How can people in Capitalism justify buying more expensive products when all products are basically the same and...

How can people in Capitalism justify buying more expensive products when all products are basically the same and designed to break wgen warranty ends?
Is it because children are getting brainwashed to believe that status symbols will replace their boring character?

Btw, Resco Pizza for 85 cents. Fuck Pizza Hut.

You have a great food budget, can you believe people in the US complain about having $30 to eat from foodstamps?

what? it's based upon your income. i get $150 foodstamps after my worker's compensation benefits get factored in. i'm fucked anyway, but what you are posting isn't true unless you make over a grand a month

that looks gross

You give people free foodstamps and then wonder why they immigrate illegally into the US? Your Government is literally Angela Merkel.

Food is food. Your stomach doesn't see the difference. Sugar, fat, protein, vitamins and microelements content. That is all that matter.

150$ a week in foodstamps? What in the actual fuck do you have 10 kids to feed?

Because of pleasure

Why do you prefer the taste of Pizza Hut's Pizza? Has it been made with the same recipe? Has it the same ingredients quality? Does it has the serving price included in the price?

Why do you prefer to get a hot shower? Why not a cold shower? The cold one is cheaper.

Why do you prefer buzweed buzzlightyear budweizer burger beer and not Heineken or Ambar? Do the consumers prefer one taste than the other? Why do they need to drink beer? Why not water? Water is cheaper. Beer is a luxury.

Why do you prefer a fast car?

Why do you prefer better quality clothes?

Why do you orefer a 5 starts hoter?

Capitalism means a lot of things. Capitalism means freedom to choose. Freedom to choose your pleasures. But also the freedom to not choose to satisfy your pleasures.

People has the right to the pursuit of happiness.

Peoole has the right to be fucking fatfucks who eat on McDonalds 24/7. The State should not interfere with this kind of decisions of the individual.

It actually should. What you said can readily be applied for any kind of degenerate behaviour.

Let the people pursuit happiness, but it needs to have a borders. As everything after all. And if you seriously imply that happiness comes from the material, you are a fucking kike or some other vapid subhuman.

Polebro is right. Moreover, sensibility with the materialism, consumerism and general ascetism is a highest virtue.

However, this kind of pizza is fucking unhealthy.

Yes, this kind of pizza is unhealthy.

What what is gonna the State do?
Ban all the pizza? Only allow citizens to eat a pizza monthly? Tax the pizza?

What if I like to eat 3 pizzas through all my week because i am a /fit/izen and currently bulking?
Don't you see that your actions restrict my freedom?

Let Social Darwinism to be. Let fat people be fat. Let their private insurance be overpriced because of it. Let them die earlier because of their bad life choices.

Of course this only works without public healthcare, in a non-welfare State.