What race were the ancient egyptians? I've heard many conflicting facts. I've heard they were both white and black. Which is it?
What are your thoughts on this ancient civilization?
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Black TURKS built the pyramids
According to all the credible studies I've seen, the ancient Egyptians were the ancestors of the current population. It was the various dynasties ruling Egypt which have been of varying races over the lifespan of the kingdoms.
They probably looked like modern middle eastern people...
The pyramids were built sometime around 4,000 years ago, or more. By the time we have actual real extensive records of egyptian culture, around 2,000 years ago, those who built the pyramids were already considered an ancient civilization.
The greatest monument to slavery that will ever exist.
Well, no. Egyptians. At this time there are no Arabs in North Africa.
Copts have a marked, albeit small, genetic difference from the rest of the population of Egypt.
Predominately "Egyptian", most closely relating to the Phoenicians (Levant peoples) and north african people's.
You had nubian and semitic tribal movements from the south, but movement would have been limited excluding slaves.
After the conquest of Alexander the Great, there was a large influx of greek immigrants who moved to the north coast, mainly Alexandria. This ended with the death of Cleopatra.
Coptics btfo at we wuz kangs. Here coptic ppl
the founding culture was Central Asian. Might have been related to Sumerians. They weren't real "semites" at first.
These people picked up the Semitic language because of trade, it was easier to speak, or they started breeding with Natufian women.
Some R1b Central Asians ended up in North African before J1 and J2 y-chromosome people from around Iran because of some old R1b y-chromosome around lake Chad and stuff.
These fuckers grew onions, likely had horses, and definitely had cows.
The mound, pyramid obsession is some ancient stone age habit that even carried over to MesoAmericans of Central Asian descent.
Haplogroup P men around the world were obsessed with mounds, pyramids, etc.
I have a friend who is native-american that told me once that he had a very vivid dream of the pyramids in Egypt. He said he dreamed that he was in ancient Egypt and saw a portal open up at the top of one of the pyramids and creatures from another dimension came out of it.
According to him, he things that entities from an alternate dimension left them there as beacons.
you have no idea what youre talking about
Islam destroy it and will soon destroy us if we fo nothing
whites build something, niggers and mudslimes and jews come in, ruin everything, whites move to new areas, civilization collapses. time is a circle. fire bullets at god. this is the 7th time weve destroyed zion.
we know what they weren't: Black and White
According to DNA samples and Greek/Roman/Biblical accounts, they likely looked like this. Keep in mind, Egypt has gone through the most demographic changes of any civilization and Roman/Arab/Assyrian/Nubian conquest affected and changed their populations over the years. That's why it's hard to put a face to any Egyptian, they were basically the Russiaball with the gaping asshole for all of human civilization.
Coptics are literally the same as non-coptics. They look identical to muslim egyptians. The distinction in Egypt isn't coptic vs non-coptic. It's northern egyptian vs southern Egyptian. Northerners are southern European looking. Southerners are black looking.
Not really Egypt has been conquered many times but genetically it hasn't changed much. The conquerors didn't really mix with the native Egyptians.
You must be autistic if you think the arab conquest and the slave trade had no impact on the egyptians.
It didn't slaves in egypt were mamluks who were mainly used for the army. Regular egyptians aren't going to breed with slaves. Also even after the arab conquest Egypt remained overwhelmingly Christian. Something like 80%+. It didn't become majority muslim until the Fattamid muslim empire made laws restricting Christians from business that most of them converted and Egypt became mostly Muslim.
king tuts dna is white so my guess is that ancient agypt was white
It's not though.
>Regular egyptians aren't going to breed with slaves
Is that why the modern egyptian has 8% subsaharan ancestry? fucking amerishart giving us a bad name.
It's like asking what race are americans
They got blacked hard. They got conquered by Nubian mulatto heavy army from the Nubian colony. They got deblacked by Esarhaddon and his son but that didn't last and they didn't purge all the blacks from Egypt... just the army.
But then they fell to Greeks and Romans who opened the borders to Ethiopian, Horner traders and a fuck ton of black laborers.
The Islamic conquests fucked them even harder, specially when more Berbers started moving in.
Ancient Egypt died because it got too diverse and they weren't White enough to compete with whiter civilizations that didn't race mix like they did.
So whiter than the average american white than.
>posting false bullshit.
No wonder you use the flag of a group than literally never accomplished anything of value.
are the anatolians turks persians... blacks? They were similar
North africans are arabic. Nig nogs like to claim that they are kangz because egypt is in africa.
Why couldn't mulatto heavy army ruled by Nubians hold off Assyrians who whiter Egyptians of the past could totally own?
Because they weren't as white. They lost the "white power."
The whiter Assyrian king outsmarted the blacks who took over Egypt.
The 80 year occupation weakened Egypt too much in the long term. White Greeks conquered them. Then Romans rolled in with a whiter Army than the Ptolemaic Greek rulers of Egypt could muster.
Rome could never muster a resistance to the White Roman overlords.
Then came the Arabs and Islam. Weren't white enough to fight them off.
* Egypt could never muster a resistance to Roman rule.
They looked the same as current people of the ME. There were likely a few white and black Egyptians too but in general they looked like this.
Like Copts
Neither could the Britons against the Romans. Does make the britons black.
whites would turn black if they lived at the equator for 10,000 years.
and the jews STILL haven't gotten over it!
Jews are buttholes
It was a horrible place, notably do to the lack of Aryan Germans.
all genetic studies of the remains of the pharohs have indicated Mediterranean meaning Greek, roman DNA. Nothing surprising since those ethnicities dominated the coastal region of the Mediterranean along with darker skinned middle eastern types and not niggers. To date there has been zero skeletal evidence or genetic evidence of african populations around the coastal areas which is also scientific fact and not open to debate.
They did have west Asian admixture as well though
...that's not a human...
Jews are inventions in human groupings among populations.
The root of their creation lies in the Israelites a separate group from the Jews. These Israelites were taken over by a ruling class established in the region known as the pharisees. The Pharisees used the religion of the israelites to invent a new religion to enhance their rule to govern the people which created Jews as their known today. The Pharisees ran all rabbinical schools to indoctrinate these teachings thus in essence teaching a caste type structure using the religion to enforce their rule.
While it is known Israel was the home of the Israelites, it is NOT the home of the Jews. The jews are a group that surfaced later replacing the Israelites. Through that the transferrance of power through the words that Israel is the land of Gods Chosen people would only apply to the Israelites for whom were the Chosen. This would not apply to the Jews, a creation of man through the Pharisees used to usurp gods teachings twisting them to the will of man vis a vis the pharisees.
yep thats a rock. without seeing it in its original form which its theorized was not even human it is not possible to derive any meaning from it, because ya know.... its a fucking rock my friend :D
You can apply that same logic to clouds, just hope you dont start worshipping them though because much like the appearance of the sphinx the appearance of clouds can change.
Sphinx head is supposedly modeled after Kafra pharaoh who supposedly build it but something doeasn't add.
Both sphinx and pyramids are probably much older and come before younger drays event(that caused gigantic flood btw).
Well for one, Egyptians had a way with depicting their people that didn't match the way they actually looked. It was their art style. Especially when you compare mummies to their living depictions.
And two, you got the right idea with the likely reworking here .
pretty much this
your not wrong there...
..................................................... There was stuff I typed here......... I deleted it..............
>Sphinx head is supposedly modeled after Kafra pharaoh who supposedly build it but something doeasn't add.
Based upon "OUR" modern understanding looking back through time we came up with this. So the meaning is muddled. It may mean he brought or returned power to the iconic statue. The "EXACT" meaning is lost to time. To assume a pharoh or anyone could say they created something that exists does defy logic meaning that the error is likely with who is translating which is quite common due to a limited understanding of sentence structure.
We Wuz
The bottom line is that almost of all of history is fabricated if you want to find the truth go here and start with the playlists
How did the Jews manage to attain such power though? What knowledge was handed down to them from the Amun priesthood in Egypt?
this is very deep, start with this playlist
they got it from the Atlanteans this is is very complex desu, just watch that playlist and you will understand and you will know where to find more
oops forgot to post these also
My research does not extend prior to the formation of the pharisees or who they were so I have no comment there. Its not that its unknowable, its more that I have a limited amount of time for research, and as you can imagine finding the corresponding records as evidentiary documentation and not mere speculation can be quite difficult.
So far there seems to be something related to Rome and their choice in who is to rule in place over Israel sort of like a puppet king. A popular strategy in the roman empire for ruling of foreign lands under the dominion of Rome. If given time I may or may not look into this further but for those interested a whole movie and series of corresponding existing documents exist waiting to be examined. The tale of Rome + Egypt through Cleaopatra may be part of what that youtuber is talking about. Ive to date not seen any academic study conducted in this area, it doesnt mean it doesnt exist, just that I have not seen it, meaning it is possible that part at least documenting the rise of the Pharisees may already be well documented peer reviewed common knowledge.
>Its not that its unknowable, its more that I have a limited amount of time for research, and as you can imagine finding the corresponding records as evidentiary documentation and not mere speculation can be quite difficult.
Right on brother I know precisely took me years to piece this all together, I know all too well, it is not easy and filled with disinfo and bs and really only becomes academic before Egypt so I understand completely.
Well they were the Phoenicians, Etruscans, Carthage, and numerous groups pretty much every gorup you have heard of but were never really taught about in history you will find the answers also on that channel I linked. Basically I have reconstructed the library of Alexandria into a digital libray, well still re-constructing it but you will find most everything you are looking for there
Thanks I'll look into this. I'd like to know more about the political aspect if you have any information about that as well.
it is all there bro, just watch what I gave you first, to get the foundation, then I would watch the other playlists before starting on the individual videos to trace the serpent to modern day but up to you. You will find what you are looking for there I promise you
Some people interpreter/translate this records as renovate/rebuild
Have anymore interesting pics?
>Basically I have reconstructed the library of Alexandria into a digital libray
Your doing gods work, Truth for man through any effort brings glory to his name since it shines light for humanity.
>Some people interpreter/translate this records as renovate/rebuild
True, but those people do their best. Sadly their best isnt helpful at all and actually causes a disservice to the academic community since it opens the gate for others to impress their own meaning onto things which may have an agenda.
In the pic related for example, perhaps we know the history of this object but if not the only guess I could venture is that it would indicate perhaps the coming together or celebrate a meeting between two clearly different people. From Google image search a cursory review of just the search results shows no facts as to its meaning except where it came from secondary it seems greece perhaps? Any further it seems is exactly what I typed above, speculation, and rumor injected to impress ones agenda or opinion without any corresponding factual or evidentiary data. Something which is why today we consider anthropologists, socialogists, and archaeologists to be a joke field or hokey science similar to the field of parapsychology which oddly seems to go to greater lengths to scientifically apply their data than arch/anthro/socio academics do. Kinda funny when you think about it.
i knew it.
the human race
Tell Squanto to put the fire water down.
>academic community
Current Egyptology is under thumbs of Egyptians crooks.
Also note that at the time of making this Northern Egypt, Delta and coast were under serious colonization of 'Greeks'
You know what really scare the mainstream archeologists?
Its not that Atlantis was real.
Its that the Atlantis was real and they were all black.
Keep in mind when viewing such images that the depiction of other races does not indicate the presence of those races in the given area. As through any culture that encounters others races they often depict them at home and sometimes exaggerated to share with those people. Much like a classroom might have an encyclopedia present, however the presence of that book does not mean that all the peoples in the book are present in the classroom itself or old kings etc...
sphinx was the tomb of osiris, most likely the jackal theory is correct
all egyptian gods were once Pharaohs
they wrote sumerian/akkadian
nothing they tell you is correct
there was no magic
I'm not big on Egyptology so my knowledge is quite low, but I'd say those ancient Egyptians are strikingly similar to the Japanese. An East Asian island population known for exotic works of art.
i'm pretty sure there were black egyptians, but they sure as fuck weren't kangz, they were being whipped and forced to build pyramids for their probably arabic looking pharaohs.
>but I'd say those ancient Egyptians are strikingly similar to the Japanese
Maybe they are Japanese. Unless we know who is in the photo there is no way to know if their egyptians or not. Its not like their holding signs or something :D
keep in mind that photo was obviously taken sometime maybe late 1800's to early 1900's so its not like the photographer went was a time traveler who went back in time and snapped a picture of the locals. It could be some tour group or investors for a future dig, we just dont know unless someone bothers to track down the details of the photo in question. There is japanese text it seems clearly on the right of the image so yes those people may be Japanese :D Or is it chinese? I dunno..... Actually looking at the characters I cant say with certainty but it appears to be chinese.
keep in mind that photo was obviously taken sometime maybe late 1800's to early 1900's
Oh shoot, well there goes that theory. I suck at this.
>keep in mind that photo was obviously taken sometime maybe late 1800's to early 1900's
forgot the comedy chevron
yea but your not wrong and have a good eye I think their chinese my friend, if you google those characters you may find out what that image is depicting.
they were all black women
I did a quick Bing search and it appears those are indeed Chinese characters. This completely rules out the Japanese as suspects
Martians built giza millions of years ago
Egyptians didn't build the pyramids. The Annunaki did for their space ports and shit.
Egyptians just came outta the wood and found them - this is mine!
no, most of the japanes are from lemuria that was connected by a narrow land bridge to nw africa, true originators of egypt and everyting that followed since amon keket from eupper nile.
got banned from another board for posting this some years ago
This might sound crazy, but they are most genetically similar to modern day Egyptians
sorta related to Japan and geographical formations of the past.
>tfw be scientist... (not a pseudo sci major)
>tfw researching something for a gig reviewing underwater footage...
>tfw not part of assignment and spot in the footage a starfish in the region uncharacteristically for the area given the environment... it should be impossible
>tfw deleted...........
>tfw deleted..........
there were words above but their irrelevant.
i presume those are noobians and other which egyptians fought.
fought and or traded with perhaps or allied, without more corresponding data its impossible to draw any concrete answer outside of fanciful speculation.