It’s 2018

>It’s 2018
>How is Sup Forums still not getting laid?

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I don't have a big black cock. That's what all the white girls want nowadays.

Who are you quoting, newfag ?

we all are getting collectively fucked by the shitposts

Why do you think I'm not

Um i have a gf user and it's not my browser history.

I love that shot...the side pussy lip.

I already have a goal to get better now quit pestering me.

>If you are having sex regularly with many partners you are a degenerate
>If you are not creating children through sex you are a degenerste

I could get laid, but i dont wanna

>he doesnt know about the goerge costanza with a bat
>2011 meme

redit fagot detected

lmao at all the 20+ year olds who are virgin's

you literally have to either be a complete social retards with absolutely zero friends or sub 100 lbs skelly to not get laid in college

Why isnt /pol getting laid and redpilling qts on the way? Pic very related

good pussy is expensive

Fuck, forgot pic

Because im 37 and a virgin. Its pretty much over for me.

The best pussy pays its own way.

I got BTFO too hard when I was little and I stopped caring.
Could things be different now? Maybe. But honestly think it's too late.

It's not too late. I was I think 35 or something when a perfectly attractive girl pretty much demanded I come fuck her despite being an awkward virgin.

Had one try to seduce me in my 20s, too, but I was too autistic to realize what she was up to at first.

She's even got a Lauren southern thing going. Im gonna fuck her so hard Anons

not too sure
i think i'm pretty high value but i guess i'm not trying hard enough
so yeah i need to change

Raven? God, I miss her.

>got a Lauren southern thing

Fetal alcohol syndrome is widespread unfortunately.

I dont have that luxury and should rephrase what I said. The women I want, dont want me, just the leftover women. No thanks.
Grats on getting laid though.

The original right-wing neckbeard:

Sorry, wrong thread.

Still good music tho...

I'm a genetically inferior male. 20/80 rule, etc.

you sound like a SJW cuck. When I am asked that question I say that they should be gassed. Have you gotten laid? Do I have to support homosexuality and sexual liberation to get laid?

I have a personality disorder and I'm a shut-in because as soon as I get close to people I explode on them for not doing what I want them to do.