>people treat you better if you are attractive
>people respect you more, give you better jobs, better grades, better everything if you're hot
>people instantly assume you have a better personality, are more confident, are less promiscuous if you are attractive, even if you don't say anything
>women care SOLELY about looks, no matter how good your personality is, it does not make a woman more sexually attracted to you
>even elections are largely based on looks
>the opposite is also true, and ugly people have a massive disadvantage at life
>white women are not actually "loyal" to the white race, they're just hypergamous. Whites are the most attractive generally speaking and a non-white has to be exceptionally good-looking to score a white woman. This is also why so many non-white women date white men, hypergamy
>white women would fuck a 8/10 of any race, women do not understand loyalty and honor, those are male constructs.
When will you face the truth?
The lookspill is the final redpill
Other urls found in this thread:
>Final redpill.
Plato says no.
No shit looks matter. You can't do much to change your face though. Just get /fit/ and you're already above 80% of American men.
The lookspill is real. I'm a legitimately autistic fucktard who probably has a ton of other undiagnosed mental illnesses yet I became popular and well liked and invited to parties because girls thought I was attractive.
How can i stop being ugly?
>tfw OP is right
I'm going for a walk. I'm tired of being fat and ugly.
girl is hot af - 10/10
dude is terribly ugly, looks like a freak
i know, people are cheap
he looks very pretty yes, but he's undoubtedly a fucking pussy
Am I in really rough shape if I look like a much younger (no wrinkles) version of this man?
You have it backwards. The guy is a fucking god. The girl is hot, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Nah, he's much better looking than that skinny 7/10
>t. roachy chinlet
This isn't even that profound, this is something you get taught in psych 100, or just figure out if you aren't retarded.
Uhhh what? Not really, that's a handsome dude. Don't be jealous, user.
Don't walk, run. Sweat that shit out my man
Post your face uglet
chad irl
im not saying i look good and i am a chinlet, but i dont see how that makes this freak good looking
what normal person has that kind of face
>Facial aesthetics? That doesn’t mean anything bro! You just gotta walk up to her and be confident in yourself :) it always works for me bro
>be good looking
>overhear girls talking about how good looking i am
>have tmau so no girl wants to touch me anyways
so close but alas...
You got #4 and the last two wrong though.
This, and I ain't even gay. Dude looks like an SS recruiting poster. A Chad 10/10.
It's called the attractiveness bias. It's inevitable and evolution in motion. You seem to be confusing this bias with hatred for women, though. Are you ugly user?
"women care SOLELY about looks"
You do not dwell in the real world.
Study from a few days ago:
"Women are more likely to find men attractive if they think they have a bulging wallet, a new study has found - but for men it's still all about the looks. The study suggests that women are four times as sensitive to salary when considering a male partner as men are when choosing a female partner.
The study, published in Evolution and Human Behaviour, used photos of men and women alongside information on the subject's annual salary to see how it influenced their attractiveness ratings on groups in America, China, and Europe.
John Speakman, one of the authors, said: 'A man can move himself two points higher on the attractiveness scale we used if his salary increases by a factor of ten. For a female to achieve the same two-point effect her salary would need to increase by 10,000 times.'"
another deformed freak
>Don't walk, run.
lol maybe when I'm lighter. I would like to keep my original knees.
>this fucking thread again
Why don't you just post a timestamp so we can r8? You can't be THAT ugly
This is both true, and not true.
t. Not a god but still handsome guy
and then you woke up
why do people always assume that the poster is going to be a fat fedora man
i'm completely the opposite, i'm jacked as fuck with low bf% but I look like a fucking brute
I look like I belong in a prison t b h
Even the most fucked up of genetics can be made attractive.
Most uglyness is relative to health. as attractiveness is associated with breeding compatibility and women desire healthy men who would have healthy offspring.
To be attractive all you need to do is be healthy, fit. just shave off that fat and get some definition, should take only like 1 year of dedicated training. unless your a mess.
Then you need to adapt to your surroundings, dress for a purpose, always act purposfully.
make yourself social and you will learn how to have an attractive personality basically.
I just thought, like no one cant be attract, you see the ugliest cunts getting around wear fly shit and people say stuff like, nah hes got something going on though. like anyone can have something, just get the confidence to show off i reckon.
well he asked
Honestly i think chad could do a lot better. If i had to bet I'd say he dumped her for a large breasted brunette already
the dude is a literal 12/10 hyperchad
>bunch of guys talking non-scientifically
Pic related is proof of the 80/20 rule
Should've posted full version
how on earth is a breasted brunette better that that beauty
you people have autistic aesthetic preferences
Friend of mine is a personal trainer who lost 100 lb and went from fat to fit. I'm no judge of male attractiveness, but I'd say he has an average face. He has always had personality, but now that he's fit, women practically throw themselves at him. Don't kid yourself, women are into looks just as much as men. The only difference is women are willing to overlook a lot of flab and warts if the man is rich. Guys will overlook a lot if the girl swallows.
get rid of it
I am talking about sexual attractiveness here, primal lust. A rich man can score a woman much more attractive than himself but this relationship is bound to be unstable.
Look at how Trump's wife is disgusted by him and she isn't even attractive anymore.
>Chad is a freak
>I'm not gay
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Time for you to have good cry with your mommy
i dont know how
im here since summer 2015 and still dont know to delete shit
Anons are missing the point.
Not only is facial aesthetics important, women consider 80% of men to be ugly!
This means that there is a steep curve for attractiveness too so even if you are in the top 50% you will still be considered ugly with all negative effects associated.
>A rich man can score a woman much more attractive than himself
president trump
fucking pussy faggot OP
How is this news to anyone?
his face literally looks like he is deformed
I don't want a woman who has anorexia.
I don't want the ass from a 10 year old boy. I want at least perky b+ cups okay????
Huj, picks the matre
> non-white has to be exceptionally good-looking to score a white woman.
Are you not living in the west? You can be as ugly as you want, being "black" (or belonging to any other "minority") means that you're essentially a living social-virtue-generator for white females (or a way to get back at their dads) - and that's enough of a reason for the thots to throw themselves at such men.
this: is an absolute 10/10 girl
cowtits are for literal niggers
user, I agree with you. She looks sweet and kind, he looks like a douchebag/male bimbo.
t. too lazy to hit the gym
he looks like the type of dude who in a different age may have won the battle of Stalingrad
i can do 20-30 pushups without thinking
Keep grasping at straws, soyboy.
all of this is bullshit OP.
ugly people, who constitute the vast and overwhelming majority of the population, despise, revile and aggressively attack the more attractive.
because they believe everything you've said in this post, they feel they have duty to 'even things out' -- almost as if it's their responsibility to neutralize any advantage they feel you may've had in life.
ugly people are ugly because they are mean and bitter on the inside -- eventually it emerges.
good looking people stick together because they're aware of this tendency among the ugly.
lol those are some cheap ass roids
you mean blackpill as for 80% of males are fucking below that line and even further blackpill for those men who are in minority even lower below average
Is that suppoused to be impressive ?
he looks like the kind of guy who would have his daughter raped in front of him by vassily and gennady on their road to berlin
no, 80 is impressive
its supposed to tell you that gym is for pretty city boys like you
Have you ever wondered why women act so uppity and entitled? Common wisdom teaches you that is because of bad parenting and "disney princess syndrome".
However that is WRONG. The reason women act like this is because of the sheer amount of attention they receive. A below average looking woman receives more attention than a Chad.
That's right, even those fat feminists everyone makes fun of get far more attention from the opposite sex than 5/10 males do. It's true that an obese 3/10 feminist may not be able to hold a Chad, but to say she is in the same situation as a 3/10 man is just pure bullshit. Cope.
>muh gym
commit sucide city boy
what did Plato say exactly, refresh my memory
This is not true.
Life is a nightmare if you are attractive. Firstly, other guys are fucking jealous of you and you cannot be friends with anyone if they are envious.
Secondly, women are just bitches regardless - its in their nature. So they're nice to you until they don't get what they want, then they turn into extreme bitches. Like, if you are not interested in them - they go psycho. They'll lie about you checking out their ass or something because if this guy is checking them out, they must be desirable and they'll ruin your reputation to do it and make you out to be a raving sex pest pervert. Female colleagues also lie about having slept with you because they are so attractive they managed to get YOU into bed. Everyone expects you to be as flawless at work as your looks are, so when you make a mistake like any human, they just can't understand. People think you have an easy life so they make you go above and beyond, because the plebs assume you owe them - but life is hard for anyone.
Women just want money and an asshole. That way they can gloat about how shit you are - which they love - and get money. Looks don't matter as much - its just something to go out and be seen in public with.
t. alt-soy fatass
gym is not your enemy, its your friend...
for the love of god fucking stop
it was never a redpill, thats just a fundamental part of human nature you apparently never knew before now.
make no mistake, being ugly is hard. ugly people have to work harder for the things they want but they can achieve the same state of success as any attractive person, all it takes is a will to not give up like most of the pussy faggots on here.
gym is for faking retarded weaklings who like to pose as facebook bitches
>its supposed to tell you that gym is for pretty city boys like you
so a chinlet and a lanklet,got it
How do you want to fight antifags if you don't have physique ?
Anarchist speaks the truth
or what?
you gonna beat me with your deadlift skillz and then proceed to get murdered by actual men and not gym attending girls
i do have physique and i dont need to pay shlomo for designated practice area to reach it
Looks aren't all that matter. Didn't your fucking parents teach you this? They certainly matter, but there's hope for uggos. You just can't expect too much in the looks department from your partner. All this 'blackpill' shit is, by no exaggeration, done solely by those with autism.
you people are utterly retarded and need mental help
literally paying otehrs for no reason for access to magical practice spots in order to feel better
literally jewing 7 euro a month for a proper workout. If you get your strength elsewhere no problem from me tho.
>was going to go for a walk
>it's raining and cold out
Also humor. You have to be funny. You can be ugly, but if you can make them laugh, looks don't matter.
Looks come really low down their list
the croats are now importing slavs to clean their public toilets? Cheap bastards.
I'm not going to the gym either,just doing calisthenics/cardio but shitting on gyms like that is pathetic
just stop
nothing wrong with gyms
croats are slavs you fucking idiot
Socrates was ugly as fuck but he had innumerable women and boy toys chasing after him
It's all about that natty ogre body mode. Be like Socrates
>going to little girls selfie area with a bunch of fancy equipment for teh same thing you can do in every park
only reason why youd need to work out in the first place if you dont fucking do anything physical and sit watch tv 15 hours daily
How is that a "pill"? This is common knowledge.
gyms are for faggy city kids who act like little insecure pussies of who you are the prime example
any turk that lives in your country that doesnt go to gym could beat up any gym attending little blonde girl blindfoled
? ? ?
i can deadlift 220kg i'll throw your sorry arse up in the air and leave you there m8
you are just making excuses for yourself
absolute pleb sandburg. needs higher walls, more towers and the towers need loopholes. but i get that its a work-in-progress
how come the spurdo i bought looks like shit compared to yours
you mean you can take a selfie of yourself with torn jeans and faggy london accent while out with the bae?