Do any conservative/right-wingers here also believe this?
Do any conservative/right-wingers here also believe this?
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Well opium is already illegal
I wish for this blasphemer to repent.
This Christmas I went back to my hometown and I meet up with some high school friends. of the 9 people I met with, only 3 didn't confess to taking pain killers or heroin. their homes were a wreck and some were still living at home with their families.
Some were using weed with that, but I think Opioids are a bigger problem
All drug dealers should be executed
Who cares, nobody forced you to take drugs, it's just too bad they don't overdose sooner
> let me grow a couple of drug bushes
> i do not care about artificial fiber monopoly and that normal hemp contains drugs in doses, that require to process a ton of it to produce a joint or a drug-brownie
It is all parts of the same plan.
I agree, there is no good reason to keep them alive
Why do people believe overdoses are the only way for a drug to be responsible for your death?
>both drugs schedule one
>why this double standard man?
fucklin lousy hippies
Is this fag referring to the opium of the people?
Nope, keep taking your goypiods when you feel a slight pain in your toe.
Trump has specifically said he wants to combat opioids repeatedly and has been made fun of by the media for it.
>nobody forced you to take drugs
True, but doctors prescribing pain pills like candy isn't helping. A large chunk of these people weren't drug abusers when they first got addicted.
>weed kills no one
Tell that to the cartels in South America
>because it's on a list we made up, we have to treat two things that effect people very differently the same way
with weed outlawed only outlaws sell weed
I am a conservative, and believe in minimal government involvement in people's lives. Both opioids and marijuana should be legal. If one or the other had to be banned, however, I would say ban the opioids.
I haven't been to the doctor in like 10 years and that's because I had to get a mandatory shot for high school. There's no reason to go to the doctor unless you need to stay in the emergency room.
How does that change the point that the weed market kills hundreds a day?
>fighting opioids
What does he suggest they do, make it illegal so people stop using them like weed?
Ššš Ivan, dont spread weed redpills here, they are not ready for it
Not in the US
>not knowing the difference between opioids and opium mfw
>he thinks that weed is what makes cartels all that money
A gram of weed is like $10, probably less in Mexico. It's the hard drugs that make money.
That's retarded, weed is a drug it's a gateway to degeneracy and destroys your mind, anyone who sells or produces weed should be hanged, anyone smuggling it across the border to Canada should be hanged.
>the weed market kills hundreds a day?
Natural selection.
>Do any conservative/right-wingers here also believe this?
>why doesn't muh gubmints care about opiates as much as pot
>both substances are equal in the eyes of the law
argument invalid
How do I quit opioids?
You almost had a good one, leaf, but you had to go and remind us that you're a faggot.
Weed is cheaper to process and sell, and grows readily in South America, which is why it’s so cheap there. It’s making them millions.
criminals kill hundreds a day
weed is only a criminal enterprise because it's banned
Leafs are the worst. At least aussies are funny
Cartels have been runnin weed for longer than it has been illegal, you nonce.
I'm not saying the feds should treat both drugs the same at all.
Sorry your fat ass has to go there all the time, what episode of my 600 pound life are you on though?
gonna need a citation on that
It's opioids or heroin, faggot. Everywhere opioid and controlled substances were more tightly controlled, opioid deaths went from, like, a dozen, down to six, while heroin deaths skyrocketed. It's happening here in New York since faggot Cuomo fucked everything
Opiates and weed don't even compare when it comes to chances of becoming addicted and potentness.. There is a lot of clinics that have popped up in the past ten years or so, so I don't think its necessarily the government that's dropping the ball but rather the people using the drugs aren't really ready to commit to sobriety. I was addicted to he or in for 8 years and was in and out of countless clinics and desu most of the people there were just looking for a free high I.e. suboxone/subutex or methadone.
If only we made everything that is current illegal legal then we could end crime forever!
Wow user, good for you! Sadly not every one has managed to avoid an injury/illness that requires a visit to the doctor for the last decade.
>ehmajun my fucking shawk
>mfw this leftist fag plays on the ultimate moral high horse to defeat arguments
>mfw he criticized muslims in a now deleted tweet and was shouted down by his followers for not being tolerant
OP post alleges that gov cares about pot more than opium
government treats both exactly the same
what part are you having trouble with?
Boot licking cuck
what exactly have the feds done since they got rid of that obama shit
Weed is for niggers.
How about the Marfias of the early 1900s? Marijuana was being run by them and other gangs from immigrants, even though it was legal
you're sarcasm doesn't make it untrue
you could also kill every lawyer on earth and get away with it as long as you got all of them because our legal system mandates that you have a lawyer to defend you
Nothing. They left it to the descretion of local and federal officers in the field
Pro tip: theyre not going after jimmy two smokes for smoking pot in his fucking home
Few ounces is alot of weed to have in ur pants.
>Boy, I'd love to make shampoo, paper, insulation and animal feed out of weed!
Said no weed pusher ever. It always comes to blazing it or dubious seizure medication, and the states where it's legalized that's all it's used for.
>implying the textile, food, hygiene and construction industries are in any way threatened, let alone would ever use, a drug plant instead of the other materials you can't get high off of.
This faggot with an opinion doesn't even have a (((blue checkmark))), get the fuck out of here.
Cool, I don't care it's your own fault the doctor gives medication and says take two daily not get addicted to this shit, if you ignore his instructions and become a drug addict that's your fault, I hope you OD
Doctors are not at fault. I'm sick of the stories of people taking high amounts of pain killers and magically can't get off. "My finger hurts, a need 40 pills a day". Then uh box is empty. Really? They knew they will be cut off. There is mediation in this, requires a little bit of that mystical whitey superior IQ.
Even if you give those idiots a continued supply of oxi, they will not get off it. Their live is shit, they wont move and wont take training programs. Just airdrop oxi and be done with it.
Between 1999 and 2010.
What other fucking drugs were involved?
How many of these mother fuckers smoked caffeine or and advil?
How many people were sleepy?
How many were behind a women on the freeway who would fucking go into the right
We're they also texting?
Aren't canabanoids already in your body?
Fuxk operah, sage all threads
weed ruined my entire 20s
Even this kind?
>a large group of people weren't drug abusers until they were
don't forget that blaming your doctor for your oxy problem is also a convenient legal defense to get charges/penalties reduced
Decades of propaganda have made drugs look very bad but in reality they are extremely safe if used correcly. And in fact, depending on the drug, upwards of 90% of problems associated with said drug is entirely due to the illegality of it.
For instance, opiates. Besides hypogonadism and adrenal effects, opiates (not opioids) are pretty harmless. In contrast to drugs like amphetamine, cocaine, benzos, opiates cause no neurotoxicity, no gross behavioral defects (like stimulant psychosis), nothing.
The main problem with opiate use is 1) not having enough 2) not knowing the strength of the opiate 3) injecting, especially when unsanitary.
All of these problems are caused by opiates being illegal.
If opiates were legal, people could buy them cheaply (a kilo of heroin could easily be produced for $100 at most by an American business if it was legal), people would know the exact dose (thus circumventing ODs, which are almost entirely caused by not knowing the strength of the product), and people wouldn't have to inject (the majority of people get into injecting purely because it's the most cost efficient way... Almost everyone promises themselves inject, but when tolerance reachs gram levels, it's the only way to feel good, as otherwise you would be spending an extra $100 a day to feel the same effects through another route of administration. With cheap dope this problem becomes irrelevant. A gram of heroin could be sold in a gas station for $15, easily, if it was legal to produce and sell.)
As proof that the main problem with opiates is due to the illegality of them, I invoke the success of opiate use in Europe (heroin clinics, decriminalization), as well as opiate maintence programs in Western countries.
Opiate maintenance programs give either two drugs, buprenorphine (an opiate similar in structure to morphine), or methadone (an opioid, a synthetic opiate agonist).
>federally illegal to sell/possess marijuana
>bunch of states do it anyway
>federal gov never enforces the marijuana law
This guy is a fucking retard if he thinks the federal government gives a shit about weed. If they cared about fighting weed they would actually enforce the law on california, colorado, oregon...etc
Man you fags are so bluepilled when it comes to weed/drugs.
To be fair though, weed pushers =/= hemp pushers
that is, weed and hemp are different so the drug peddlers are just that
>trusting the government to actually do anything that benefits society
>jimmy two smokes
Who is your favorite Fox News anchor and why?
Literally could not care less either way. More death is always a good thing imo
As a middle class white man with a family I can tell you that we have no allies. Lefties will throw you under the bus for a nigger. Righties will betray you for a shekel. Take the black pill everyone.
[citation needed]
Marijuana was outlawed in most states by the late 1920's
Agreed. Weed is for niggers and middle school kids. These degenerates need to get their fucking life together.
>implying opium shouldn't be legal too
I do .
I agree, Anglos are alone the continental Europeans will stab us in the back every chance we get we have to tell them to fuck off they aren't our allies
I hope you are just memeing but this may help if you are not
Especially that kind.
The entire Sackler family should be executed by the state. These Jews have been killing whites by the bucketload and profiting off of it at the same time.
Testing positive doesn't equate recent use.
This. And drug addicts also.
>twitter user is a weedkid and makes post
quality thread.
Take the fascism pill. We can only rely on each other for allies.
So execute your govt?
You do know the US literally has your soldiers guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan to fuel your nation of junkies?
Okay, what does that have to do with Canada?
Missed your flag leaf, meant for the murricans.
Yeah I do agree why?
Same could be said well and above with alcohol, fag
One beer or a glass of wine doesn't cause any problems but one joint makes you intoxicated
It sounds okay if we can take out the part where the only real plan for middle class men is cannon fodder
Both of these drugs are potent opiate agonist, and they change opiate addicts lives. People go from degenerate gutter trash with no money to completely normal people with jobs. They stop stealing, stop all the nonsense that drug addicts do. Their depression is cured and theu can maintain on these drugs for their entire life without problem. Out of all opiate addiction treatments, opiate maintenance therapy is by far the most succesful in stopping people from using illegal opiates. Going cold turkey and being completely abstinent, or naltrexome treatments, have relapae rates higher than 50%. Opiate maintence has success 75% of the time, and the people are a hell of a lot happier.
What's even more interesting is that buprenorphine and methadone, compared to opiates like heroin or oxy, are extremely dirty, and less effective.
For instance, methadone, because it's racemic, has strong NMDA antagoniat effects, as well as nicotinic antagonistic effects. Otoh, heroin or oxy are pure opiates.
Or buprenorphine, which is only a partial agonist at the mu receptors (it only cahses around 30% of the opiate effects when bound), which is especially crazh considering the insane doses given to people (opiate maintenance doses are 8mg+, oftentimes 24mg or more. Doses of bup for pain management is 50-100mcgs).
These drugs are dirty, and liable to cause more side effects than traditional opiates, yet they are extremely succesful in helpong people. The reason is because when opiate addicts are given legal opiates with a guaranteed dose every, the majority of the problems relating to opiate use disappear. Now imagine if real opiates could be used.
Kratom is also a good example. Kratom, a dirty as fuck plant with tons of different alkaloids, changes peoples lives purely because they are free of worrying about money, free of worrying about the supply of their next fix, free of legal worries.
Tfw Hose' is smarter than half the Americans in this thread.
Sure. Decriminalize across the board. I dabble within my own walls.
At the same time, let's eliminate the (((safety nets))) that allow degenerate drug use to flourish. No welfare, no homeless assistance, nothing.
You're free to do what you want, as you should also be free to crash and burn out, i.e. die off.
Trump announced opioid a public health emergency and put pressure on trying to fight it.
"God" should keep up-to-date on shit
every libertarian believes this. there is nothing wrong with weed
I wrote a paper on this this semester, yeah its a real big issue no one talks about.
>only real plan for middle class men is cannon fodder
What? Fascism is the best option for the middle and working class. American fascism would be far less interventionist than the current order.
No, drug use degrades society. Drug dealers should be shot.
What do you say to this?