They are the cancer that it's forcing its self on the rest of normal people and are polluting the minds of young kids in schools.
More resistance should be given to their evil disgusting filthy lifestyles.
Those who are supporting them are as evil as they are.
Our society needs new strong decisive political leaders to deal with this rotten corpse known as LGBTQ.
Closet faggot detected
Ignore them. Be happy that you live in a country (despite your fag meme flag) where anything can happen, but lament that you have to watch it happen. In all cases, just ignore them. They aren't recruiting. They won't turn your son homo unless he is already. Let them think they've won some acceptance by not shitting on them. If you have to deal with them, think of it like doing business with the circus. They'll shut up when they think they're safe. You can't kill them. The goal is to get them to believe they have nothing to gain by being loud.
We all will, user. Death is inevitable.
>Ignore them.
Ignoring them is exactly what they want.
No!. Normal healthy people should vocally in print in action in their attitude towards them oppose them and their destructive effect they have on the healthy society.
LGBTQ is a cancer, nothing less.
I'm not talking about physical death.
I'm talking about New Earth that will be established after all this evil political and social system gets destroyed and replaced.
There will be no room in it for rotten politicians and for rotten sexual life styles.There will be no room for politicians supporting LGBTQ garbage.
What unhealthy effect? They don't make straight people gay and they don't reproduce. Only the most degenerate of them are bug chasers; in fact, many butt pirates end up being clean and successful members of society. They don't make me comfortable, but most people don't make me comfortable. I just don't care that they exist or do what they do. Cancer or not, no amount of bad sentiment will make it stop. I truly believe they don't choose to be homo.
You're a little too excited about this. Have you had an unpleasant experience with gay people in the past? Why are you so passionate about this? Serious question. Not setting you up to be shit on. It just seems to be of too little importance to inspire this level of hatred for anyone. I've been jumped by niggers, but even I don't hate all niggers still today.
>What unhealthy effect? They don't make straight people gay
>They are the cancer that it's forcing its self on the rest of normal people and are polluting the minds of young kids in schools.
>I truly believe they don't choose to be homo.
Of course they did. They gave in into this evil sexual degenerate temptation.
It's all Satanic with them, same as pedos.
I'm sorry; I thought you were here for a philosophical discussion. I can see now that you are just not smart. My bad. I'll go find another post.
>Why are you so passionate about this?
Every healthy normal person should speak out against this filth in our society.
If you just sit quiet not taking solid stand against this degeneracy then you are on their site,by default you are.
you think that is normal for a leader of a country to do this?
pic related
>I thought you were here for a philosophical discussion.
maybe you should first learn what philosophical means and incorporates.
you are not smart or just admit that you are part of this filth known as LGBTQ
I wouldn't fault trump for the same. I just don't care. It doesn't affect me.
I'd expect about as much, given the rest of the thread. You still haven't explained why you hate fags.
so if you are not against it them then you are for it
there is only two sides to this fence, you cannot sit on the middle on this issue.
you will be destroyed with them as well.
only the pure in heart and mind will be spared from elimination.
>You still haven't explained why you hate fags.
fag detected
if you need explanation why sexually degenerate filth is filth you must be filth yourself as well
I am not against individuals who are homosexual or transgender. But I am very much against the behavior of the LGBTQ . They are a force full hate group that will bully anyone under the LGBTQ banner and shame and put on public displays of indecency to heterosexual people.
the line has been drawn. when will we act in unison to purge these degenerates from our nations? if we all act together, there will be nothing they can do. let's finally set a date for the day of the rope.
Once again, "us and them" makes an appearance.
I'm sitting on the middle. I don't care that they feel oppressed and I don't care that their buttsex makes you uncomfortable.
You are powerless. Nothing you hope for will ever happen. This battle is you -vs- reality, and nothing more.
I'm straight as they come. I need it explained to me. Explain it like I'm visiting your planet for the first time ever. Why do you hate fags, user? Were you abused as a child?
18% of homes tested had HIV, half of them didn't know they had it. Our government has wasted about 500 billion dollars to treat and cure that illness but they keep spreading it like crazy.
Sure thing that they are healthy and not destructive.
>But I am very much against the behavior of the LGBTQ . They are a force full hate group that will bully anyone under the LGBTQ banner and shame and put on public displays of indecency to heterosexual people.
Lol, water cannon gave him a chance to leave by knocking his flag out of his hand.
I'm sure that faggot had his head busted open.
active shooter Sam Hyde explains it pretty well.
thanks for posting that
My opinion of what should happen to any faggot.
Purge them from society.
>Why do you hate fags, user?
I hate various forms of degeneracy filth and rot.
I like to keep it clean normal harmonious and healthy.
Society infected with LGBTQ decays rapidly, just look around, their cancer is spreading into many aspects of life.
Look at the bakers story.
If you like living surrounded by filth that only reflects on you.
LGBTQ is societal filth,no dispute about it.
Also, HIV is spread more by ignorant niggers than fags, and even if they spread it a lot, they just spread it to other fags. You should just sit back and watch them die.
You still haven't told us why this issue is so personal for you.
>they aren't recruiting
I used to think that, too.
I'm not letting a 21-minute video explain your motives. Use words.
You said a lot of words without actually explaining why it's so personal for you.
What makes faggotry degenerate? Clearly, it doesn't have a biological function, but how does it destroy society? They really only affect each other, except where your comfort is concerned.
faggots are like cockroaches. even if we enact mass purges there will always be one left to corrupt 10 more.
The only comforting thing is that LGBTQ has the highest rate of suicides in the society.
At least they are taking themselves out from our planet.
hang yourselves degenerate faggots hang
he is a faggot and looks like a degenerate pedo as well
You should still think that. It's true. If a fag tried to indoctrinate you, could they? Nobody could make me want to suck a cock. I'm pretty sure most straight men could say the same thing, and if they can't, they're probably closet dwellers already, anyway.
I told you before, here
>>they aren't recruiting
>I used to think that, too.
>If a fag tried to indoctrinate you, could they?
this is the biggest problem:
>They are the cancer that it's forcing its self on the rest of normal people and are polluting the minds of young kids in schools.
You're repeating your previously ineffective statements without adding valid content. Why is this personal for you?
I suspect that you like the movement, but you never actually had enough info or intelligence to support a whole thread.
The acceptance of "LGBT" degenerates was a work of mass brainwashing and propaganda. Pro-LGBT agitators themselves wrote about this. You know it's true when it's passe to actually argue whether it's degenerate, the argument must always be done on the assumption that gays and trans must be accepted. Faggot degenerate filth is solely accepted on the basis of normalization. The only response you're typical regressive has against hating this degeneracy is some form of calling it "bigotry," and or remarking about the "nice" LGBT people they know. Those are obviously fallacious reasons to believe in something. If your own positive experiences with some group justifies your total defense for that group, why can't negatives do the opposite? Why isn't it acceptable to judge nig nogs on the basis of one bad experience? If all you can do is say someone's something "bad," and it being bad is merely a circular argument, why should anyone listen to you? It's obviously purely a function of propaganda. You're a total retard if you can't see that immutably obvious fact, even if you are pro-degenerate.
Just finished watching this video.
The last few minutes are funny when some fat dyke is offended being called faggot,
also is so funny when she was saying "oh my God" , what GOD are you talking about you filthy bitch, the Satan I assume,
because he is your god, god of lies and deceptions, and LGBTQ is a deception.
it's almost like people who are born with deviant desires but want to stay chaste are the ones hit hardest by this LGBT faggotry being pushed everywhere. no wonder they're the ones who push back hardest against it.
once again faggot,
If we have to explain to you why filth and shit is bad for your surroundings then you must be that filth and shit.
Simple as that.
There is nothing to explain why feces are flashed down the toilets.
But looks like you and the rest of the LGBTQ like to play with it.With your bare hands.
deviant sexual desires develop through early formative experiences with sexuality. sex-positive shitlib faggots turned me into the monster i am, and i want them to pay.
Hahahaha. You'd have been better off not answering, user. Still straight as an arrow, by the way. Even if I was a pole smoker, why would I hide it here, where I'm anonymous? Also still waiting on an intelligent answer. I know it won't come, but you're just too entertaining to abandon. Why do you hate faggotry? I get that you do. I get the aspects that you hate, too. You just can't seem to put your finger on why.
so you think we should eat faggot meat? you know that's how you get aids right?
discord gg/cf35FBG
add a .
I appreciate the input user, but OP is way more entertaining.
Really, even if faggotry was due to "nurture" instead of nature, it's not a choice as far as I know. I didn't choose to be enamored with pussy. Life might even be easier if I liked cock, but just I don't.
Ok, now we get to it. Your views are based upon religion?
i didn't have faggotry in mind in my own case, although i will say that the evidence for homosexuality being 100% innate is way lower quality than people seem to think. at best it's innate in some people and environmental in others.
But ultimately if its a disease that kills them, doesn't this make you happy? Why is it destructive to you? Make your mind up
You conflate all homosexuals as being the "variety" that you hate. You are an idiot. Some of the greatest minds that have ever lived have been homosexual.
I would advise you to not waste your time thinking you'll EVER eradicate something that is perfectly natural and a trend repeated throughout the animal kingdom.
>as far as I know.
as far as you know is limited by what you know
so there you go, you know shit about how the cause and effect works and you are not less undesirable on this planet than the filth known as LGBTQ is undesirable here,
and soon they all will be completely destroyed and eliminated togheter with those like yourself who supports and protects them.
I guess you are a closed homo starting to come out judging by the shit that is coming out from your mouth.
Either way, it happens way before we know better. I didn't choose women, but I remember really liking them way before I knew why. I'm sure gays are the same.
I hate them because of Digisexaul erasure.
It's high time LGBTQD became the norm.
Lovers of sexbots, AIs, waifus, dakimakuras, and female MMO avatars deserve recognition of their relationships as well.
With the ever increasing development of AI, artificial personhood is right around the corner and all the rights accorded thereof so we might as well add that sexy chrome stripe to the flag now.
1. How are the rights of one group restricting the rights of the other?
2. How are they polluting the minds of kids in schools?
Lesbianism is a hoax and an imposture. All it takes is a good dicking to cure any woman of her Sapphic tendencies. Praise Allah.
all faggots should be publicly executed
Hahaha! You just keep getting better, user. So, what you're saying is that you know empirically what creates homosexuality? What event is this that'll completely destroy all fags everywhere? Oh yeah, also me. What event is this that's gonna destroy all fags and also me? Is your sky fairy gonna come to earth and elevate redneckbeards to god status? Hahaha!
Don't ever change, user.
How soon before rotten LGBTQ will insist that having sex with animal is normal.
They are so pure of evil,they are saturated with it, they are the wast majority of pedos in this world.
Every homo is a pedo or at least wishes to do pedo acts but they are scared of being caught and killed.
- weaken the white man's institutions
- side with white thots against the white man
- responsible for influx of Mudslimes and sandniggers in the west
- origin of SJW culture
- pressure to save Africans from HIV because gays have it, too.
- demand conservative White Man gives you want you want, protects you from Mudslimes when you want to take everything away from him
- cultural marxism
there are ways the problem might be dealt with...
Keep it behind closed doors and I have no problem. Start attempting to spread and make it a badge of honour then I have an issue, especially towards the T of LGBT.
If your entire identity revolves around being gay or transgender then I suggest you seek professional help.
This one's a special kind of stupid. His arguments are irrational and seem to be fed purely by his own emotional turmoil.
Use big boy words, user. I'm not here to debate videos, or whatever that link is. I'm here to spar with other minds.
this is pol not /conspiracy/
Maybe you should organize your thoughts before you start another thread. You sound like someone who is more angry than convinced. Maybe you kinda like men in a way that's more-than-just-friends?
it's a short story about a fundamentalist Christian biologist who creates a virus which spreads very easily and kills you if it detects you are engaged in anything other than a monogamous heterosexual relationship
Yeah, that sounds viable.
i guess a more humane option would be to do actual research into the causes of homosexuality and to try to come up with shit like gene therapy/hormone treatments/etc which might actually work better than trying to pray the gay away
red pill truth
>this will be normal in the future if you don't stop it
>They aren't recruiting.
Bullshit. Take one look at the media and tell me that.
Question: Why is God fixated on homosex?
I mean, is He repressing urges or something?
You sound really insecure and weak
>>this will be normal in the future if you don't stop it
We all should do our part to fight this social disease.My thread is my contribution to this fight.
Being silent on this filthy topic is not a way to fight it.
Good forces eventually will destroy all evil forces, and LGBTQ is very evil.
...or just ignore them and choose to continue living how you want to live. Besides, why would you want more competition for women? I wish everyone better-looking than me was gay. I'd get some super quality ass if I was the best-looking straight guy.
Why are you so afraid? You sound like every closet homo senator or preacher. Be a man because right now you sound like a scared faggot.
This but you won't convince this thread full of betas and weak minded men who are afraid of being turned gay when they finally submit and suck a cock
They aren't recruiting.
They may be making it easier for people who are already gay to de-closet themselves, but they don't make straight people gay any more than religion makes gay people straight.
why not give them the option to be straight if they want? then the people who don't want to be gay can become straight, and the people who truly desire to be degenerates make themselves known by their choice
I just don't get it. What's to be afraid of? They only fuck each other and they don't reproduce. No matter how many parades or rainbow flags there are, I still crave vagina.
If this really was a choice, I suspect most gays would line up for a "straight" shot from the doctor. Certainly, the allure of no societal oppression would be enough to lure most gays to the hospital if a cure were discovered. It's fiction though, user. There isn't a cure.
Looks very Pizzagate to me
there's no cure because LGBT right groups use their power to prevent scientists from doing any actual substantive research into what causes people to be LGBT (and how they might be treated using real science not prayer) beyond just confirming the "not a choice" narrative
how about our scientists give it an honest shot before throwing your hands up and saying it can't be done?
Explain to me how buttsex is evil.
Faggots are disgusting filth
you are not worthy of my time to explain why shit is shit and people who like to play with shit are shit.
and you are shit just by asking this shitty question.
Not him but I'll try to answer for him as he can't. He's blinded by his religious convictions.
In my case my "hate" toward them took the very moment I got first introduced to homosexuality by reading a comic, the immediate reaction in my brain was disgust. I was only 5 years old and it was enough for me. Sure, I grew up and was immersed in their propaganda, love has no face, they are born this way... but no. Not only this is not biologically natural, their sexual practices are harmful. And given the importance of sexual activity for the maintenance of our physical and spiritual well being I'm not sure if engaging in such activities should be encouraged, even if private. These individuals are just poor mentally ill souls, they don't act like every living species should, namely passing their genes.
I had a screencap (quite long) that provided legitimate reasons to "hate" homosexuals. I'll try to find it
Sorry for the broken english
I wouldn't complain, but nobody's threatening a straight guy's way of life.
No one's looking for a cure because in order for it to be a viable issue, someone would have to admit that it serves no biological function, and is therefore a mistake. Any admission of that sort would certainly cause more problems for them than it would solve. It'll never happen. It'd take one rogue scientist, or rogue group working in secret and perfecting a perfect cure, and thousands of cured examples, to gain acceptance for a gay cure. In other words, a viable cure would have to exist and be proven before it was even revealed to be accepted. Then, the world would have to also accept that these folks need to be cured, not ridiculed. It's just a sticky situation all around.
No one will let OP have it with them.
So I've been reading your posts and you are right on a few points. Of course they makes our life better by being uninterested in our women.
But you have to admit that if you were attracted to women even before making a choice it was because your brain was programmed to do so. You have to perpetuate the species. On the other hand, I'm pretty conviced (even sure, actually) that outside young kids that got abused or exposed to sexually strong content/environment by a family member or another same sex adult in their development phase, they can't be gay UNLESS if they are mentally ill. They have to be branded as is if that's the case.
A majority of gay people you'll find in your life fall in these categories : the ones who were exposed to sexual activities at a young age, the ones who developed the fetish during their teen years and incorporated it into their identity. (you can thank internet echo chamber communities, fast pornography access and hypersexualisation of our society)
People who are born gay (if they exist) are mentally ill. Same with the poor abused kids who ended up growing with a warped sexuality. And the rest are degenerate fetishists, pure products of our hypersexualised society