What do i do if my boss wont stop talking about how much he hates trump...

What do i do if my boss wont stop talking about how much he hates trump. I dont care enough to argue with him but the owners of the business are old conservatives and are obviously pro trump. He constantly posts extremist views on facebook and spends his free time talking to customers about the president.

>What do i do if my boss wont stop talking about how much he hates trump.
Beat him.

print out his posts, assemble a dossier and send it to the owners


Hang an American flag in your cubicle.

Casually bring it up to the owners if you're ever one on one. Just make a light-hearted joke about him hating on Trump, and if it piques their curiosity let on a little more, then direct them to his facebook.

Little nudges, not big swings.

Have you considered just dealing with the fact that life isn't going to be like your safespace on Sup Forums?

>Tell him it's ok to be white
>Wait for meltdown

Shut the fuck up and do your job

>What do i do if my boss wont stop talking about how much he hates Israel. I dont care enough to argue with him but the owners of the business are old Jews and are obviously pro Bibi


Keep flipping them burgers and shut the fuck up, you have no saying on anything,you're a slave and nothing more

..... NIGGER

>What do i do if my boss wont stop talking about how much he hates trump.
I have the same problem. I'm sure I would be fired instantly if I confessed my own political leanings.


>"the population will just shrink from 360 million to 280 million overnight"


Fuck his wife, then move out of Cali.

let it go and do your job. if the owners are old conservatives, they don't give a fuck what the faggot thinks as long as he produces. y u so rustled, fren?

file a lawsuit against him for creating a hostile work environment

>waahhh someone has a different opinion, better get them fired

are you really going to sink so low? go ahead hit me with the mental gymnastics

get another job


>posting extremist views on facebook
stop being such a little bitch