Why are SJWs not talking about the thousands of creepy adult women drooling over a 15 year old boy on social media
Yet when a guy does the same with a girl he is considered a pedophile and ostracized
Why are SJWs not talking about the thousands of creepy adult women drooling over a 15 year old boy on social media
Yet when a guy does the same with a girl he is considered a pedophile and ostracized
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You sound hella jealous.
Girls like Millie or whatever her name is aren’t sexually mature yet at that age while Finn is. Plus he is fucking yummy
I think
Females are sexually valuable and pursued. Males are not sexually valuable and pursue. I sentence you to 20 minutes of reading about sex realism on returnofkangs before posting again.
give us some examples
Not gay but I'd fuck him.
¿someone have pictures of the commentaries of these women?
There was a 27 year old mode hitting on him that got in trouble for it
OP is just a jealous pedo, girls DO get in trouble for it
Don't be a faggot
>Woman does certain things....
>Yet when a guy does the same.....
So? Are you outraged by women lusting over an underage boy? Or are you outraged 'cause you can't do the same to underage girls?
I'm outraged that no 27 year old women were lusting after me when i was 15. Some guys have all the luck
Cute oni, friend.
The latter obviously
They women are filthy pedos, nothing more nothing less
Why is there a pic of a young Danny Sexbang floating around on the internet?
women sexuality is inherently good such that when grown adult women have sex with teen/pre-teen boys they are imparting an aspect of divine feminine good onto the boy, thus making him a better human.
Male sexuality is inherently bad such that when grown adult men have sex with teen/pre-teen girls they are fundamentally defiling them and imparting an aspect of divine evil into the girl, thus making her impure and a worse human than before.
Are you retarded or something? Women can’t fuck. They can only be fucked
The autism on this website sometimes my fucking god
Gawd, imagine being in your early teens as a guy and not having to jerk off because you can get women to take care of you.
Must be nice.
I would have killed to fuck a couple of the teachers at my highschool. Hot as fuck. Would have kept their identities secret too to protect our secret lust.
gotta say I agree, sorry OP that you are a beta male, hold this L while me and my grade 10 boys bang your mum. Hyper sexualization from the opposite sex makes men into alpha leaders, it makes women into deshevelled whores
I think this is a good explanation, unless the woman imparting her femininity is black.
Women are hypocrites and their lefty bitch boys believe whatever they think will manipulate a bitch into fucking them. They have no morals, everything revolves around their own self pleasure. It's narcissism
>Plus he is fucking yummy
You couldn't have sounded more like a sex predator if you tried.
btw the fact that u know about this guy means you are under 16. please remove yourself from the site.
He is a who of the highest calibre
It's different and worse when an older guy does it to a younger girl. Your egalitarian principles don't mean shit in the real world.
A site for losers who need advice picking up women that rips off 90% of his shit from Sup Forums.
Imagine how good it would feel to rub your cock against his feet.
>Your egalitarian principles don't mean shit in the real world.
except the laws say otherwise. This is how separated from reality you retards have become kek. Go live in Hati if you think hedonism is how society should function.
Its all about turning male sexuality into something sinister.
T. Pedophile
if you're so passionate about fucking minors go public with your beliefs. Tell people you should be able to fuck their 15 year old daughters.
I should say HETRO MALE
Homos can get away with the most degenerate behaviour, and it's seen as being sassy and sex positive fun.
Women are just deranged. They shouldn't have power outside the home.
Also, OP is a fag because the kid looks mature he could pass as an 18 year old
I'm pretty sure there are more adult men drolling over him than women.
because women don't have penisses, can't penetrate and can't make a 15 year old pregnant.Less consequences from evolutionary point of view.
Why they like him is because lots of women like this type of male, androgynous but not too feminine with interesting features.
A friend of mine was into Loki from Marvels Thor. And I know tons of women who loved Jared Leto
I think he looks interesting but I would not want to fuck him because he looks to childish
No. People don't want losers like you fucking their daughters. Guys who want to fuck kids are not good looking chads spreading top tier genetics. They are losers who sit on anime websites advocating for pedophilia. I mean it's not like these kids aren't fucking, they are fucking each other. People just don't want losers like you who can't get a woman your own age taking advantage of their children in a desperate attempt to get pussy.
This is the cold hard truth. People like you are predators out for their sexual pleasure. You see young people easily manipulated and easy targets for you.
very cute kid but that jewish schnozz is going to dominte that face and make him look ugly by the time he's 22
Because the older women leading are either trying to get some of that child or get their dyke on.
The men want some of that sjw pussy, like getting cucked by kids, or trying to hide their pedophile.
women have the intellect of teenagers
SJWs only want power. They don't care about the people they pretend to represent. A gay man that hates Islam or a black woman that votes republican are despised because they are not the puppets they thought they controlled.
I don't like this recent trend in hollywood in trying to make ugly jewish men into sex symbols. No matter how much creative lighting and expensive equipment they use, I will never be convinced that a jewish man represents any kind of aesthetic beauty.
>but that Jewish scnozz
He is literally a kike
I fucked a 15 year old last March. She was definitely not a child if you know what I mean.
Because bitches can't be trusted.
He could pass as 18? The fuck? This kid is a soyboy with fetal alcohol syndrome
We would agree to some extent, but the SJWs act like they want equality until they don't. We're arguing based on the standards that they themselves set up but aren't holding themselves to. Can you IMAGINE the media response to some 15 year old femactor being sexually harassed?
I need sources regarding this logic.
Yeah except for the jaw and lack of facial hair
Being into teenagers isn't pedophilia, period.
let them, once they are hooked and there is enough evidence on all of them is when lawsuits and #TIMESUPBITCHES can begin
There are literally hundreds of boys and girls like him in that exact same situation. It's not unique and nobody cares, it's just tumblr.
Why do the boys that look like lesbians get so much attention justin bieber was at least goodlooking this stranger things kid just looks like average 20 year old artist lesbian.
>Yet when a guy does the same with a girl he is considered a pedophile and ostracized
Because its not the same. Girls are supposed to kept pure for marriage.
Boys' sexuality literally doesn't matter.
Stop falling for feminist memes, gender roles are real and good for us.
I wouldn't define it as "good" and "bad" like that. But you are onto the right thing.
It's this, a man putting his penis into you can do physical damage to you. A woman putting her pussy on you most likely cannot, unless she is fat or ssomething mething and in that case it's her weight doing the damage and not the pussy.
They claim girls mature sexually earlier than boys but it's not really true, their bodies do but their minds do not.
Legal age of consent for boys could be lowered to 13 and all boys would be fine.
She was paying her own way and understood the impact choices had in her life?
Best part about high school, girls stay the same age.
That doesn't surprise me, you're a sex predator who targets minors just like I said. You gonna tell me about how you kissed a 7 year old 3 years ago?
>Because its not the same.
WTF YOU SEXIST FAGGOT!?!? What about EQUALITY and that any job a man can do woman can do it too and sometimes better?!?!
Females peak MUCH earlier than males tho. Or does your ideal Aryan society consist of cougar moms with boy toys?
who is this semen demon?
>1 post by this id
congrats you all fell for advertisement and mods should be ashamed of their existence
So shameless roastie are trying to get with a pretty boy. Hmmm this is weird.
You said the quote wrong ffs, no wonder your desperate to fucking little girls
>women your own age
They're much easier to get because they had to lower their standards after their face started drooping and the wrinkles started to show.
Common sense. It has been this way for thousands of years.
You honestly come off as a jealous female. Back in the old days girls would get married and have kids as soon as they hit puberty. It’s the healthiest time to have kids. There is nothing wrong with having sex with a sexually matured female wether she is 40 or 14
This thread is comedy gold, I genuinely can't tell if we had a sudden influx of 30+ fat women defending this or a bunch of people are just poking fun at this.
Biggest lie ever told is women are attracted to older men. Only when they're looking for money, not physically. Youth is lusted after by both sexes, everyone wants a younger partner. Especially people who missed out on those years.
Wrong. Girls usually sexually develop a bit earlier than boys. You fucking faggot
They have though, there was a whole blitz about this after some people stalked him to his hotel and one chick said she would fuck him when he turned 18
Develop earlier, peak earlier (20-21) and are pretty much worthless as soon as they hit their mid 30s in terms of reproduction.
Because men and women are not the same. We are fundamentally different and this also expresses itself in our sexual behaviour and what we deem acceptable as sexual behaviour in our society.
Old ladies should know better than to harass young boys.
>Plus he is fucking yummy
How could you manage to make yourself sound so repulsive in 5 words? I guess that's the magic of pedophilia. Not even the best satirist could come up with something like this.
It’s the stranger things kid
>because women don't have penisses
Get a load of this guy.
Why are pedo woman so creepy.
Sure is. Look at the bug eyes. Probably raised on soy breast milk substitute and his T is near zero.
Yeah pretty much everyday we hear stories of female teachers fucking 13 year old boys.
Female sexuality is sick.
wise man of the village sorting shit out again, thank you
You need to look up the definition of pedophilia
This goes for most of the retards itt
The natural order is middle aged men married to young girls and both having affairs with young boys.
You really need to ask? We all know women can’t possibly harm that boy.
I'm not a pedophile. There's a huge difference between 7 and 15 retard
Finn is yummy though
The gay community is infatuated with him
I’m not ashamed of being attracted to him. He is 15, sexually mature
wrong he's obviously a child
ur a pedo
dude idk 15 is pretty gross, especially if you're over 18
He is too young. Wait a year at least.
totally this
>he’s obviously a child
Maybe in your little fantasy land
He isn’t too young. 15 is perfect age for boys
Homosexuality and pedophilia are mutual inclusive especially when considering the fact that this kid looks like a little boy and not a conventional 15 year old. Most 15 year olds have developed at least some form of muscle mass and facial hair at that age. This kid looks like an 11 year old you pedophile sicko.
Just kill yourself pedo faggot
I've seen many many people complain about adult women sexualising that stranger things kid actually
He looks Jewish
Both need to be called out.
So um.. whose the babe? I'd tap dat ass!!!