maybe
Come on, come on......
Baked Alaska is live with Richard Spencer and some random cuteboy,
The ones that Obongo didn't shred, you mean.
the latter
If this is "Crashing and burning" then whatever it is, I like it.
Let it burn.
May the fire rise.
Bring it cunt.
War with Canada. Annex the middle territories, free Quebec, return the eastern territories to Britain, and watch British Columbia burn.
>Liberal black man unable to wrap his brain around the concept of American civil liberties
Holy shit fuck off and kill yourself with this bullshit
who cares
Fuck I don't think I have ESPN. Will check Sup Forums for a stream I guess but they're kind of autistic
>Oprah 2024
>Thinking she can win against Ivanka in the Primary
>Or Don Jr. in the General Election
The fuck does white males have to do with it?
Who is this girl and is she actually female as in lacking a Y sex chromosome?
Not that I doubt it but how exactly did the Syria strike help with diplomacy?
That dude is fucking obsessed
Imajun muh shog
go to Sup Forums and look for a "stupid questions" thread.
its a girl from a mango about cucking/bulling a boy
Wouldn't you like to know. Also yes.
watching the netflix show rotten. quick rundown.
>don't buy food products from china.
Tell me more.
I'm not saying she can but every celebrity THINKS they can after trump leaves office.
2024 field will include Oprah, Kanye West, Mark Cuban and Dwayne Johnson
I watched her speech highlights and I see absolutely no hints that she wants to run. Pretty sure she's denied it as well now. It's literally just liberals desperate for help clinging onto nothing.
wtf this is reddit now and we love ecelebs
am I going to make it?
How will the media react when Trump wins again in 2020 and they realize all their hatred and shilling over 4 years was all for naught?
Women are herd creatures, always remember. But surprisingly enough, they're not COMPLETE retards. White women who haven't already been tainted by liberalism already know niggers are filth, why do you think so many back[page hookers list "NO BLACK MEN" on their ads? I'm a shitty meme-farmer, but there may be something to what you're cooking up, but it would take an understanding of women that I only wish I'd had when I was in my 20s.
Let me think on this, I may be able to offer my assistance.
Tying viewpoints on race to physical appearance is an instant loss. It is both unrealistic and odious to women (and some men). It justifies in the female mind the idea that """racist""" men really only think skin deep, when the reality is a lot of guys would give up some 'attractive points' to be with a redpilled woman.
My suggestion: Drop the concept entirely.
You are probably pure just being fucked with by kike dna testing companies
>took up organized arms against federal government
textbook 2nd Amendment
>someone should tell James Damore
hehehehe this big nosed dude is on it right fucking now
Any of you autists figure out what the "CF article" was that the fired FBI lawyer from the Mueller counsel was in reference too yet? I figure CF is someone's initials?
It was a gesture that the US is not going to just 'condemn' and look angry anymore, but wills to act. At the same time, I admit that is a weak attempt, since they informed the Russians and the damages were minimal.
Mexican woman judge threw it out of court.
Clearly not familiar with the Intern-minator's M.O.
They intentionally do that
the people who make this shit admitted to adding african dna to everyone to fuck with racist
I didn't know there was an anime of Takagi-san.
Oh are we posting botes now? Are you that fag I talked to this morning that moved to Commiefornia to seek out your dreams of vidya games or whatever, then married a cute grill and wants to move back to Oklahoma?
>implying the media will exist in 2020
mass suicide
fuck off,nigger
>go to Sup Forums
Not a bad murder weapon desu. 7/10
drinking themselves to death
>Not that I doubt it but how exactly did the Syria strike help with diplomacy?
Obama set a red line, but didn't enforce it. Trump enforced it.
Obama had no credibility because of that. Trump's went to maximum.
Tommy Wiseau will be the Democratic nominee in 2020.
The Jews always add 0.5% of nigger. You're fine.
I really must say, the one thing I hate the most about Sup Forums these days is these people who actually come onto Sup Forums, learn about the way things are, and STILL willingly send their DNA to a private company to do anything they want to with. It absolutely blows my mind that people are this stupid.
Celebrate. These pieces of shit are going to prison. Admiral Mike Rodgers is an American hero. God bless him and God bless this country. It is finally fucking over.
It just aired today. I love Rie Takahashi but she's a bad for for Takagi.
No, have some Ameribotes though.
yeah sorry, was a Sup Forums regular, I admit it's a pretty cucked board
thats odd I never got any in mine pic related
big if true
Sell that stock if you have it.
I am going to love when all this hatred on white males goes mainstream in 2020 and they come out in droves and fucking CRUSH democunts in the election.
they can't just add it to everyone's results
>when the reality is a lot of guys would give up some 'attractive points' to be with a redpilled woman.
Right, and the goal here is to let girls know that
"Hey if you stop being a bunch of blue-haired nose-ring cunts, Actually acted like a lady, And valued your race then You would be a lot hotter"
I don't think women know how much of a turn off liberalism is. To any guy. What guy wants to hear from his girl "I'm vegan" That just means "Oh great, so I have to hear about this shit huh?"
What white guy wants a girl that listens to rap?
Why would I want to watch some random cute boy, a guy who nearly got blinded permanently and (((Agent))) Spencer?
it happened last time around too
Use familty tree dna and don't sign the waiver. I've gone over the terms and services and they can't touch your dna profile that way.
On the Day of the Rope, this fucker is mine, everybody got that?
>I admit it's a pretty cucked board
Occasionally it produces pure magic, when it sticks to technology rather than politics.
Any Massachusetts Anons here want to know why Suffolk, Berkshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Bristol, and Cape Cod are all so Jewish.
>What guy wants to hear from his girl "I'm vegan" That just means "Oh great, so I have to hear about this shit huh?"
It also means "I can never take you out for burgers or to a family barbecue without you causing a scene."
2016 anti-white propaganda seems extemely tame compared to the shit were seeing now.
theyll bullshit like thank god its finally over in 2024 and talk about the blue waving coming proves americans hated him.
Xi pulling the weight of fucking billions
Red pill me on Xi
A lot of alt right celebrities come to Sup Forums to promote themselves here. it's fucking gay like their movement
He's got squinty eyes