Why haven't you done 50 push ups today? What is your excuse?
Why haven't you done 50 push ups today? What is your excuse?
i shoveled wet snow for 2 hours
I did cardio on my lunch break and I'm gonna go lift after work. Fuck off with your pushups.
I built 19 decks on an apartment building. Eat shit weakling.
>partaking in muscle activity rather than brain activity
I'm a surgical resident
Eat my ass with jelly or syrup
Why not both?
Could be the most beta thing I've ever seen.
Because I have a bench.
is it considered a high number in puerto rico?
In my hand, the palm I have great strength and the ability! If I do 50 pushups a day I will lose that strength!
Great strength comes with pushups sure, but there is another way for even greater physical strength and endurance!
Mind you some excercise cardio would sure be useful to me.
I usually do like 1 set of 40 and 2 of 30 at night b4 going to bed. I should start adding soms crunches too
Good for starters. I didn't assume everyone on Sup Forums works out
Anyone have any questions about the anatomy in this image?
That is basically a sack of lard right?
Also, saved. Im gonna make some people discomfortable with this
oh you mean 50 pushups in one set?
it is a good number actually, most armies doesn't even go past 30.
Thx for remind me
Woke up at 4 in the morning for the navys 5 am workout at my command, did hell of a lot more than 50
Push ups will only get you so far. For starters who never did any kind of work out or weight lifting its fine and they can be good for warming up. Eventually you are going to want to move on to doing bench presses
I do leg workouts because for some reason, it gets my dick hard.
Ive done 16 dick ups
>do you even dick up bro??? Ur dick is looking limp brahhhh.
Push ups chin ups and sit ups is all you need
No, you can see there's lots more in there than adipose tissue.
I'm a wristlet.
Go to /fit/ Gaylord
Push ups are beta faggotry you won't make any gains compared to my 3x5 205lbs bench
I wat? Please try that thought again leaf.
i do pull ups
push ups are annoying
Because push-ups are fucking boring. Real men do bench presses of 200 lbs and upward, you emasculated faggot.
but in only 1 set?
>Eventually you are going to want to move on to doing bench presses
Go wear your wifebeater on your lawn nigger
your own body weight is more than enough to get in shape
>tfw no girl will find you attractive if they saw your tiny wrists
why live?
i fucked you dad in the ass, twice, enuf workout for today.
This is not very many push ups famalam - good warm up i guess tho
Shit really? I do 80 in a set. Well I would, Im sick today.
is 50 pushups supposed to be a lot?
just start lifting
small joints make your muscles look huge
its a good thing
I did 6 sets of 30 push-ups today. I'm doing some training program geared towards getting guys ready for Navy Seal bootcamp consisting of running, swimming, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and dips.
7 weeks ago, I could maybe do 15 good push-ups before having to stop. It's pretty amazing how quickly the body can adapt and build endurance.
>Not melting it with a flamethrower
cuz i did 100 senpai
i'm a fat lazy faggot
But can you fags bench 2pl8 for reps?
I actually had physical work to do that made doing 50 pushups unnecessary for health maintenance.
50??? More like 500 you pleb.
Pull day tbqhwymf
A good workout. I have a broken snowblower, yet prefer to shovel even if it worked.
Because I was in the gym for 2 1/2 hours today
No. I got off work, ate a 12 inch steak and cheese and drank a giant Lemonaide. Then I napped from 3pm-7pm. Now I’m fucking around on pol until I go back to bed and start over
That guy's gonna have some serious rotator cuff issues if he keeps that up. Elbows next to rib cage, hands beneath shoulders.
i don't hate the bench, but i love me some push ups.
t. really let my self go
>Not having your own home gym and literally living in the gym.
>he doesn't know the joy of lifting at 3am buttnaked and being able to fart without a thought
Pro tip,in a just 6 weeks all the new year resolution fatties are going to seel their unused home gym equipment,avoid the meme shit but plates are plates,bars are bars and some of the beginner equipment can be savaged.
Have them second hand Craigslist equivalents working,discounts incoming from fatties and meeting to buy up unused equipment from them and carrying no effort is a pleasure in of itself
We usually do a couple of sets of 30 or 40 and then different exercises after like diamond pushups etc and some core workouts in there.
run in place -> however many reps -> run -> repeat with same or different exercise
If everyone is being a lazy shit chief will give us harder shit to do like holding push ups down for a couple minutes over and over. Usually an hour or two, three times a week just to keep us mildly in shape, we are expected to pt on our own more actively
I met a sailor who dropped out of buds, the thing that kicks most people out is the log carry and boat carry. Also if you do drop you are stuck as undesignated for a couple years so join with a rate and after youve been stationed at your duty station for at least a year file a package to go seal.
This! Pic related is how to perform a proper push up.