What the fuck happen to her?
What the fuck happen to her?
Other urls found in this thread:
Boot lives matter.
Bad genes.
We #bootgate thread now?
Satan sucked her toes?! Who cares!
Fucking bat shit insane family is a joke
Trump curse
Ankle monitor.
I was about to say fake and gay but then I noticed that Huffington post updated on Dec 2017.
So this a old picture Of Chelsea or are (((they))) trying to pull a fast one on us...
I think it's a new fashion trend
How thick, large are ankle bracelets? Can they be covered by wearing lose fit pants?
She had an accident mountain climbing.
Holy shit maybe those are ankle monitors...
i fucked her till she broke
McCain sold her his extra -- half price.
Her foot is fine, but she can't pass up a bargain.
...with explosives if you try to take them off or abscond
When the spirit cooking sesh gets out of hand...
Wasn't there a fourth?
These people are all jetsetter world travellers. Any evidence of them leaving the country lately?
Must be some Satan worshipping thing.
Attention, sympathy inducing devices!
Those images need to be dated.
you fucks it was 2010!!!!
yeah but theres no statute of limitation on murder
>hola up
>aldem ankle braces are all on the right ankle...
is this the designated ankle for ankle monitors?
it means she's been following in the family business.
lol! ankle bracelet just like her mom and many other people who sport same type of leg cast, it's so obvious by now
When was this pic taken?? Globes?
Bump for "coincidence"
Tried to find it but, bell bottoms suddenly very fashionable with Huuuuuma. She wears them everyday.
Maybe someone was mad about the $330 million lost in her husband, Marc Mezvinski's, hedge fund Eaglevale Partners. Something to do with Greek bonds...and it didn't pan out....
Just pointing out for the dim anons that McCain's brace switched legs in that photo. The theory being his new handlers are fucking with him.
probably some sort of foot or leg injury
Her, Hillary and McCain have the same exact thing on their legs
Yes, but what date was the photo taken?
Could it have been taken in 2015, for example?
it was last night at the golden globes
but how did Chelsea and her husband afford a $10 million apartment in New York?
I wonder which mountain is in New York Probably a psyops to call us crazy though . NYT reporter waiting for us to react
I don't know if the OP pic is recent but this one seems to be.
Are ankle monitors designed for the right leg, and McCain went all maverick?
Trumps making it harder for them to get their opiates
what if these boots actually contain rockets in them so the criminals can escape if someone tries to arrest them? relly meks yah thenk
yes, Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA). image from mid December.
They’re not that thick. I had an ex with one and she wore tight jeans and it wasn’t that noticeable
sums up the conspiracy horseshit on this site
lol, are you even white?
What if it an elaborate way to say yes or no to someone they cannot contact
Left boot yes right boot no
Like McCain boot switch
Like father, like son....Ed Mezvinsky (Marc's dad,Chelsea's father-in-law) a former US Representative, was convicted federally of a Ponzi scheme, for stealing $10M. Maybe that's where they got it.
>ankle bracelet
>tight jeans
yep; checks out
WASTE OF TIME! It's old.... 2010!!!!
lol, true. Did not take account of all variables.
Hope she’s getting banged in Gitmo by Harvey and the Podesta bros.
Old pic. Most recent production of that play on the banner behind her was last February, and it opened in 2010.
>Sup Forums retards think the government is going to track everyone with microchips
>they also think high profile people are being tracked with giant ankle monitors for some reason
>Hi! I'm new!
trump is just using the ankle monitors to humiliate them
its not even about tracking - its not like he doesn't know where they are at all times anyway
It's a solidarity movement, against ableists
She's putting all of her weight on that one leg too, she's def not hurt.
was the pic of jon mcdonalds reversed?
is this recent? is it happening lads?
No, he even came out and made statements explaining why the boot changed legs. "I was letting the other leg rest"... okay, but why wear the boot on a leg that didn't need it?
This and the ankle monitors aren't huge, people are just wearing huge boots to fully cover them because they cant bear the humiliation of people figuring it out, or the Trump people have ordered the public ones (with SS protection) to hide it as a part of cooperation with authorities
Someone already posted it but it's from 2010
Stop being faggots :^)
If I was a fed, I'd fuck with them by changing the leg every once in a while. Especially if I saw them wearing some fucking thing to cover it up
I'd have a way to remotely make the thing start beeping really loud, and set it off at the most inopportune times.
Its always the right leg since its part of an occult ritual which they have all participated in
The Jews broke her leg
Didn't Jacob in the Bible have one leg permanently damaged? Maybe this led the Jews to invent some kind of bizarre initiation ritual. After all it is only gentiles who break their legs. Now she is a,Jew
Hahaha mutt fucks a jailbird skank hahagag bobs an vagen we know you have them she was a cumbucket for bikies hahaga BOBS VAGEN NOW
horeee shit it's going down
I'll bet they broke their legs in a wheelchair accident.
On her way to the food stamp office
yeah, if they come by sea they put a neck brace on.
when people are confused betwen,
its an ankle monitor
its an satanic ritual.
>you have to rethink your life.
that would be hilarious.
oh yeah that could be it.
Ankle bracelets R US
They are all wearing ankle monitors and are all going to prison. God willing. Praise Kek.
why clintons have this strange thing that makes one wonder if its santanic rituals, or problems with justice?
why not wear pants
General weaknesses of the inbred "elite class". I swear, the more elitist and haughty someone is, the more physically, mentally, and emotionally weaker they are.
Maybe Hillary had a freaky long second toe and Chelsea inherited it. They both got them fixed.
>File: 1515457003115.jpg
Date: April 25th, 2010
It's like before the Soviet Union collapsed when the leadership was mostly a bunch of corpses.