Last one hit both limits. No touching the shoebill.
Kemono Friends
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it shit taste to dislike Shoebill's voice?
Shoot birb.
Hashibirokou is a good girl who knows better than to fall for the deagle meme.
What's her name again?
>Animal Crossing: Japari Park edition never.
Posting gore.
The double blowjob would be amazing.
If there was one, which animal would they feature? Aardwolf?
Just curious. Did someone actually went to these zoos and ask the interviewee themselves? I know the one who did about the serval was quite a meme.
Feeding cute owls with thick dribbling cum!
The S2 Finale one for Kaban
I want to rape Shoebill.
Please no raping Shoebill
I want sloth chan.
They sounded like phone interviews
I used to be a Shoebill rapist like you then I took an arrow to the knee.
Dammit I just fapped less than an hour ago
Can the owls beatbox in unison?
I meant, some user actually went to the zoo and meet the people whom KF ask for a phone interview.
This is murder
As if you could even find that kind of information out for yourself without someone else translating it and posting it where you happened to see it. Yet there you are repeating your Sup Forums parroted lines accusing others hypocritically of being spoonfed.
>Japanese shut-ins flying to Belize to take selfie with Sharon onee-san and her special cat
Now that's something adorable, and also frighteningly obsessive.
A David classic
Belize is pretty horrible though. I'd rather visit big cat rescue, but I doubt they're open to the public. They're a sanctuary not a zoo.
Attenborough is a treasure. It'll never happen, but I'd love him to do one of those educational segments for the show.
>No touching the shoebill.
But what if I want to pet her and hug her?
defiantly ,one of the best.
>Ghost in the Shoebill
Leg Sneg.
Someone conduct an exorcist on Shoebill, quick
I'm fucking jealous of that user.
news in 5 minutes.
The deadpan stares would only make it better.
Jag a cute!
If I ever go to big cat rescue I'll ask them.
Sadly their Sand Cats died over the past two years.
You have to make a reservation before they allow a tour sadly.
It also costs money.
>s2 literally in 500 days
This is pretty great. One of the best I've seen so far.
>s2 literally in 5 minutes
>s5 in literally 10.2 minutes
[x] eat fluffy tail
>kemono friends S2 was 10 years ago
I want to get swole with them
is the yellow part of the birds hair supposed to represent the giant bill?
Which friend would you drop acid with?
Are you my dad? Who the hell does acid?
I'll be dumping some stuff I haven't see typesetted. Don't forget to praise the owls, for they are wise.
>I must conquer my fear of fire!
>Go for it!
>I still can go on...
>Its a bit scary... still one more step...
>She died!?
What went right
I can't believe Hakase is fucking dead
They're different characters. Right is based on Wile E. Coyote
Well it can't be one I'd eat, so the birds and ungulates are out. I might try to eat the others anyways, so it would need to be someone with the ability to fight back while high, but not using weapons or claws that would trigger a bad trip. Intimidating enough that I wouldn't try in the first place also helps.
So Hippo.
Right is a redneck
Eh, not nearly as good as Bald Eagle.
>Heard you said that we are not wise
>one of the most dangerous animals
I hope season 2 has bigger budget and they can afford to include some characters just for quick gags, like a short scene with Coyote and Roadrunner doing their thing.
Right seems like a more accurate representation of a coyote to me.
>talking about a roadrunner in her quote
I didn't know Japan had looney tunes. I wonder if they bothered to dub any of the no-speaking stuff.
Brits vs Americans
>What's the meaning of this, Assistant?
>Who do you think you are pointing that staff at?
>Who you say?
>Don't make me laugh
>You see...
>the professor calls me "Mimi-chan" when its just the of us
>You were that close huh?...
>I lied
>Thanks for falling for it
>I'll defeat you right here
>Assistant's rage overflow!
Hippos are fucking murder machines, user. Deadliest creature in Africa next to Crocodiles and Lions.
Erm was it really english?
I could understand Laura-neechan but the other sound ????. It is french isnt it?
I can read it in their voice, help.
It was hard to hear, probably made on a shitty third worlder phone, but it was english
That was a different one. There were two in English and one in Quebecois (?) French
These threads are really slowing down, huh?
the male lion doesn't even botter
nothing new to talk about
Just wait for 12.2.
Would Tsuchinoko be a good wife?
The only show this season with a faster thread is the reverse isekai
Stop that user, I don't want to start looking for Jap-dubbed Looney Tunes.
>Thanks for coming~ Professor~
>It's over here~ ths machine thing for hot water?~ I want you to teach me how to use it~
>I thought the Professor would be able to use it~
>But of course
>For we are wise
>We know everything
>If you press this button and hot water comes out
>Warning! Don't press the button with your bare hands
>I'm going to press it so pain attention.
>not believing in our god tatsuki
disgusting heaten
Get past that hard shell to the warm gooey interior and she would make a great waifu
Looks more like they're trying to chase it off than eat it
This is the most efficient way to kill capys.
what's doing a hippo that far away from the water ?
I believe in him, alright. Especially when he says it's not happening...
Still at least as fast than the Little Witch Academia threads. These threads ain't going nowhere.
>good wife
>will give anyones cock a boing for a japari coin
season 2 boss when
Season 2's boss is going to be a fucking mecha.