Reminder that explosions are relatively harmful
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>blocks your path
MAMIKA DID _______ _____
Why is Mamika a best, a BEST?
Which characters have you claimed?
Hime and Meteora are the best.
Red is literally perfect
Magi/k/ Missile is mine
I'm here from the Magical Girl extermination society. We'll remove and magical pests you have, no charges until after we complete the task. With just 50 easy payments of $99 a month you can have all your Magical Girl problems solved for free.
>mamika is a better magical girl character than what you get in most magical girl shows
Just fucking kill me already
Since explosions can't harm humans, they do not violate the NAP. Meaning that Red was completely unjustified in attacking Mamika. Red should apologize for this transgression.
The best one, of course.
Because she does it for free
I really want him to mindbreak Mamika in a non-lewd way.
She's just a cute retard.
Can't wait for episode 3 to air so this red vs mamika autism can be put to rest.
It will be Yuya vs Mamika then.
Even children loves Mamika!
Swords are relatively harmless to magical girls though.
My wife Alicetelia!
>Edgy McEdge defends the instigator and attacks the little girl
>a pedophile as well
Mamika has gone too far, she needs to be stopped.
Hime and her beautiful smile.
Lancer is the one that'll be fighting Yuya.
>relatively harmless
I don't think so Tim
She's so tiny and cute!
Fuck off Mamika, you were the one who attacked first, destroyed half of the city, and blasted Red into the ground before she laid a finer on you.
There was no blood. She's magical. See
Thats a fairly brief transformation by genre standards ain't it?
Mamika is a lesbian, though. She's a magical girl, remember?
Oh shit, when you take off her clothes she really is.
>clearly visible red streak
>"no blood"
Silly redfag
You can't be a pedophile if you are also underage.
FINISH THIS once and for all
Her transformation is diluted by being in another world
Page 6 compare to (You)
14 milisecond exposure to even around 30 PSI of overpressure way better than 50% survival rate easily reaching 99% if they bothered to plot it
>This triggers Red fags
Every thread until you finally admit.
This show doesn't have a dedicated mahou shoujo focus though, so I'm glad they had one at all.
Yes, there's no flashy transformation and she just does some goofy poses to a colorful background.
I'm more surprised that her transformation wasn't more grounded in reality. I want to know what those guys actually saw.
No you fucking Magical Fag.
Chuuni Hime and her cute blush.
This is now a magical girl only thread. You're only allowed to post if you're a magical girl.
Mamika will save everyone. And you, yes, even YOU, Mamika hater, wiill love her by the end of the series.
I wanna fuck her so bad.
>Knocked into pavement
so who's going to die
I'm okay with this.
I didn't even care about the magical girl until you insulted explosions. Fuck all of you
Go away Mamika.
Megumin what are you doing here?
if she can fly, she can fall.
I heard throwing a person from a skyscrapper is non deadly force, is this true?
this anime has such a terrible MC (generic self insert loser) and the plot, albeit promising, is executed badly
if anyone is browsing this thread to see if they should pick it up: don't. a waste of time
Im going to watch it just to spite you
She is dumb flying whore so she can take it.
That guy isn't even the MC though, he's just a bystander.
yeah the central narrator is just a bystander
>Charon is NTR'd by MC
>MC is NTR'd by her creator
>Creator is NTR'd by Travis
>Travis is NTR'd by Charon cosplayers
How deep can you go?
>self insert loser
He literally does nothing user-kun
Reminder that hearts are evil.
explosionfag BTFO
That girl is getting passed around more than a good bottle of Pepsi.
This is why Mamika is better.
Reds creator who created charon who is the creators self insert who is also reds love interest manages to make red fall in love with her creator while cucking charon, the creators self insert in the process.
So how many layers is that user?
>Mamika is a good girl
>Mamika uses hearts
Therefore, hearts are not evil.
>Checked this out on Amazon
>All the subs are in closed caption boxes
You gotta at least pretend you're into it Amazon.
How do I break my stereo days?
tell that to ISIS, maybe they will start using something more effective like... dunno, anime propaganda?
>im fucking plying
>she's a magical girl
>In Fictinal Japan
>She does it for free
>She takes her "job" very seriously
>She does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in her pathetic life
>She deletes bullies because whenever she gets upset he has a panicattack
>She deletes bullies she doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl she has to protect
>She will never have a real job
>She will never move out of his parent's house
>She will never be at a healthy mental state
>She will never know how to cook anything besides instant curry
>She will never have a girlfriend
>She will never have any friends
What kind of hearts fucking explode like that
You have to scream something at someone.
>"so, you never wanted to forget me , and you still want to create the light novel about me ? Father Mc?"
her backstory is going to rip our heart off, just like that of Slayne from Aldnoah.
She's a psycho.
When people have heart attacks
Why is she so useless? How does she even fly but can't cast magic?
>I'm going to memorize them. The things that happened to me. I might be you, or I might not be. But I'm sure that I'm somewhere close to you, my dear kinsman (kyoudai). If I were to use her words, that's how I would explain it. That's right. After all, I think she was the main character. That is, if "the main character" is what you call the person at the center of events. That's what I mean. I'm just the narrator. So that's what I'm going to tell the story. You might not believe me, but I want to tell everything without hiding anything. If there's one thing I can say now, it's that I'm sure there was a miracle and that there was a story that surpassed all stories.
This is what the main character says during the first episode. A common assumption that some people have made is that he's talking about the suicide girl, who is somehow related to him. I don't think this is the case after looking at the scene again though. Rather than describing events that happened before the story, it sounds like he's prefacing an account of the events of the show by talking about things that happened at the conclusion of it.
The "I'm going to memorize what happened here," the "I might be you, or I might not be," and the "She's the main character and I'm just her sidekick" parts all suggest that the person to whom he's talking about is actually Selesia. How many of the rest of you have considered this already? Am I behind the times?
>Explositions are relatively harmless to humans
>she will never have a girlfriend
>she will never have any friends
not so fast
I'm glad
She's a mecha pilot without a mecha.
I really have a good feeling for shark teeth
Rip Van Winkle!
It's agree upon that it's either Sudoku, Red or Hime.
They are, why else do you think the military uses guns?
>"She's the main character and I'm just her sidekick"
Right out of your ass.
I think he's actually talking about Chuuni here.
Other than the Selesia part, I think you're pretty much right.
No horsepussy, no sell.
Mecha prove to be quite useless against Hime,,,,
she need to step up her game
I really doubt this is the case. Much more likely to be Hime.
What are the pairings?
Lancer x Madoka
Meteora x Narrator
Chuuni x Narrator
Detective x Sharkteeth
"The person at the center of events" would much more closely describe Hime from what we've seen so far.