>mfw i will never see hunter exam arc for the first time again
Mfw i will never see hunter exam arc for the first time again
>mfw someone posts 2011 screenshots
1999 version is objectively superior in almost every way.
If only that Feitan wasn't voiced by a woman
I love Kurapika nonironically.
>mfw I'll never see the end of the dark continent arc
>draw a girl
>call it a guy
Japan does it again!
I watched the 2011 version because I wanted to see Alluka, but every screenshot/gif of the 99' adaption looks much more visually appealing to me.
>Mfw i'll never have to rewatch kimera ants again aka the worst shonen arc in history
I literally just started it. How bad is it compared to the stuff until now.
That's because you have good eyes.
I don't know how to describe it.
imagine 40mn irl into 31 episodes, with your uncle bitching about pseudo psychology through the entire time.
We won't even be able to see the beginning at this rate, they haven't even gone in the dark continent yet have they?
Nigga please, the fighting is shit and fives more censored than 2011, only a handful of the filler was actually entertaining, the visual direction only on point in several episode despite what the cherrypickers try to tell you, VA garbage is inferior, the OST has only a handful of good tracks and the pacing is inconsistent.
99 is still comfy tho.
It's not bad. If you want to go by majority rules, it's considered to be the outright best arc Togashi's ever done.
People that call it bad either couldn't respond well to the shift in tone and the creatures, preferred fighting over character development, or rather complain about nonsensical issues the show itself goes at length explaining away.
Just see for yourself. Be prepared though, it's a long arc.
The ending is god-tier but the arc is fucking LONG
Me too, user. I miss him.
>mfw you will never experience OH MY RUBBER NEN again
Is there even any other anime where marathoning is such a blissful experience?
>not the superior chuunin exam
I'm right behind you, my dude.
I hope Hisoka manages to kill all the spiders making Chrollo get all paranoid and shit before finally killing him.
Did he ever get to fighting Gon?
except for the fact that it doesn't continue past greed island? even then it was ova
Gon's busy doing two years worth of homework and quizzes
It's slows like a motherfucker but the payoff and moments are fucking incredible. Best arc of the anime.
>you will never experience the Chrollo vs Hisoka threads again
Just fucking kill me now
>tfw you love Kurapika but know that he'll never be with you because two guys can't repopulate his lost clan
This is the least of your problems. If you could get into the HxH world there would be tons of possibilities to turn into a girl.
Kurapika is a GIRL.
you would be right
>brings a gradrillion niggas into fist fight
I don't want to be a girl though.
I want to have gay sex with him.
It's like Yu Yu Hakusho after the Dark Tournament arc where it starts out good, goes to pretentious shit, and then ends wonderfully. The parts at the end is what everyone usually remembers about the arcs while disregarding the negative aspects of them.
>quwrof will never do a bunch of michael jackson poses and style on you
So you don't love him and just want to fuck him.
Don't act like you're not going to wear that wig again to fool the prince!
He doesn't fear death, if anything he's gonna be pissed
I love him, and I love myself, both as we are. Neither one of us should change genders to be happy.
Why can't you just let me be happy in my alternative lifestyle?
Kill yourseld degenerate faggot.
It's the best arc in the series, but if you're watching the anime you will notice Madhouse went full retard with the pacing and it gets worse as it goes on. Also they fucked themselves over by changing bits of the story for no reason.
Don't listen to the retards on here who think anything requiring even a little amount of thought is pretentious.
We'll see about that when he no longer has anyone around to protect him, Hisoka should also find out all the non Troupe members Chrollo also took powers from and kill them all as well so Chrollo will literally have no way to fight.
>muh 6 billions vs 1
>i-it's unfair!
It's been a year and Hisokafags are still this mad, when will they recover?
Hisokafags also have to rewrite Chrollo to suit their saltiness
Anyone that tosses the word pretentious ,revealing how limited their vocab actually is and would rather parrot buzzwords, is automatically disregarded.
Just a heads up