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Murka wasn't ready for a woman in 2016. Nothing will b edifferent in 2020.
Sorry Oprah but this brave woman will be the next President.
Vice President
Chief Justice
I think she;s leaking. Mught be time for a checkup....
>mock the right for electing someone with no political experience
>push for someone with no political experience in the next election
Really activates the almonds
Cry all you what cuck boys
It's time for a change
>Claims to hate us
>Shows us her ass and pussy
Just make sure to tell her to kiss another predator, like Bill Clinton, and she's golden
Who'll be the vice President? JERRY LEWIS???
I am giddy as fuck about this, I really hope it happens. The debates will be gold and we all know dying Fake News desperately needs the ratings, so they'll feed it. Meanwhile the DNC will do anything to stay relevant except support Sanders or any other populist progressive leftist, which will in turn drive the stake deeper into the heart of the Democratic party. I can't fucking wait to hear Oprah preach war with Russia and Iran and justify new mass spying/censorship legislation. Can't fucking wait.
Wasn't Obama Hope and Change? There was 8 years of him. Weren't we promised a miracle when we was elected? All we got is shit, girls in boys bathrooms and a stagnant economy where "those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back again." No fucking thank you.
>jewish hollywood pushing first female president to be black and a lesbian
haha, well done Avi
President of the African Republic of America - she will birth the ethnostate through virtue signalling of her own people...the prophecy is happening
Praise kek
She really showed us but I don't think I really got the message. she should make more.
an old, fat sheboon, oh wow
Seeing her as the savior the Democratic Party is pretty pathetic. It says they don't have any options for an actual political candidate.
I love how libs think they have their meme champion in an old overweight black woman.
Listen, if a white Clinton woman didn't work, a fat negro in a wig won't either
Oprah hasnt been relevent for a decade. young people dont know who she is
>Bush (R) (white guy) breaks America
>Obama (D) (black guy) fixes it
>Trump (R) (white guy) breaks it again
>Oprah (D) (black woman) fixes it again
It's like poetry. The history books are writing themselves with the perfect narrative.
Oprah isn't going to do shit. She can't even stay on a diet, how could she have the discipline to run the nation?
"Fixing" / "Breaking"
Why did they put Harambe on a sweater?
The arms are turds of shit.
You still don't get why Trump won the election. Get back to us when you figure that part out.
Another self made reality TV star multi-billionaire wants to run for president
Libs don't know she is friends with Trump personally.