Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon

Alright, guys, fun's over. Wash your hands and shirt of all that jizz and let's stop pretending this character didn't exist for the sole purpose of jiggling her tits and sexually harassing a minor.

Nobody ever pretended that.

A worthy cause indeed.

females cannot sexually harass males

tumblr plz


If they are unattractive to the harassed male, sure they can.

>implying im a libcuck

son, if you're omega enough to be threatened or offended by the idea of a woman objectifying or toying with you sexually, I'm genuinely curious as to if you fear animals taking your jobs since some pet owners enjoy dressing their little furballs up in little clothes and putting videos up on the internet

its always the fat chicks who diddle kids, they're gross and they smell and make you feel violated. just being glomped by a fatty in middle school made me gag

Yeah tho, unless it's some kind of bodybuilding amazon aggressively some skellington with brittle bone syndrome, the nigga ain't in no danger. It ain't harrasment.

Do you feel threatened when a little dog yaps at you? When some teenager is tailgating you? Do you feel the sweat drip down your brow when you're dealing with a particularly aggressive door to door mormon missionary or insurance salesman when you're trying to close your door but they're trying not to let you?

ON AVERAGE; which is not to say that it can never happen, like on average seatbelts save lives, but there are (due to the extreme volume of relevant cases) plenty of documented cases of seatbelts killin people; but what's a few thousand to a few million? Not fuckin much.

Yes; men have been victimized by women. But at the end of the day, if you're a man; the risk of being victimized by a woman is pretty goddamn low.

And seriously complaining about is about equally absurd as "oh no! all these japanese cartoons depict edgy teenagers being smarter and stronger than adults! what if my goth son and all his emo friends gang up to kill me with swords if I ground him?!"

Calm the fuck down and quit being a little bitch goddamn


i guess that the concept of harassment that needs more defining for me. Got into some problems with a girl chasing me, can't "equality" bitchslap her out of my life, cant be much more of a cunt to her unless i start telling her to kill herself. Does that count as harassment?

I can't wait for the doujins.

I've never been so ready.

Go fuck yourself man.

Maybe you have so little self worth that any woman making a move on you would be something worth of a festivity to be remembered for generations, but people have all the right in the world to live their lives in whichever way they want.

A little kid literally shouldn't necessarily be attracted to woman, unless due to social pressure and psychological suggestion.

Even if you are an adult you can be a fucking faggot if you want, or asexual if you think sex is a waste of time and brain cells, and whoever says that's not allowed can go stick a brick up their asses.

What's up with ad?

I could die happy if Nora Higuma were to come out with a Lucoa doujin.

How about the artist who does succubus stay life?

They would be god tier for this dragon slut

You leave mai waifu alone!!

Best fap character in years.

Fuck you. I am 27, stalwart and grizzly - my stubble grows back by 6-7pm and I can never make my chin look smooth because I have dark colored beard and light skin, and I am built like a fridge because of all the weightlifting I've done.
I know nothing but to watch anime, read manga, play rpgs, and weightlifting.

I can't talk to women because I sperg out like the autist I am.
I'm not going to revert back to a small, fragile shota.
I'm never going to be able to accidentally summon a voluptuous dragon goddess who will make my shota wee-wee feel funny and my heart race.
I am probably going to die alone too.
Lucoa exists so she can bulli Shouta and I can self-insert into Shouta and I am grateful to Cool-Kyoushinsha and KyoAni for doing this.
This is how I choose to escape.

Any good porn of her yet?

This guy gets it.

SEE It's fine as long as they're attractive.

SeeNusiance != Threat

I thought the show was pretty cute. At least most of it. Though she really made this something I won't tell my family about. Cept my sister. She watches worse stuff than I do.

Only if she goes through with it and someone has proof of it.