America mostly gets Latino immigrants, Europe mostly gets Muslims.
Whose immigrants are worse, America's or Europe's?
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Europe's immigrants
I know all non-white immigrants are shit, but if i had to chose latinos or muslims, I would choose latinos everytime
UK is 4.4% muslim
USA is 44% non-white
quantity beats quality
They both make me happy to be a leaf.
No it does't.
Mexicans don't blow shit up.
me too, at least Latina women are usually somewhat hot as opposed to an inbred muslim woman.
yours do far worse to your country
report all shill threads conditioning you to believe any shitskin is better than the other or that we need them at all
Latinos, i hate that fags
Muslims are conservative by default with strong family values and Latinos are fags without ancestry and heritage like all people on American continent
Yeah they just cut off heads then hang the bodies from bridges.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu tells African immigrants they will be paid to leave Israel by March or go to jail.
>“We have expelled about 20,000 and now the mission is to get the rest out,” Netanyahu said.
That doesn't happen in the US. That's cartel shit from south of the border.
I'd rather have latino immigrants desu. Muslims and africans are scary!! :(
We could, but we are Catholics... no reward for doing it... Sad
Bien dicho carnal. Yo creo en la Virgencita.
Luckily us Mexicans do not consider ourselves latinos
>Azteca, olmecs, zapotecs, apache
Latinos are by far the better deal. Its not even close.
it didn't use to be like that, but sadly you're right.
atleast my non-Chechen friend down the street dosen't want to cut my windpipe in my sleep if he had the chance
Yo también... Eres Mexa?
Europe holyshit, also they're more ugly here than in America. Mexican's aren't too bad, and
some of them turn white as fuck looking. I'd rather breed with Mexicans than muslim inbreds.
Orgullosamente Mexicano wey.
Europe , you cant beat muslim at being worst since the very birth of islam . You have to understand that ME was good before them (i know its difficult) They destroy Egypt forever (one of the craddle of civilisation ) and almost did it with india . We save Europe only to be cucked by our wonderful république. Im so sorry
Ánimo pariente!
Us is the primary brain drain recipient of the world.
All the smart chinks poos and yuropoors are desperate to get in
adding a third option, australia's chinese immigrants.
entire suburbs being swamped, you go to the supermarket and 95% of people there are chinese, they buy all of the property and then don't even live in it, they see it as purely an investment. and every time they speak it's like your ears are being raped, CHING CHONG WING WONG PING PONG.