James Damore should not be penalized for his political beliefs, but if you want a gay wedding cake you can fuck right off. Please explain.
James Damore should not be penalized for his political beliefs...
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There's more than 1 bakery faggot
employment-employer laws are not the same as business-customer laws
There's more than one job for somebody with his qualifications.
Title VII related to both issues
If the bakery isn't going to sell to gay customers, what are the odds they're going to employ gay employees? If a technology services company lobbies congress for more liberal interpretations of labor law, what are the odds they're going to employ an outspoken conservative?
Just as customers enjoy the right to refuse to shop at places for arbitrary reasons, so should shop owners have the right to refuse service. It is often stupid to do so as a sale is a sale, but no one claimed bakers were smart.
>Conservative gets fired for personal beliefs
>Fags go to bakery and outspokenly order a cake while emphasizing on the fact they're gay
>The same thing
really joggin my noggin there buddy
Codes checked.
Slight difference here.
Fags argument is that as a public business you must serve all customers. Employers are not under the same mandate to hire (because it's their money).
SCOTUS confirmed, otherwise drug testing employees would be illegal.
You can't fire or hire someone just for being gay. But you can refuse to build a giant Goatse cake if it's not something you want your business to create.
It's the difference between "equal opportunity" and "equal outcome".
Nice trips. Now stfu.
1- They didn't trun away these customers for arbitrary reasons, but specific ones. If a heterosexual customer wanted the same exact cake, they admitted they would have baked it and sold it.
2- What about hospitals? What about an oncologist?
What if you already make goatse cakes and sell them regular to heteros? Would it be okay to not sell them to gays? What if somebody lied about their sexuality, should they be required to PROVE their sexuality before buying the goatsecake?
James Damore wasn't fired for his personal beliefs. He was fired for sending a political memo to everyone at his company.
Regardless of what happened you can't send memos like his ten page political thing to everyone at your company and expect it to be normal. The dude lacks a basic understanding of professionalism.
Private businesses should be allowed to hire/sell to whoever they want. I think Damore is a pussy who makes conservatives look like sjw's. Should have found another job if he didn't like google. He also has a jew nose.
Work within the system as it is in order to make it better. This argument you make is about what is morally consistent, however it ignores the real constraints of our current system of law.
>these customers for arbitrary reasons, but specific ones
What really happens was, when the public outrage fell down, the sons and daughters of those bakers opened shop a block further and took in those gay cake monies. Papa could continue to refuse, while the next gen takes in opportunistic money. The same goes with flower shops and weddings planners.
But the theater was fun for a while.
OP is a fucking brainlet
It's the same thing despite what you think __ people should be free to make their own choices
Don’t criticise the cake bakers political beliefs either. Idiot.
Actually one of his coworkers got assblasted and shared it company wide. He initially sent it to a small group.
The memo wasn't sent company wide, it was leaked from a smaller internal mailing list, of which google has many, that eventually got into the hands of reporters and went public. It sounds like Google's hand was forced once the moral outrage farm started
>When I first circulated the document about a month ago to our diversity groups and individuals at Google, there was no outcry or charge of misogyny. I engaged in reasoned discussion with some of my peers on these issues, but mostly I was ignored.
>Those most zealously committed to the diversity creed -- that all differences in outcome are due to differential treatment and all people are inherently the same -- could not let this public offense go unpunished. They sent angry emails to Google's human-resources department and everyone up my management chain, demanding censorship, retaliation and atonement.
james damore should not be penalised for his political beliefs, just like that bakery should not have been penalised for their religious beliefs.
Gay employees can bake straight cakes of they so wish.
discord gg/cf35FBG
add a .
included in the lawsuit are accusations that google employees were slandering and defaming other employees guilty of wrongthink, attempting to keep them from being employed elsewhere. which is illegal.
Damore doesn’t give a fuck about politics.
He’s just an autistic (literally) white dude who is pissed at women because they won’t fuck him.
>James Damore should not be penalized for his political beliefs
1964 civil rights act and a shitload of other legislation.
>but if you want a gay wedding cake you can fuck right off
to be determined if it is part of the 1964 civil rights act or part of the first amendment.
Next question.
Pfft you're a little kid that can't make a bait worth shit
Here, watch this
Should a gay baker from a chain be fired if he refused to bake a gay couple a wedding cake because they're not chatolic?