What happens here?
Hard mode: No niggers or chicago
What happens here?
Hard mode: No niggers or chicago
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Corn fields
Chicongo style pizza full of 9mm bullets and broccoli
The long answer does involve Chicago, unfortunately.
Long story short, a great many rural towns suffer because of the massive fucking tax rate that Chicago skips out on so they raise it more, the fucked economy, and mountains of problems due to being regulated as if they were Chicago when they aren't.
Missouri is better, but all in all I'd say just move to Colorado if you can.
aren't most murders in usa committed by 38sw?
Wtf is 38sw? Hello nogunz.
i mean 38 special
you guys really love 9mm of any type don't you
Everything south of Springfield is a ghost town.
Why ?
Maybe in the 80s. 38spl is a revolver cartridge, not many people use revolvers any more. 9mm is probably first and .40s&w second in terms of murder boolets
An entirely red state but certain elements will not allow it to turn red even with the electoral college
Illinois without Chicago is Alabama.
i say eliminate chicago cus this
It's all cornfields, half of Illinois is South of the Mason Dixon line.
Toll roads and major city corruption.
Chicago is not a part of Illinois. The rest of the state hates the wide area with a burning passion and wouldn't blink an eye if another fucking irish cow lit the place on fire and the entire trash can of a city slid into the polluted lake it sits on.
That being said we also have Rockford so we not only have Chiraq but the most dangerous small city in America for violent crime per capita (fuck you little rock we own that shit now).
Besides that we have closed down factories, corn fields, OBSCENE taxes, cows, a government that has been running in the red for 30 years and can't figure out why they have no money, a few trees and polluted rivers, colleges that are shutting down due to lack of funding, soybeans, and a citizen population fleeing to literally anywhere but Illinois for all the above reasons.
Everything South of "Dacrater" (a shithole so depressing it is actually worth visiting to make you feel better about living in the hellhole that is Rockford) is basically Kentucky.
I'm gone in 5 years after I have enough experience to request a transfer. Fuck this shit state.
Oh, I forgot. Proud home of Chicago politics. You have a better chance of killing someone and not going to prison than staying out of prison as our governor.
I'm not even kidding about the corruption shit. 4 out of our last 7 governors went to prison. That is completely fucked.
Nuke us Kim. Just fucking drop that bucket on sunshine right on west grand.
>9mm of any type
Mostly true. 10mm is growing in popularity, however.
For a handgun, I personally prefer 45acp. No handgun is high capacity anyway, so I want a higher caliber to stop an assailant.
St. Louis area?
I live in Kentucky. I'd like to try living in a big city, and New York is my dream. But I'm thinking about taking a detour and living in Chicago for a few years in the near future. It's really that bad? As long as I stay in nice areas, it should be all right, no? Wrigleyville, wherever the nice areas are.
>no handgun is high capacity so ill take one that holds half as much
dont reproduce please.
Corn, beans, buncha sluts and uptight middle class bitches, shitload of jabronis, some faggots, trucks, beer, etc. Blue collar America with a few college towns.
Oh and everyone is either pissed at life or just a fucking asshole.
Maybe you should learn accuracy.
Start with this
There's this cesspool of willfulness in a wholesome cornfield.
Chicago is the only thing of any note desu
Small town central Illinois old fag checking in...just banged my non feminist girlfriend. Feelsgood.jpeg
There is more to life than this shithole....the machine will chew you up and spit you out boys.
Chicago democrats fuck over the entire rest of the state.
Depopulation, according to all statistics
>Chicago will fall from the 3rd largest city to be surpassed by Houston and Phoenix very soon
Let's put it this way user, do you like to have a far higher chance of being raped by nogs and held up at gunpoint anytime past 6 pm? Then go for Chicago. Do you want to live in a far nicer city with less dangerous areas? Go for New York.
So IL here, no blacks except for Carbondale, aka mini Chicago.
I'm in the western suburbs of Chicago. It's a pretty nice alternative to worrying about crime.
The parts of the city you'd want to live in are expensive as fuck, not to mentioned bluepilled to hell and back. Out here it's fucking /comfy/ and only 15 minutes away from the city
Are you ok with paying $1,000/m for a studio?
Is paying double for all of your groceries alright?
$30 to eat out minimum?
Are you ok living where everywhere smells like shit and it is never quiet?
Are you ok being surrounded by liberal faggots and niggers?
Are you ok with a 4.95% flat tax across your FUCKING AGI INSTEAD OF ORDINARY INCOME UP FROM 3.75% LAST YEAR?
Are you ok with their other retarded taxes on everything from "entertainment taxes", sugar taxes, $15 for a pack of smokes, etc?
Are you ok with talking to people that have an accent that makes you want to claw your eardrums out of your skull with forks?
Are you ok with a 4 block drive taking 30 minutes?
If you answered yes to everything Chicago is for you. There is literally no reason any sane person would want to live in a big city or in Illinois.
Go visit for 2 weeks. Just book a hotel room for 2 weeks and it will be GREAT for 2-3 days then the reality will start to sink in when you are over the tourist honeymoon phase. Just do it and save yourself some time/money. It is goddamned awful. It is the shittiest city in the shittiest state. I was fucking born here and I'm uprooting and losing all my connections in my home town because it just isn't worth it.
Eternal asshurt of UIUC Dems as rural retards keep hitting in republicans to the 13th district seat
New York is just a giant trashcan too, except they have shittier accents and mountains nearby.
Speaking of the area, Newark NJ. Holy shit what an embarrassment.
New Yorker here, stay the fuck away from this shithole. IMO the only cities worth a damn in this country are Boston (clean, and has some actual history there), Austin (yeah it's got hipsters - still Texas tho, and very pleasant) and Denver. Everything else is trash. Find a nice suburb/town with plenty of middle-class whites and settle there. Buy some acres, raise some chickens and a nice family. Fuck city life. The moment I finish med school I'm outta here like a fucking bolt.
Denver is amazing. I got a buddy in the burbs I visit and I goddamned love that city.
Fuck Austin and fuck Boston (not as much as NY and Chitown though).
Every state college town in IL is infested with niggers from chicago.
Where at? Just got back from Naperville and Schaumberg.
Corn and soybeans mostly.
The people are more sane than average - a secession movement is brewing.
shaddap with da broccoli!
True. SIU-C is fucking garbage and I hate being in that town whenever I have shit to shop for.
I live 20 minutes west of Chicago. It's actually a pretty exciting place to live.
Local food is all god tier, venues for music host good acts, plenty of down to earth people (because it's the suburbs. The city cretins are bluepilled af).
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the US.
Lombard here. 630 is pretty decent.
good. maybe traffic will improve
Any suggestions next time I hit the area? I have people in Schaumberg, Mt. Prospect, and Naperville I visit regularly for a few weekends every year. Last time I was in I spent it in downtown Naperville doing the bar crawl, then went to schaumberg to kill the hangover at kuma's corner.
South of I-80 is all red state except for faggot holes of Champaign, Peoria and Springfield. Decatur and Danville have gone to shit. St. Clair and Madison Counties across from St. Louis are judicial and residential hell holes. EIU in Charleston had 11,000 students a few years ago. Then they went full on diversity and SJW and now have 7000 and resulting campus problems. Public employees have ruined Illinois.
Don't forget the cesspool that is Cairo.
Brookfield. Grew up in La Grange, which has since gone to shit. But overall it's not too bad here, people rarely bother you
>a secession movement is brewing
>a secession movement is brewing
Sign me up.
People here only get more and more fed up with Cook county crap as time goes on. Talk to people about it whenever the subject is broached.
We try to pretend Cairo doesn't exist.
Without Niggers or Chicago Illinois would be 100% republican; every presidential election makes us look like an extremely liberal state but just because Chicago is filled with niggers who vote democrat we are a blue state.
Would southern Illinois fags join up with Missouri? Imagine our new superstate of rice and soybeans with relaxed gun laws
Metropolis has a big Superman museum and Nauvoo is one of the most important sites in America for Mormons since Joseph Smith is buried there.
Blacks are leaving the fastest, by car and by bodybag.
Most people that live in the city just want to retire to some place by you. If you want to live in a city, just move to Austin or Dallas.
Until the niggers take the Metra in from the city and start stealing cars
Everyone that lives in IL and not I. Chicago is forever irrelevant and pretty much the butt of all of our jokes.
T. Chicago dweller. Stop coming into the city and shitting up Wrigley you fucking low rent cornfed peasents.
Imagine being such a fucking PEASANT that you live in rural bumbfuck and call that life
618 reporting in.
My dad says where we live.
The cows fuck the chickens.
Rural fags leaving because of niggers and Chicongo
Oh God I can't even fucking imagine living in the burbs like some kind of neanderthal.
Absolutely disgusting
I live in the Chicago NW suburbs and to be honest its pretty nice. Mostly friendly white people and decent schools. My HS was 98% white or something. Only problem is a few spic enclaves that continue to grow, and of course the fucking taxes. But there are areas around here that are pretty cheap to live, like Marengo or Woodstock.
There's a lot of poos and mohammads in Lombard. NW suburbs are way whiter than you
Schaumburg number #1
Fuck off, you people are pathetic. I work in the city but I would never live there. Insect life isn't for me. I stayed in my friends expensive ass condo in Wrigleyville and it was still a shithole with a bunch of fags and niggers everywhere.
So much this, I have spent the last ten years working in Dupage County and the demographic swing there is absolutely shocking. I drive around quite a bit and the schools that I see letting out are 70% brown. This was not the case 10 years ago
Comfy Cook County Mt. Prospect here. No crime, great schools, all smiles.
Aw did baby accidentally come into Boystown by mistake?
Stay out peasant nobody wants you here.
"Help how does the CTA work, I guess I'll just idiotically stand on the platform in everyone's way like an idiot because all I understand is corn"
Better pack the whole family Into the minivan and bring my whole mouth breathing corn people clan to the Mag mile bc the tallest building we have out in Kankakee is barn.
Lmao at your lives
Lots of farms outside of Chiraq and comfy small towns that are sadly aging out. Chicago on track to become the new Detroit as more and more people get fed up with the bullshit and realize awful taxes, congestion, poorly managed cities with high crime eventually outweigh the novelty of living in a “sports town”
Have lived IN Chicago(not a suburb) for my entire life thus far. I’m ready to get the fuck out. This city/State does everything it possibly can just to fuck you. Especially a lot of little things. Little things like having to pay god damn $101 a year just to have a fucking 2inch sticker on my license plate, taxes on everything, etc. Constantly surrounded by shines and libtard faggots. There’s good things about living here too...like the amazing food, great entertainment, etc.....but you can get that in other states
Wilmette here. Got to migrate from the city after kids and now pretend that paying assloads in taxes up here is any better. Instead of blacks and homeless it’s now Jews and canispeakwithyourmanager moms. Good schools tho
How is it not Rham's plan to take the Daley legacy and leave a fucking smoking hole in the ground where once was a world class city.
The tears from the burbanites are fucking hilarious in this thread.
Ooga booga
One super liberal county shits on the rest of the state.
if you voted liberal the entire time then you are to blame and need to off yourself and not shit up any other states. if you are not then why in the fuck did you not leave much much sooner?
"oh wow ma look it's the cloudgate git the kids out the wagon and put em infront so we can git a picture"
Don’t come to New York. It’s a sinking ship that’s beyond saving. Not as dangerous as it was 20 years ago, but it’s still not as safe as a lot of people say. Especially for a guy from Kentucky. Most of our incest/redneck jokes are about Kentucky people. Like 90% of them. We really fucking hate Boston, New Jersey, Kentucky, and the rest of the Deep South. In that order
Fuck no I never voted liberal. My part of the city is actually pretty conservative, so living in THIS neighborhood isn’t bad....but going anywhere else in the city is horrible.
There are no conservative neighborhoods in the city. Unless you are south west suburbs aka not the city.
Christ why do burbies lie so much about being a city dweller.
It's 10x nicer living rural - there are no leftists.
Oh I'm pretty left senpai but knowing the absolute state of the rest of IL I sacrifice classism to shit post the fuck out of burbies lmao
.....Have you not heard of Mt Greenwood/Beverly? 70% of my ward voted for trump. BTFO. My neighborhood is also Irish, catholic, cops, firemen, and other city workers.
Oh yeah there's tons of chosenites up there
Bitch you are out past Roseland. You a suburb
Like you baby even count lmao
....I live in the safest neighborhood in the city. Feels good man.
If you stay away from the west side, south side, uptown and Rogers park your chances of being mugged, raped and killed drop considerably. Basically if you stay in Lincoln Park, lakeview and Gold Coast ur good.
Oh shit! Never thought I’d never see another Killa Keys user on here.
Wow imagine being so much of a puss that you don't go to wicker or Pilsen or Logan
sombody red pill me on the 2 blue counties at the bottom left of the state
Have to agree with this. As liberal as Wicker is, I almost always have a decent time when I venture up there.
>too retarded to know where the dixie line is.
The most southern one is Jackson county, has SIU-C, filled with blacks and other minorities. Typical pretentious liberals.
Chicago is better than Rockford, at least.