Oprah Running 2020

Would Sup Forums vote for Oprah?

>"actively thinking"
I don't think they know what "Active" or "Think" means.

I'm not voting like I did the last election. I would support Trump again however, he seems to make normies angry and I think that's funny.

Fuck no. Trump isn’t done yet.

I hope so and I hope she wins so people realize how fucking retarded the democratic system has become


>(((pEoPlE FaMilIAr WiTh HeR tHiNkinG)))

Don't worry he still has 3 more years, there is still time for him to accomplish his goals. It would kind of funny to Oprah as President however.

I don't care who runs I don't plan on voting unless I see a wall going up soon

If she ends the ungodly war on Cannabis, absolutely.