Good looking guy, comes from a wealthy family, why didn't girls want to hook up with him?
Good looking guy, comes from a wealthy family, why didn't girls want to hook up with him?
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because everything that came out of his mouth was idiotic
bc being a beta is such a negative to girls
Leaf, ask a fricken girl. They will tell you he was a smug asshole that overemphasized dickishness. A week of cheap fucking in Asia would have put his head straight. But he didn't want it. Hate for the sake of hate.
Probably because he had obvious mental issues?
this holy shit the autism was just too much. Also he was going after 7/10 and better he should of lowered his standards.
he was obsessed with girls way out of his league and he wouldn't lower his standards. He also had sex and intimacy so built up in his head that it turned him into a fucking whacko.
If he was happy to fuck 6/10s and threw some money around he probably would have figured it out eventually. This guy basically tried to make the Olympic team before he even knew the rules of the sport, so to speak.
He shouldve learned what beer was
Look at those eyes d00d skari af creepy dude beta murderer
After reading his manifesto you realize how sick he was , and he barely tried to meet women or foster a relationship
God tier jawline desu, probably coulda slayed hella poon if he just chilled the fuck out
This guys face is too sharp, he probably doesn’t have body or facial hair, and his eyes are crooked. Also hat a gay voice tone. How sly feel bad for u guys with girly voices. Girls looove a deep voice
Autistic, delusional, psychotic with a low test soyboy frame
I heard the medical examiner cut off his wiener.
Because White women were too busy fucking Chad/Tyrone to notice this aristocrat. Roasties ruin everything.
Shit tier jawline. Just look at movie stars they look nothing like this autist. It’s too square
He prob new all this which is why he was such a cunt
His dad was effeminate, his mom clueless, and he had poor self aware to realize how much of a faggot he acted like. He had to stray as far from his dad as possible and work on himself, but he didn't do it. He wanted blondes, which even his dad couldn't achieve. Blondes are overrated desu. California is ripe with latina qts, can't understand why he wouldn't go for that.
its shopped
This guys voice was effeminate as fuck no Latina wants a guy who sounds like a girl. honestly the voice is so important to women I think it’s one of the things they care about the mostv
He was a turbo sperg and a manlet. Even a supreme gentleman cannot overcome suck things.
Literally who?
he was actually autistic
Did you even watch his videos? He was self obsessive to a fault and cringey.
I'll give you one clue.
He's literally just not attractive.
"I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes. How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage. I glared at them for a bit, and then decided I had been insulted enough. I angrily walked toward them and bumped the Asian guy aside, trying to act cocky and arrogant to both the boy and the girl. My drunken state got the better of me, and I almost fell over to the floor after a few minutes of this. They said something along the lines that I was very drunk and that I needed to get some water, so I angrily left them and went out to the front yard, where the main partying happened. Rage fumed inside me as I realized that I just walked away from that confrontation, so I rushed back into the house and spitefully insulted the Asian before walking outside again"
Because he looks like a faggot.
The only interactions he had with women were when he was throwing drinks in their faces.
Gee I wonder lmao
Are you fucking kidding me? I'd rather become a wizard than fuck some shit-tier mexican ms. housekeeping.
Go back to Mexico. We're full.
"Isla Vista was at its wildest state at that time, and I saw lots of Asian guys walking around with hot blonde girls on their arm. It fueled me with rage, as it always had. I should be one of those guys, but no blonde girls gave me that chance. I looked down at all of them, and in my drunken carelessness, extended my arm out and pretended to shoot them all, laughing giddily as I did it. Eventually, some partiers climbed up onto the ledge. They were all obnoxious, rowdy boys whom I’ve always despised. A couple of pretty girls came up and talked to them, but not to me."
"They all started socializing right next to me, and none of the girls paid any attention to me. I rose from my chair and tried to act arrogant and cocky toward them, throwing insults at everyone. They only laughed at me and started insulting me back. That was the last straw, I had taken enough insults that night. A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge. My main target was the girls. I wanted to punish them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me. It was one of the most foolish and rash things I ever did, and I almost risked everything in doing it, but I was so drunk with rage that I didn’t care. I failed to push any of them from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street. When I landed, I felt a snap in my ankle, followed by a stinging pain. I slowly got up and found that I couldn’t even walk. I had to stumble, and stumble I did. I tried to get away from there as fast as I could."
He looked like a penguin
hahaha is this the real manifesto
He should have worked on that, lifted, eat a flank steak or something. Even the necklace he's wearing is effeminate, I never saw a guy wear something like that. But really, nobody wanted to tell him that, probably just said "bee urself."
Just go to the link above and read the rest.
This was the event that pushed him over the edge, so to speak?
>good looking guy
>even wealthy fat balding dudes can hook up with chicks his age.
Let that sink in and make you realize how bad his personality was.