wait how do 200k working class poor el salvadorians make 10 billion a year?
The implication is that they generate that much through their labour, not that they actually earn it.
I could give less of a fuck if TPS ends if only the US could start imposing respect across the OAS like its supposed to and stops tolerating communist governments like the one we currently have. As much as i'd love it i know deep down that the US is too liberal to ever impose order with right wing dictators like it used to and so we are doomed to live with bullshit democracy filled with oportunistic assholes that only get in power to steal as much as they can for 4 years and then leave to some other shithole that will give them refuge like Nicaragua.
They're not immigrants though.
do you think she knows what the T in TPS stands for?
Bad goy! -100 Gorillion GDP for you!
>these people aren't illegal immigrants
>they are legally here and have abided by the laws
>kicking them out
If you can kick them out, you can justify kicking anyone out.
In that case I need some fucking sources for that number then
>not knowing they were only brought here for humanitarian reasons while their country recovered from a natural disaster
dividing 10 Billion by 200k makes it so that the average Salvadrian generates 50k a year, its really not that astounding of a number when you really break it down.
Oh yeah....they are just raking in the cash and I'm sure taxpayers aren't on the hook for ANY social services they use. They are all self sufficient
The good news -- there will be 200k job openings.....you can ask for a raise
Actually it said 100 billion, so that means each Salvadoran makes 500k in that period, which makes no sense.
this is bullshit, its ten times that.
They are legally temporarily here. The "temporary" gets lost on people. Well... stupid people.
(x) Doubt
they're 4 foot tall, brown, and disgusting. no need for them to be in the country.
$50k each/ year of productivity
I believe it desu
Fuck this stupid bitch too, she can have it both ways.
Temporary shelter isn't a life invitation.
>wait how do 200k working class poor el salvadorians make 10 billion a year?
>The implication is that they generate that much through their labour, not that they actually earn it.
It's even worse because leftist on twitter and now whining about how much money these cunts are generating.. for their HOME COUNTRY. As in "you can't kick them out or the country will tank".
If you didn't catch that, lefties are openly admitting this group diverts that much money OUT OF THE US. This is not good for the US. Normally people working in the US spend or save all their money in the country, which is good for your GDP.
Having leeches diverting capital investment is literally worse than giving money to the jobless, because nearly every dollar spent on the poor goes right back into local goods and services.
Libbies just have not grasped reality yet. There are all kinds of things they will have to get used to over the next 7 years.
>>If you can kick them out, you can justify kicking anyone out.
>Hey man, my house got wrecked. Can I crash at your place for a bit?
17 years later.
>Ok man, it's time to move out and find your own place.
inb4 they're 90% MS-13
That's the modus operandi, no? Call them refugees and the likes so they can bypass all the controls. Then transform then into migrants as soon as they did so you can pretend they were supposed to stay all along.
Even if they kept the money solely in the USA, and even if they were free slave labor, with all the gibs they take, they STILL COST MORE then they FUCKING GENERATE!
>raise GDP
>oh,you are just as poor as before?tough luck
>proceeds to argue about how you'll be able to get a fraction of your salary for pension in 50 years
Lefties are spraying FUD and wordplaying to make citizens out of people who are not refugees, not eligible for asylum and have been given legal orders to leave.
These are called "the paperless".
Of course we have central databases here. One person, one personal number, one ID. You can fake an ID but that will show up as soon as anyone looks for you in the databases.
Yet lefty fifth columnist fucks ensure people who can't go to school do, that they get healthcare when your ID number is the first thing they want to know. There's no end to what globalists will do for their brownskinned pets.
She is a fucking moron.
Most people in her tweet are against it.
I'm sorry but why is this good?
Illegal immigrants should be kicked out yes and there should be a huge control over the boarders. I even support placing extra measures or denying access on people migrating from countries with problematic societies like middle eastern countries.
But a immigrant, a legal immigrant who is working, paying taxes, contributing to the society, following laws.
Why wouldn't you want to remove those people from your society? Makes zero sense.
Throw criminals out of your country, illegal immigrants. Fucking keep an eye on potential religious extremist. Don't fucking go after people who are contributing to society.
>doing the jobs Americans wont
>109 billion lost over ten years
>20 billion saved every year
I'm suppose to be upset why?
>lost GDP
Because shitskins are shitskins, and removing them from our gene pool can only be beneficial.
lol @ being that butthurt about not having cheap, illegal nannies and gardeners when you're a rich hollywood actress
get a grip, you bitch.
>doing the jobs Americans wont
There isn’t a single job out there Americans won’t do. I won’t shovel concrete for 10/hr but a Beaner will.
Because fuck you go back
17% of El Salvador's entire GDP comes from Salvadorans in the USA sending their money back home
By definition a net drain on society is the opposite of contributing to it. They take more resources than they give. But that's besides the point. It doesn't matter if they are contributors or not, they drive down wages to destroy the middle class, they are stupid and easily controlled by politicians, they erode the culture, there are absolutely NO benefits to allowing illegal criminal trespasser thieves when we have homeless vets and starving American children that deserve the country's help by birthright and service.
Pleas to emotion, about the percieved "unfairness" of one's parents sneaking into a country, having an anchor baby, believing in a nigger thief president's lies, then having to be deported, now, before the country collapses. It is unfair to Americans, not beaners. The beaners got billions in free shit, at our loss, how dare they complain about getting away with it? They should be killed, every last illegal. The "benefits" of not going full Vlad Tepes on these scum does not equal the damage to our country. We get called racist nazis anyway, because we're white, we may as well go full Hitler and shock the world by executing thousands a day until there is not one cent wasted on illegal criminals
>source: blogspot
Literally billions of dollars siphoned away from our economy.
these parasites need to fix their own country and economy not take money from our economy
They do the same with the "supplemental" part of the supplemental nutrition assistance program and complain that it doesn't cover the entire food budget.
>Fix their own countries
Did you know that because of UN imposed organizations that are directly backed by the US like the Human rights watch we legallly are not allowed to "fix our own country" because that would require "inhumane treatement" of gang members and drug dealers?
How about the US stop being such a massive liberal hellhole that must impose its faggot ideology upon the world and goes back to its old foreign policy of puting strongmen capable of stabilizing an area regardless of how it needed to be done.
Ghadafi and Saddam did nothing wrong
23% of the El Salvadoran population resides in the United States currently. That's fucking outrageous.
>Source: pewhispanic.org
>tfw been here ten years
How about you stop voting for communist governments you fucking spicnigger? It is not our responsibility to police your shithole country. I apologize for the CIA niggers who fucked things up, but please know that we recently elected a president to fight them.
I agree with you bro. But you cant put solely the blame on the US, thats a copout. Shitty countries are the way they are because of the people in them.
I'm not working right now. If I could think of a reason to get back in the workforce I could make up for a couple of them.
Wether you like to admit it or not the OAS is to the US what the old soviet states were to Russia, we are directly tied to your policies because whatever ideology you follow must also be applied here by force. As much as i hate Democracy because it inevitably leads to communist rhetoric being rampant here we are not allowed to argue against it because then the US embassy would make a massive shitshow of how we are planning on violating Human rights like the old Dictatorships did.
We are a chaotic shithole because we are forced to follow a system designed for low time preference Europeans instead of one that actually works with high time preference mestizos
Democrat playbook to spring voters
Shit the president refused to reprimand Duterte when the press demanded him to for killing all those drug dealers, so he's clearly cool with it to a degree, it's everyone else that needs to own up to the correct reality of mitigation of organized crime on a grand scale.
So basically "Who will pick our fruit if there is no illegal immigrants" argument?
Please don't stop El Salvadorans from coming here! We need more MS13!
Beware of surnames that end in a vowel.
Nice. Kick them out and then get rid of all of the Dominican turbomongrels next
Look at this shit....
This bitch unironically said pic related
This also goes to How about you allow us to suppress communists like you used to?
>you can justify kicking anyone out
I mean are white liberals REALLY Americans?
>I'm sorry but why is this good?
They're temporary residents. They were never meant to stay here.
What a useless cunt she is. She brings a new meaning the term hoe.
i love pupusas
>tfw the earthquake they came over for was in 2001
10 billion / 200k = 50,000
It's a averaged number that they pulled right out of their ass.
We're doing our best. Now stop electing communists.
Go ahead and kill some commies. The US wont say shit for now.
Try night delivery of emergency drugs in case of some large shit happens. All the night drivers for those cars are asians or middle easterners. Even the 15$/h is not enough for the natives without college to wake up at 3am
>tfw a quarter of El Salvador has permanently moved to the United States because of an earthquake
They're not refugees anymore either.
The earthquake in El Salvador was 17 years ago!! Why the fuck are they still here?!
>SAVE """"""T""""""PS!
Is this the "values" some Reps are spouting or are they a lie. I'm for cleaning up the ranks of the unwelcome and non working, but there are more humanist ways to poison the well.
Literally who
Where does one purchase one of the magic money-making monkeys?
I forgive her, since she'll pay for it later when this tweet will come back to bite her in the ass. The same way they dug up "grab her by the pussy" on Trump is how they going to dig up shit on everyone in not so distant future before approving your loan, giving you line of credit/job/housing and so on... Slate was cleared for most of shit you said up to 2016 with the social revolution that's happening right now but since then everything you say will matter and affect your position in life
the curse is upon her
>you will never watch Alyssa Milano's Teen Steam for the first time again
Same for a dozen other countries.
It's 50% of Mexico's GDP.
imagine living in a country where brown shitskins were the majority everywhere, and constantly voted for nigger dems
Is this the only thing leftists spout about economics?
This is the Illuminati's argument. That tricking everyone into a one world communist system ruled by jews is more "humane" than the alternative which is to be a mean Nazi
>people doubt Trump is trying to make america white
reminder to sage all shill threads in the catalog and fight for MAGA
"We'z want Air Jordans"
Sje deserves to get raped by 3 puerto ricans in each hole with about 36 fucking inches of cock between them.
I want this bitch to go walk through some MS13 areas.
yeah, why we can't just kill those rats?
Salvadorans are basically pitbulls with how inbred and disposed to violence they are. They're so autistically inclined to murder they were the murder capital of the world for a long time. I seriously don't understand what the fuck their problem is they need to be purged because wherever they go they start killing each other and anyone they cross. It's time for them to GTFO
Even if they cost 100bil over 10 years they steal 64 billion every single year and send it back to Mexico, so within 2 years it will pay for itself.
As for your question they pull that number out of their asses, they're assuming every single one of them is college educated and working as doctors.
ahh limousine liberals
diversity is great, just not in my neighborhood.
She mad.
It’s the actual MS13 books. She’s friends with el jeffe
this bullshit is fucking insane
I didn't know 200k was 23% of 6 million. Don't believe everything posted online.
Made a thread about this earlier, but got only 1 reply. Guess to show that posting multiple links and making a good OP won't generate interest, but posting a dumb whore's twitter will get the post limit.
I want to vote for Trump again, RIGHT NOW.
I didn't even know there were 200,000 refugees living in the US from an earthquake in 2001.
Trump delivers on things I didn't even know I wanted!
I never understood how a lush, eternally summertime paradise along the equator could be such a shit hole. That nearly 1/5 of their economy is from people sending western union checks is absolutely fucking pathetic. They have had 17 years since the earthquake to get their shit together. Its not our problem.